Archived A Couple Ideas To Prevent Rp Disruption

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Hello! So my ideas are quite simple and to the point.
First things first, scream. It is simply too 'loud', and really annoying in Regalia when some noob puts five !'s at the end of some random thing and you hear it halfway across the city. My idea to solve this is quite simple. Either make it so that it can not reach nearly as far. For instance, about five chunks is plenty for a scream, more or less. So why not just make it go much shorter of a distance to cut down on annoying screams in Regalia?

The second idea is a cool-down on /v shriek.
This is also quite simple, but very useful! This morning I was sitting in the noble lounge, and within 60 seconds I heard 20 shrieks. No lie. All in close succession, someone just being annoying and disruptive. Shriek is not even important, simply an effect. So a cool down on it will not effect anything in any way. 3 minutes would be plenty, even less. But the point is that with a cool down people can't spam it and be annoying trolls!

Thanks for reading! -Lego
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Here's an idea along the lines of what you said, not sure if it's applicable to be implemented, but hey, why not since you made this thread. Put a cool down on screaming? Like the three exclamation points, put a cool down on it. Lets be honest, if someone is screaming they probably only need it once. Again, I don't know how applicable it is, but hey, the thread is here so why not throw out another option.
Shriek is not even important, simply an effect.
Somehow I feel that this alone gets me to suggest that vampire command to be premium exclusive. It definitely solves the annoyance problem to an extant (since the premium vampire I'd assume don't use it as much)

That and maybe make screaming constitute some disorderly behavior that can get a guard involved?
Here's an idea along the lines of what you said, not sure if it's applicable to be implemented, but hey, why not since you made this thread. Put a cool down on screaming? Like the three exclamation points, put a cool down on it. Lets be honest, if someone is screaming they probably only need it once. Again, I don't know how applicable it is, but hey, the thread is here so why not throw out another option.
I thought about a cool down on screaming, but it wouldn't really help it when you think about it. The people screaming a lot would just wait for the cool down most likely, or keep doing it.
Somehow I feel that this alone gets me to suggest that vampire command to be premium exclusive. It definitely solves the annoyance problem to an extant (since the premium vampire I'd assume don't use it as much)

That and maybe make screaming constitute some disorderly behavior that can get a guard involved?
I think making it a premium feature wouldn't help much, because what if some Raptum guy comes to the Tavern to troll the nooby little roleplayers and decides to turn vampire to shriek at them a ton. He's a premium, so it wouldn't matter to him. Maybe making it prem only and having a cool down?
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