
  1. VieoVI

    Played Character Aesir D'yrnwyn || Wandering Moonlight

    ╭─────────────────────────────────────╮ "Will moonlight guide me once more?" ╰─────────────────────────────────────╯ || Theme || Core Information Full Name: Aesir Erdene D'yrnwyn Ul'Sarnai Sarangerel Heritage: ☇ Isldar Occupation(s): ☇ Wayfarer: A wandering nomad, Aesir travels from place...
  2. WingedJade

    Blue Blood Noble Family House Asteri

    VIVAMUS, MORIENDUM EST ════════ » ・✧ ❄ ✧・ « ════════ ⋆ Overview ⋆ ⊱ House Name || Asteri {As-ter-ee}. ⊱ House Motto || Vivamus, Moriendum Est - Let us live, since we must die. ⊱ House Colors || Navy Blue, Royal Purple, Black. ⊱ House Symbols || Wyverns, mountains, snow, stars. ⊱ Trade...
  3. Beleiver

    Played Character Kelemvor | ☽ | The Blackiron Sovereign

    ART REPO | PLAYLIST Character Information ㅤ Name: Ayas Yelfina ㅤㅤ Not Known Aliases: Tom ㅤㅤ Formerly: Kelemvor, Kelemvor the Blackiron Sovereign ㅤ Heritage: Nature-Bound Demon; Isldar Heritage Traits ㅤ Age: 36 ㅤ ㅤ Birthday: February 27th ㅤ Gender: Male ㅤ ㅤ Pronouns: He/They/It ㅤ Occult...
  4. lovely_liability

    Played Character Li’nara Shaniya Nulan

    Character Information Background Theme Full Name Li’nara Shaniya Nular Race / Culture · Mixed race- Isldar, Bene Vixit & Sihai, Beian · Identifies with Sihai culture, where she was raised and does not closely identify with her Isldar parentage nor culture. Age 22 Gender /...
  5. JuliaFaye

    Played Character Samara

    Name: Samara Heritage/Culture: Bene Rexit Isldar, half-Teledden Age: 172 Gender/Pronouns: girl Occult: Geist, Ordial Soul Mage Samara, like most Bene Rexit, is a fervent Glacial cultist. She seeks control over the souls of the dead and over the Undead, in order to see Malefica dethroned and...
  6. fantuinn

    Honored Among Death

    A copied page is posted throughout Crookback and the sewers. It spreads some to Old Town, but the author made quite the point of avoiding New Town and anything remotely related to the Dragon Temple. It's not as though they can't find it, though. It's written in Sulvaley, but easily (and quickly)...
  7. Salerra

    Played Character Velaren Aduril | The Puppet Queen

    |-| Follow Me Between the Jaws of Fate |-|
  8. V

    Remembering Ellador | The Massive Archive [discord]

    Note: This is a WIP, I will be updating it as I go along Ellador Dynmap Preview Project Lead: u/Wessexstock Size in blocks: 9600 x 9600 (Terraincontrol) Added to MassiveCraft: 2012-09-12 (YYYY-MM-DD) Description: Ellador is a northern world, frozen with a lot of water. Ice and many mountains...
  9. HuskyLeader

    Returning Flight

    Days had passed Silver had finally met his parents, he took time to do some shopping for those back in Regalia and spent time relaxing and getting to know his family once more. He was happy again, something he hadn’t truly had for a very long time. All the worries in his life had gone and, he...
  10. HuskyLeader

    The Time Finally Comes

    Within the twilight sky, the moon shone its pearlescent light down upon the kneeling Isldar with his hands resting on the pommel of the blade he had driven into the cold earth beneath him. From his stance, the man slowly rose to a stand, eyes lingering on the crystalline tombstone for a few...
  11. HuskyLeader

    Tribute To A Fallen

    || Another day for Silver was around, the cold airs of Ellador whipping against his skin as he patrolled the outer edge of his homeland with his youngest brother beside him. The scene was from an outside perspective, not from the eyes of Silver himself and as it would seem he was younger...
  12. HuskyLeader

    Starting The Voyage

    Within the sky dotted clouds barely visible through the glimpses of moonlight that illuminated the earth beneath at the late hour. Frigid winds blew through Regalia picking up snow and throwing it around and at any passing night owl that tread the streets of the Holy City. One such man was an...
  13. Salerra

    Shelved Character Trissena Aduril | An Aria of Storms

    ╭─────────────────────────────────────╮ "And so she roams, singing melodies of thunder and lightning, a dancer of tempests and gales, an aria of storms." ╰─────────────────────────────────────╯ || playlist || Core Information Full Name: Tisenya Maryam-Lhaekaa Adhyaarel Bel-Alaväel Lathai...
  14. Tiaq

    Moment/s In Time - Pick A Side

    “It was like I saw your soul in the notes of music.” ≿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━༺❀༻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━≾ ≿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━༺❀༻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━≾ “It was beautiful.” This story was created in light of @Ryria's Writing Contest! Instead of describing a singular event and memory, I decided to write about a string...
  15. SnashuuPomaymay

    ❅ A Formal Call-out On A Traitor And A Liar ❅

    •❅───※ ❅·❆·❅ ※───❅• [ Planted upon boards and walls around the city- both new and old town; A denouncement from three of the five Isldarrin Pillars. ] •❅───※ ❅·❆·❅ ※───❅• It’s come to my attention that there is a duo which, after much consideration, deserves to be cast out from their kin. One...
  16. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: First Edict

    BY OFFICIAL DECREE OF LORD CHANCELLOR DELMOTTE 22 - 12 - 307 Article I - The Anahera Cabal To say that the Regalian State is perturbed by the deplorable behavior of House Anahera would be the understatement of the century. Twice in the span of a few months have the Anahera reared their ugly...
  17. Havsbris_

    ⚖ Violet Templar Proclamation--upon Cold Hearted Attacks, And Monsters Among Us ⚖

    From the desk of the Gilded Templar Commander, 12/20/307 AC In Regards to the Isldar Community, 12/20/307 >In light of recent aggressive, and violent acts on behalf of the Frisit worshipers in light of the death of their undead monster in the north, the Isldar community is once more upon...
  18. Tiaq

    Mintyjade - I Should've Made This A Long Time Ago!

    Hello, Hello! I thought this introduction was long overdue, so I decided to drop it in here! But... What's an introduction without aesthetics? Hi friends! My name is Minty Jade. You can call me Jade, Loli Idol, Kassie, whatever works for you. I am a high school student leader in the Florida...
  19. canaaa

    From The Desk Of The Press Secretary Of The Violet Order: The Tarring Of Taendross

    FIFTH OF SEPTEMBER, 307 AC FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESS SECRETARY OF THE VIOLET ORDER: ON THE TARRING OF TAENDROSS In the early morning hours of the first of September, 307 AC, the heretic criminal known as Taendross Shainvrel was tarred and feathered. Her Isldar pointed ears were also rounded...
  20. Tiaq

    The Words She'd Regret.

    Trigger Warning! This story contains heavy mentions of Gore & Torture! Please read at your own risk. I will find enjoyment in your misery after this <: (Quick mention, this is all an illusion and none of it's real. There is an IC character behind Taendross' illusion, however, I doubt anyone will...