Archived Ideas To Heal The Pvp & Rp Divide

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Jul 18, 2013
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Today in general chat several members of the community, including myself, had a healthy discussion on ideas of how we could possibly make the factions world popular and stop "PVPers" and "Roleplayers" from arguing and to unite them. Here is what we got:

1. Give Factions Lore - We have come up with the idea to give factions their own lore. We believe this could help get factions, especially the ones that are PVP based or just survival, to lean toward roleplay. This can also make players more active as try to become more popular in lore and gain more power as well as make the factions world more active. Also someone said that we maybe could have a area or wiki where faction lore can be put and anyone could edit it. Maybe faction leaders can create the lore and send it to the lore staff and staff can approve it? (To check that a faction isn't saying they own all of Aloria or Regalia and have a small loan of 1 million soldiers at their hand.)

2. Safe Cities - Another idea that was introduced during the discussion is to create safe cities. I myself am not certain about this one, because if not handled correctly this may ruin PVP, but if a faction/location is large enough and populated enough and powerful enough (and probably good looking enough) that they could become a designated roleplay area within the faction world. This could help attract people who spend all their time in Regalia to give the faction worlds a chance, and to draw more people to factions. This can also give players motivation, especially the people who stay in Regalia most of the time, to create their own "civilization" to try to become stronger and achieve becoming a safe city. Now I know what some are thinking, "Well what about PVP? Now we cant raid in the faction worlds either?", Well, we had the idea that if you own a large enough party of people that you could raid or besiege cities. It makes sense roleplay and realism wise, in the medieval ages 1 man does not just rush into a city all on his own and slaughters the common folk and soldiers without planning or help from his people. You could make an application that at this time of day these people will raid whatever city. I think it would make for some good battles. However, I think that it should be EXTREMELY difficult to become a safe city. If anyone and everyone could become a safe city, then PVP would be ruined for sure.

3. Return of Races? - I know, this has been an argument that has gone on for ages, and if I remember correctly the old races code isn't compatible with current minecraft and that it is outdated. Myself and some others have agreed that the divide between RP and PVP really started to show up when races was removed. Races added some roleplay feel to PVP, and got the attention of roleplayers. I think that traits should be removed because they are useless for PVP now because they disable when you enter combat. I believe we should re-create races because it will help give PVP a roleplay sort of touch and will attract roleplayers to survival/PVP because of its roleplay feel. People will be able to Roleplay at what race they are if they wanted to, or Elven based factions can be Elves and Dwarves can be Dwarves and give them the "Hey, we are actually dwarves, we arnt just pretending." vibe. I understand that it may be hard for the creators of the massivecraft plug-ins to create a new races plug-in, but if they really need to, you can call out to the massivecraft community because i'm sure their are players who want races back that are willing to volunteer and help create it.

4. More Faction Power or Less/No Upkeep - This is another topic that was introduced. In Regalia, the people only have to worry about paying 300r a month (depending on what you are buying) for their well made and aesthetically appealing house. In the faction worlds, some factions (like Insani) have to pay nearly 300r a /day/ to keep their faction land. I think that factions should get more perks for having to pay so much to keep their faction alive or they should have lower or no upkeep to pay (If you remove upkeep I suggest you remove taxes too because then owners can just milk money out of members. Taxes is used to help take the load off owners so that they can pay the upkeep, not to go into the faction leader's pockets.) This will help take stress off of faction leaders and persuade others to create their own communities.

5. Harder To Make Factions - Last idea, but not least. I and several others agree that factions should be harder to make. Back in the day I had to work my arse off every day to earn silver and copper because I really wanted to create my own faction where I was the king and that I could rule my own people and not having to listen to other leaders orders. This idea of owning my own faction kept me online for hours a day making money. Right before I made Insani regals became the new currency and I worked up to 1000 regals and was able to create my own faction. The feeling I had when I pressed enter after typing "/f create Insani" made me so happy, I felt so achieved. I think it should be harder to create factions because it will give people something to work for and to stay on longer for and in the end make them feel achieved and proud of what they have done. It will make things more realistic too, not every man and women were able to get up and go "Hey, today I have decided I want to be a king." It was a process, you needed to be popular and needed to be rich. If factions were harder to create, then their would be no need for such high upkeep either.

I did not create this to start a war between "roleplayers and PVPers" and I hope none will start one. I just want what is best for massivecraft honestly, and I believe these ideas will help make it better and more popular. I miss the old days where the server was full, 300/300, and how there were no roleplayers and pvpers argueing because there were no roleplayers or pvpers. There were just /Players/. Everything went well together, people rped in the faction world. Instead of finding someone in Ithania and then potting up to gank them from behind there were groups of bandits who would wander the roads and halt players and tell them to give them coin or face death. There were taverns and other player made businesses in the faction worlds that people created and ran and their would be groups of people who traveled there to RP and some people went there to PVP. Not all people got along, but the whole game did. I today own a very old faction with 12,000 regals in the bank and own double chests of god gear and have 50 players at my command however I sometimes wish giving it all up to go back to the old days when I was a poor, powerless farmer in Leyowiin because those days were the most fun days I have ever had on this server. I believe if even just one of these ideas were implemented, massive could step one foot closer to becoming greater then it has ever been before.​
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The fact that there are people who go in Regalia to roleplay, and do nothing else, and the fact that there are people who go into Factions and never roleplay. This is what I, and I believe Genecide, want to "Bridge".
I don't feel that the problem is the divide. I'd wager that if both Regalia and Factions were thriving equally, with constant events, activities, and growing populations to keep everyone busy, even if they were completely separated, people wouldn't care nearly as much about a divide as they do now because they would be satisfied, they would be having fun nonetheless and they wouldn't have as much to complain about.

But people are complaining now, because Factions is not thriving and players are not satisfied. And so in their dissatisfaction, they search for a culprit, and that culprit is Regalia and this divide.

I feel one of the problems is that faction/survival players are seeing all their friends and fellow players spend their time in Regalia instead of Factions like they used to, and so they feel like Regalia is robbing them of their friends, and thus they blame this divide. I remember when roleplay and factions were one. I was a member of one of the top roleplay factions, and it was awesome. Then factions became irrelevant. For the longest time, I missed hanging out in factions with roleplay friends, I missed having roleplay events in the faction worlds. I resented that everyone started spending more time in the city of Regalia than they did roleplaying in their own faction. That was the Golden Age of my time here, the time in which I had the most fun, and quite frankly still is. So why do I argue against bridging the divide?

Over a year ago, I left MassiveCraft with the intention of not coming back. I had to drop a lot of attachment I had to this place, including holding on to the past. But when I did come back, I saw the server with more fresh eyes and realized something: People enjoy Regalia. They really do. The fact that the Holy City of Light is thriving is a testament to that. Out of all my friends here, most of them are hardcore roleplayers, or at least more of a roleplayer than I ever was. They can get very involved in roleplay, far enough to study roleplay academically and discuss it deeply. Regalian roleplayers have to invest a lot of time and energy in what they do, time that they cannot otherwise afford to spend in the faction/survival worlds. And they're fine with that because they like Regalian roleplay. All along, from the moment factions started becoming irrelevant, most of my friends probably had no problems with that. It was only me, the survivalist, who was dissatisfied.

When I realized that, quite frankly I didn't think it would be fair of me to pry people away from that to get them to play in the faction worlds. And that's why I chose to accept the idea that Regalia is fine on its own. I accepted that all my friends enjoy Regalia, that they really do want to play there. And that's why I choose instead to focus my energy on improving the survival worlds on their own merits; to attract new players, survival players, to build their own playerbase instead of trying to convert existing ones who are already doing what they love; to find different friends who are actually interested in survival and who I can play with.

TLDR: Less trying to attract Regalians, more trying to attract Survivalists.
Not having interest in factions for these people is the problem, and I believe allowing or encouraging light roleplay to happen in factions is the first step to solving it.
Expending energy trying to convert people who are already doing what they like is not the solution. Regalian roleplayers spent a lot of time and energy investing in their roleplay, time and energy that they cannot otherwise afford to spend in survival. They choose to do this and they have no problems with that. They live and breathe Regalia. We shouldn't be trying to get Regalians in survival, we should be getting Survivalists in survival. We should be focusing our efforts on trying to attract people who are actually interested in factions/survival in the first place.

Yes, staff endorsement is a problem. But I don't believe we should wait until that happens. There's nothing stoping survivalists from coming together and creating activity right now. Perhaps instead of constantly waiting for the staff to do something, players should start driving their own initiatives. And it already has started; there are already several player initiatives to bring Factions back to the forefront. If all of you here can contribute to that, I believe this summer can see a drastic change in Factions.
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Personally I think this is a wonderful idea, with some great fixes to the RP divide, but there's one big issue you haven't brought up.
Roleplayers don't want to leave Regalia.
With the adding of the slums, this concept has gotten even worse over time, as we won't even leave Regalia to go the the Sewers. I highly doubt that roleplayers, who, don't even want to RP in RPFarahdeen, a TP made specifically for roleplaying (Albeit there was an event there only for people who signed up), would decide to leave the relative comfort of Regalia to join a faction with its own lore and ideas.
I have an issue with your first, second and third point. This puts a lot of strain on the Tech and Lore staff, and to some point, the world staff, to add new things, when they're most likely already swamped, what with MassiveMagic, the magic rework, the Yanar rework, the Maiar rework (Gonna stop here because this can go on for too long) and simply keeping the server up.
I'd really like to play in Farad'een.But nobody's ever there.. And the eleven grove seems perpetually coming soo
Welp, I've been away for a bit and I stopped following this forum so I only Sped through some comments that caught
However, my biggest issue here is Safe Cities. Regalia is a safest city you can get, and having safe cities to RP in isn't going to bridge a gap between PvPers and RPers, if anything it's going to push the wedge further in, since you're taking away the core aspect of PvP: Raiding. And PvPers are going to complain profusely about this, since there are already few places to raid anyway.
Soooo I completely agree with what your saying but you're looking at it from an extreme version of the whole Safe Cities idea, the point of safe cities were (assuming the whole faction lore merges with Regalian shit) would be to move Roleplayers away from the whole "I don't want to leave" shit, having this region (assuming it'd be regulated n all) would be great, the whole sieging is a great idea, it'd make raiding ACTUALLY matter other than one guy disrupting an entire community just cuz he ender pearled past the wall ya know? lol

oes it have to be seemless? Does the gap have to be bridged? A couple Regalian roleplayers have already stated here that they have no interest in leaving Regalia. My point is that perhaps the community should accept that Regalia is fine on its own and instead of wasting energy trying to build a bridge that the other side doesn't want to cross, to instead focus that energy completely on improving their own side.
HELL YES IT SHOULD BE BRIDGED, lemme point something out that not alot of Regalian rpers are not wanting to admit.. WE ARE A COMMUNITY. ALL OF US. PVPERS, RPERS, BUILDERS, WHATEVER TF YOU CALL YOUR SELF IDC, lol this whole stink Regalians have been pushing is just a bit annoying, the reason (well main reason) Pvp in general is struggling is because we were ment to be one big community and one side is being maintained by mods and one isnt, thats what its come done to, hell if you severe off a limb you should disown your god damn left arm just because it didnt make it on its own (Not that pvp is completely dead, wanted to make that clear lol) but by bridging said gap we'd be one community again, the whole faction lore part, faction officers and the leader of course would make the lore and mods could approve it, after that the whole "Faction rp doesnt exist in regalia" would be gone, which is one of the bigger gaps in the whole divide in my opinion, now one thing im gonna point out that i guess everyone is presuming, JUST BECAUSE ITS MERGED DOESNT MEAN YOU ARE FORCED TO DO ONE, it just means you can go from one to another seemlessly, its pretty straight forward tbh lol.

To be honest, as a roleplayer, Regalia doesnt need much more boost. Once Crime and Surface RP have been merged, via the Slums (Crime area) being moved onto the Regalia map, the RP community will be one big community again.

Really the side of this that needs help is PVP, as even most survival people are solidly stating PVP is dead or dying.

Also this isnt about the WORLDS per say. Its about the players. It doesnt matter if these changes are only benefiting the factions WORLDS because they are meant to bring more RP Players to those worlds, so everyone will be benefiting either way.
Well as i have said in the previous thing, one side of the community (rp) is being nurtured by mods and one said has been essentially cutoff (though there has been a small bit of lore here and there mods have done)
Not to mention JUST BECAUSE REGALIA IS DOING WELL ISNT A REASON TO IGNORE PVP AS A WHOLE (Or factions for that matter) this is the forth time I believe its been said that whole "Regalia is doing well, pvp isnt, so we shouldnt merge" is stupid, if your one child is an over-achiever and another is slumping in grades you dont ignore the one slumping, you help that hoe out lol, I Reitterate, just because Regalia is doing well Isn't a reason why they shouldnt merge.

Well all in all i feel like this would overall help this community heal, considering (ALTHOUGH REGALIA HAS DONE WELL I WOULD ADMIT) this would allow, well say @AtticCat or @Miss_Confined They are both noble Regalian rpers or whatever you'd be officially called, by merging these worlds together, there wouldnt be any "Well i cant use this character because this is faction rp" or vise versa, you'd be free to rp more. I know so many good rpers or builders (or even pvpers for that matter) that are on opposite worlds and refuse to (Either rp, help build or pvp) just because they're doing one of the other two, and it sucks, by merging these worlds together however would more so remove that gap.

Well i don't feel like scrolling through these and ranting more so ima leave it at that (ik theres alot more but i dont feel like answering/replying to every comment lol)
I only read the first page, and that was plenty of reading for me. If someone wants to fill me in on the second and third pages, please do so.

I believe that pvp and roleplay really have no connection at all. In pvp, you use magic potions and spam left click, hoping you are better equipped or that you have the high ground. In rp, you have to slowly emote out each and every twitch of your finger. RP and PvP aren't really compatible at all. The middle ground, however, is factions. PvP is essential to factions because without it, you'd be vulnerable, and unable to protect yourself. RP is essential to factions as it just makes it more fun. Sure, you can build a city, but what then? You've completed a masterpiece, but there is no use for it. It will sit and collect dust (Or tax) until it is unclaimed.

RP is severely lacking in the factions worlds. As it is, you collect, build, raid, collect, build, raid, and so on. You get members, and you can assign members to jobs, but there's not really a need, as a single person with a well built farm can do just as well as ten people with a field. This is where RP comes in. You have a culture. You aren't just some guy who darkrooms and has lots of money, you're a King. You rule your people. You don't just have an auto farm, you have a field, with farmers to tend to it. You don't just have a square room with chest shops, you have a market place, and you haggle in it. You don't give your people just a hole in the ground with locked doors, chests, and a bed, you give them a hut, a cottage, or a manor. You don't just enemy someone and raid them, you go to war, and you don't just do it for loot or for fun(Well, you do it for fun, of course), but you do it because they refuse to accept your God.

Roleplay, no matter how light, has an important place in factions. That doesn't mean it has to bridge between Regalia and the factions worlds, however. Regalia can't be compatible with factions for reasons I'll list
  1. Nobility. Nobility in Regalia is a sign of being important, of earning your position and contributing to the community. In factions, nearly anyone can start a faction and be a King. Anyone can build a castle or an estate and rule over a village. You can't simply say "Well, because you own a faction you're now a Duke and can go into Regalia and expect respect.", and you can't say "Well, owning land is a right of the aristocracy, so all you faction owners are having your factions taken to be replaced by our nobility." It just doesn't work to merge a world of rivaling city-states with a world of several major empires.
  2. Progression. Just because, in a factions world, you kill four people with your fists while wearing a loincloth skin doesn't mean you can go to Regalia and boast about it. Character development in factions can't carry over to Regalia. However, most, if not all progression made in Regalia can carry over to factions. Say that Regalia goes to war with the Altalar. This gives an Elf faction neighboring an Ailor town reason to invade. Say another horde of zombies appears, your factions would put up walls, and live in fear.
That's all I can think of, to be honest. I'll try to also provide a solution to them.

  1. Greatly increase the requirements of creating factions. While owning a faction shouldn't be a privilege, it also shouldn't be something anyone can do. I don't believe there's any reason to put a time limit before you can create a faction. I hate it when there are time limits to do things. For example, playing on Garry's Mod DarkRP or Jailbreak servers, you try to become a guard or warden in Jailbreak, and are told you have to play for 5 hours before you're allowed to. You try to become Police or Mayor in DarkRP, and you are told you have to have 10 hours of play time before you are allowed to. I'm not going to hang out on a server with nothing to do for ten hours. While this isn't a perfect example, it does show the frustration players are met with when they are told they can't do something just because they haven't been on all night. It's also exclusive. While someone who gets on Massive at 4:00 PM and plays until 3:00 AM will be able to purchase a faction in just one day, someone who only is able to spend an hour on every day will have to wait over a week to create one, regardless of how much money they have. Instead, it should simply cost a boatload of money. I remember when I made my first faction. It cost 2,000 regals. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to make such a massive amount of money, but I joined a working faction where I was essentially paid to mine, etc, and I make most of the money. Then, I met someone who had the rest of what was needed, and we joined up and started a faction. It needs to be like this, something you work for. 2,000 should be the least a faction costs, and tax should be lowered to 1r per four, nine, ten or 16 chunks.
At this point, somehow I got logged out and lost the next few paragraphs, so I'll make this brief.

Nobles in Regalia should get factions for discount or for free. Factions should cost far more, and tax should be reduced by much. Roleplay in factions should be up to the faction leaders to moderate. If a faction is lore-friendly, then that roleplay should be able to carry over to Regalia without any hitches. Faction leaders should get an honorary Warlord or Mayor title. It'll do nothing but be a bragging right.

I'll be creating a mixed faction today for anyone who wants to join. We'll be searching for RPers and PvPers alike. All are welcome.
1. Give Factions Lore - We have come up with the idea to give factions their own lore. We believe this could help get factions, especially the ones that are PVP based or just survival, to lean toward roleplay. This can also make players more active as try to become more popular in lore and gain more power as well as make the factions world more active. Also someone said that we maybe could have a area or wiki where faction lore can be put and anyone could edit it. Maybe faction leaders can create the lore and send it to the lore staff and staff can approve it? (To check that a faction isn't saying they own all of Aloria or Regalia and have a small loan of 1 million soldiers at their hand.)
Massivefactions, Enkiduu has a wiki for it, if there's enough prominent factions listed there it could become commonplace. Encourage everyone to have factions wiki pages.

Perhaps stricter enforcement of the survival world players as RP? Alliance cap is one thing I want to bring up. Allies shouldn't be a device to tool around with, they should virtually be members of the faction you are in in all but authority. You should be able to basically become a member of any faction you are an ally of. Inter-faction belief systems: Someone make the Vatican city. For the sake of realistic gameplay factions members we should choose a couple people to basically be popes. 5 Vatican cities spread throughout the world with enforced belief systems, especially specific to a certain area, would up the RP percentage in factions. Cultures: Let Daendroc be Spain, Ithania be France, and Farahdeen (when it comes out) be Arabia. The build styles, beliefs, and populations in each world need to reflect the region that a certain Massivecraft world represents. Siege plugin: I don't exactly know much about the way PVPers PVP right now, but having ALL raids and not just raids on safe cities being done with the siege plugin could make it more rp-friendly? Not sure about that one, but that would require a lot of work for tech.

On existing ideas: Completely agree.

And one last thing: People have suggested this before, but I feel that we need a RESET. The noob days are the most fun; having to actually mine rather than tping to a shop, having to rack your head in frustration after you lost your first diamond, actually having to farm; to build; to do everything that people can now evade by going to a shop and blowing 10k on lore.
Im gonna be brutally honest, most full time roleplayers would rather watch the rest of the server die off then to participate in light roleplay. Thats not saying they would want to, but they would.

Survival Roleplay would need to have a set lore to work. That doesnt mean it cant be added to over time, but people cant do whatever they want. The roleplayers like regalia because its so strict, and to get rid of that strictness immediately makes it less interesting.

Everyone says that the lore should just be maintained by the players, but that wont work as long as Regalia is around.

Regalia is like a sock, and its held together by threads that are the set lore. If Survival was maintained solely by the players it would have no set lore, no threads to hold together the sock.

Survival Roleplay would have a TON more work done by the players then Regalian roleplay does, but staff would still be needed to filter out My Little Pony races and 1 person factions that say they are empires.

It should work kinda like the character applications:
-Player gets lore idea
-Writes lore idea
-Shows Survival Roleplay staff
-Survival Roleplay staff review it
-Once accepted it becomes part of the lore

It would be incredibly difficult for players to do this on their own, I mean cmon, like 95% of staff work solely in Regalia. The first thing we really should be doing is getting more staff for survival.

In this system players still make their own lore but it still has a kind of authenticity to it that similiar to regalia.

I know that this might turn alot of people off but if roleplayers are to roleplay in the survival world then they will want it to be monitered. Sure factions can come up with some amazing lore, one of my past ones did, but others can make trash. And theres nothing saying the bad lore isnt compliant.
And one last thing: People have suggested this before, but I feel that we need a RESET. The noob days are the most fun; having to actually mine rather than tping to a shop, having to rack your head in frustration after you lost your first diamond, actually having to farm; to build; to do everything that people can now evade by going to a shop and blowing 10k on lore.
Id personally like a reset, but on a server like massive it would drive away tons of people
Im gonna be brutally honest, most full time roleplayers would rather watch the rest of the server die off then to participate in light roleplay. Thats not saying they would want to, but they would.
A vast group of normally Regalian RPers participate in light forums RP, so not really at all.
Yeh, I meant faction roleplays. As someone who goes into forum roleplays alot I can say they are very different
True, though it is a similar concept- looser, light roleplay. The only difference being that instead of being on the forums you have an ingame location to work with.

That proves RPers are alright with light RP, which means the issue is probably more something to do with a specifically factions or survival thing rather than the concept or light rp itself.

Personally from what I have seen, even the most avid RP Purists tend to pop into survival from time to time to gather materials. And even if they dont, they rely heavily on the market, which is stocked by survival players mostly, for said materials. Nobody wants survival or factions to go away. Nobody wants to be forced to go there either though, just like Factions players dont want to be forced to go to Regalia.

Its more a matter of making the factions worlds more appealing for regalian players to shift over for some light RP. Which comes down to translating what happens in RP vs what happens in Factions.

I generally lean towards having separate lore, but on the same note I feel that approach is counter productive in a lot of ways.

yes, it would be nice for factions to write their own lore and not have to rely on Alorian Lore, but that makes it impossible to translate events between RP and Factions. Making Lore universal across the server, but loosening the rules and limits for Factions is probably the best approach. Then if need be things can be reworded and altered a little bit from how they happen in factions to still have MAJOR events be simi-compliant.

IE: This whole Bavers vs Baneful King thing. Mrs Bavers is a lore character, a woman possessed by Behesmal that ended up dieing. Bringing her back for random Factions Events is a bit, jolting, for people who know the Lore. HOWEVER it can fit in very well with events going on in RP atm- Estel is back after all, and when Estel is in the mortal realm, Behesmal is sure to come as well soon, you cant have light without shadows and such.

So if staff wanted to, Game and Lore staff could easily work together to coordinate events and lore so that factions and roleplay meld together in a way that lets factions players and roleplay players live in the same unified universe.

But the approach everyone keeps pushing is making them separate. And then they wonder why there is a divide between RPers and Survivalists. Its kind of an obvious one that but people keep ignoring it.
I'll start off with a brief introduction. I'm extremely fond of roleplaying, and haven't touched the survival worlds in at least a few months. I've only ever been in two factions, both of which fizzled out within a month or two. The following idea is adhering to the sentiment that "the survival worlds should be attracting other PVPers, not Regalians." Given my lack of experience with PVP and faction life, there could be many discrepancies in my unorganized little spiel, and it's possible that this idea has already been proposed and rejected. In any regard.

Do survalists and PVPers actually need six different worlds to play in?

In alternative wording, do they need so much space?

Personally, six sounds like quite a lot. From my time playing factions, I genuinely can't remember encountering anybody, asides from members of my own faction or the occasional raid from an enemy party. I think it's safe to say that there's a growing consensus to make it more difficult for players to form factions, which would automatically require less land to "operate". I mean, you can't PVP by yourself. You have to engage with another player. And actually, increasing the stakes for players by squishing them into one giant world (or at least limiting the number of available worlds) sounds quite appealing; differing factions would have to interact more and more, as the reduction of space could mean the loss of resources if you don't expand your territory or destroy other factions. There's also more incentive for players to group up (resulting in even more interaction) as going it alone becomes even more dangerous.

I think the main reason Regalia is so appealing is because you know that you can easily find someone to roleplay with. You just head to the tavern, knowing that there's bound to be at least one player just waiting for someone to approach them. I believe that the same sort of logic should be applied to PVP. If a server required you to run hundreds of blocks and potentially travel to a different world just to find another player (who may simply abscond the area once you come into view), would you play in said server for long? I think that Regalia's incredibly reliable ability to congregate action is what initially drew me to roleplaying, and probably attracted a lot of others.

Maybe, given the amount of factions or amount of players, survivalists actually do require six separate worlds to satisfy their needs. Personally, however, the potential benefits to limiting the space made available to survivalists and PVPers outweighs any downsides.
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True, though it is a similar concept- looser, light roleplay. The only difference being that instead of being on the forums you have an ingame location to work with.

That proves RPers are alright with light RP, which means the issue is probably more something to do with a specifically factions or survival thing rather than the concept or light rp itself.

Personally from what I have seen, even the most avid RP Purists tend to pop into survival from time to time to gather materials. And even if they dont, they rely heavily on the market, which is stocked by survival players mostly, for said materials. Nobody wants survival or factions to go away. Nobody wants to be forced to go there either though, just like Factions players dont want to be forced to go to Regalia.

Its more a matter of making the factions worlds more appealing for regalian players to shift over for some light RP. Which comes down to translating what happens in RP vs what happens in Factions.

I generally lean towards having separate lore, but on the same note I feel that approach is counter productive in a lot of ways.

yes, it would be nice for factions to write their own lore and not have to rely on Alorian Lore, but that makes it impossible to translate events between RP and Factions. Making Lore universal across the server, but loosening the rules and limits for Factions is probably the best approach. Then if need be things can be reworded and altered a little bit from how they happen in factions to still have MAJOR events be simi-compliant.

IE: This whole Bavers vs Baneful King thing. Mrs Bavers is a lore character, a woman possessed by Behesmal that ended up dieing. Bringing her back for random Factions Events is a bit, jolting, for people who know the Lore. HOWEVER it can fit in very well with events going on in RP atm- Estel is back after all, and when Estel is in the mortal realm, Behesmal is sure to come as well soon, you cant have light without shadows and such.

So if staff wanted to, Game and Lore staff could easily work together to coordinate events and lore so that factions and roleplay meld together in a way that lets factions players and roleplay players live in the same unified universe.

But the approach everyone keeps pushing is making them separate. And then they wonder why there is a divide between RPers and Survivalists. Its kind of an obvious one that but people keep ignoring it.
I get what your saying, it could work well, and the rpers do tend to relly on survival, but I wouldnt say to the point where rpers could really significantly keep factions strong by just popping in from time to time.

Im not actually against universal lore, IF the factions are allowed to have actual mention on the wiki and be brought up in character apps.
Do survalists and PVPers actually need six different worlds to play in?
I agree with this point to an extent: not that they have too much room, but rather I feel the worlds should have been made MUCH larger to avoid the need for six. There isnt anything that can be done about this now though.

I get what your saying, it could work well, and the rpers do tend to relly on survival, but I wouldnt say to the point where rpers could really significantly keep factions strong by just popping in from time to time.

Im not actually against universal lore, IF the factions are allowed to have actual mention on the wiki and be brought up in character apps.
As for this, its, iffy. Some factions, maybe. But we recently had some rando try to make a guard chapter and a made up kingdom and try to declare he had an army of soldiers in Regalia and it was super cringey. There have to be HARD limits to how applicable this is, with factions deemed "Lore Compliant" enough to be mentioned canonically in Roleplay meeting some standards. IE: No made up kingdoms, or trying to pretend you own an army in Regalia, and other cringe inducing crap. But for Towns, and sometimes heck even mercenary forces, this could work well. The minimal requirements for them to be compliant would have to be set fairly high though, and require them being approved beforehand.
I'll start off with a brief introduction. I'm extremely fond of roleplaying, and haven't touched the survival worlds in at least a few months. I've only ever been in two factions, both of which fizzled out within a month or two. The following idea is adhering to the sentiment that "the survival worlds should be attracting other PVPers, not Regalians." Given my lack of experience with PVP and faction life, there could be many discrepancies in my unorganized little spiel, and it's possible that this idea has already been proposed and rejected. In any regard.

Do survalists and PVPers actually need six different worlds to play in?

Personally, six sounds like quite a lot. From my time playing factions, I genuinely can't remember encountering anybody, asides from members of my own faction or the occasional raid from an enemy party. I think it's safe to say that there's a growing consensus to make it more difficult for players to form factions, which would automatically require less land to "operate". I mean, you can't PVP by yourself. You have to engage with another player. And actually, increasing the stakes for players by squishing them into one giant world (or at least limiting the number of available worlds) sounds quite appealing; differing factions would have to interact more and more, as the reduction of space could mean the loss of resources if you don't expand your territory or destroy other factions. There's also more incentive for players to group up (resulting in even more interaction) as going it alone becomes even more dangerous.

I think the main reason Regalia is so appealing is because you know that you can easily find someone to roleplay with. You just head to the tavern, knowing that there's bound to be at least one player just waiting for someone to approach them. I believe that the same sort of logic should be applied to PVP. If a server required you to run hundreds of blocks and potentially travel to a different world just to find another player (who may simply abscond the area once you come into view), would you play in said server for long? I think that Regalia's incredibly reliable ability to congregate action is what initially drew me to roleplaying, and probably attracted a lot of others.

Maybe, given the amount of factions or amount of players, survivalists actually do require six separate worlds to satisfy their needs. Personally, however, the potential benefits to limiting the space made available to survivalists and PVPers outweighs any downsides.
Pretty decent idea, but you forgot about inactive factions that can claim tons of land and hardly come on

And also ive run into people by accident a few times, although I did used to loot abandoned bases alot.
As for this, its, iffy. Some factions, maybe. But we recently had some rando try to make a guard chapter and a made up kingdom and try to declare he had an army of soldiers in Regalia and it was super cringey. There have to be HARD limits to how applicable this is, with factions deemed "Lore Compliant" enough to be mentioned canonically in Roleplay meeting some standards. IE: No made up kingdoms, or trying to pretend you own an army in Regalia, and other cringe inducing crap. But for Towns, and sometimes heck even mercenary forces, this could work well. The minimal requirements for them to be compliant would have to be set fairly high though, and require them being approved beforehand.
Yeah I agree, I could see a faction like Deldrimor working as a kingdom that goes to war with Regalia though.
Pretty decent idea, but you forgot about inactive factions that can claim tons of land and hardly come on

I think that lowering the maximum amount of land a faction could control would help prevent this issue, or perhaps implementing a reporting system. If enough players flag a faction for inactivity, perhaps it could be investigated and dismantled from the outside. Though I really don't have enough experience with factions to know if either solution (or at least, possible relief) is plausible.
So, in a recent World Progression Post for Roleplay, it said something along the lines of that the Regalian colonies were undergoing turmoil with much of their guard force off at war. Riots and what not. Coincidentally, the war is occurring on Farad'heen. Aren't they making a Farad'heen world? And wouldn't a removal of Regalian forces on the colonies (Ithania, Jorrhild, New Ceardia, etc.) mean that there would be infighting and civil wars as several small groups fought for dominance in the absence of a higher power?
See where I'm going with this? We have the perfect chance to merge Roleplay and Factions right now.

Consider this.
A massive revolt occurs on the colonial continents, removing the remaining Regalian influence. In the chaos, countless militias and city-states assert themselves, and begin to fight. They are all incredibly small and worthless compared to Regalia, but significant to themselves. These city-states are the Factions. Meanwhile, once Farad'heen is released, it could have some Regalian troops remaining in it, and the factions could literally interact with Regalia roleplayers. The roleplayers are there fighting a war, and the factioneers are there conquering. Alternatively, factions could start massive piracy on Silverwind. What ever happened there? Wasn't it supposed to kind of be what we need? A RP/PvP world? It exists, and nobody even remembers it. Back to the point. Factions are given a small place in the lore, on an opt-in system. If you opt to abide by the lore, your faction is a city-state in the anarchy that is the colonies. If you go some other way, then that's your choice, and you'll not be included in the Roleplay worlds. However, now you have Regalia, an incredibly strong empire, concentrated on the Roleplay world. They have had much land taken, and as such have massive garrisons, and are untouchable by even a large faction. Regalia remains safe. Factions exist, with each member being 10 to 100 citizens, roleplay-wise. Factions can't become OP, without actually trying, and are inserted into the lore.

tl;dr We have a perfect opportunity for Staff to implement Factions into Roleplay at this moment.

And now on an unrelated note, I'd like to recount something that happened to me last night in the faction world.
Me and my (mostly) roleplay-turned-factioners friends were cutting trees to dig a quarry for stone to build a large chapter house for recruits. As we were doing this, I went afk(Always when I'm afk), and when I returned I found we had been raided. We hid inside, since we were petty farmers and lumberjacks, not warriors, and stalled the attackers. We were unable to call for support from anyone, and somehow got the the topic of them(the raiders) being Inquisitors. So, I decided that for the sake of progression, we would give in and pay tribute, and they would convert us to their Faction religion in turn. This is realistic in a Roleplay way, as we were raided, and instead of paying money for them to go away, we were converted. It gave purpose, and was wicked fun. One of our members refused, and we burned him at the stake. The rest of us were cleansed in a river, and we built a spaghetti-monster-sun shrine. In the end, we allied the raiding faction. It went incredibly well, far better for everyone than just paying tribute. If raiders would enforce this sort of thing, it would be awesome.

tl;dr Raiders should think of a simple reason for raiding, better than just "We need money". If every raid carried with it "Accept our god or burn!" "We are enslaving you!" "You're going to ship us your wood, now!" or so on, it would be so much more fun, and lead to a tighter bond in the community.