Returning Flight

Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by HuskyLeader, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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    Days had passed Silver had finally met his parents, he took time to do some shopping for those back in Regalia and spent time relaxing and getting to know his family once more. He was happy again, something he hadn’t truly had for a very long time. All the worries in his life had gone and, he was just free to be himself, be vulnerable, be emotional for around the first time in near a century.

    As the moon fell and the sun rose each day it was getting close to the Warden’s needed departure. With the ship, he took gone he would have to take an alternate way to get back to Regalia with post-haste if he wanted to make it home on time. The only way to do that was to fly, and there was only one way to do that in Ellador. The Wyverns.

    By this time Silver had been told of Briavroc death and was ready for such but, not fully ready to take his son, Krosqoruid, for a ride. He would have to tame the large creature and for that he was easy. It had been some time since he had a Wyvern at his side, let alone seen one face to face. But he had to, to get back to Regalia and protect it’s people once more.


    The Frostling prepared himself for his departure, saying farewell to his parents and siblings, seeing his passed brother at the memorial site, buying some last-minute items before he then moved off to the Wyverns and Voltalar that kept them. He told the head of the stables what his intent was and would not be disturbed in his attempts of trying to tame the large scaly creature. He walked toward the enclosure, putting his bags down before looking around for Krosqoruid. As he looked suddenly a flash of white swept by his face, taking his eyes with the sudden change of color. There he saw what he was looking for; Krosqoruid in all his glory. Blue eyes piercing as they stared down Silver with an unknown emotion behind them.

    Upon these events, transpiring Silver lowered his stance and looked toward the draconic figure with reverence but also a hint of commanding authority. He slowly approached the creature keeping calm and slow with his movements, letting out small words of commands to be calm and content pared with reassuring comments. Though this was to no avail as a large tail suddenly flicked out, colliding with the Isldar’s side and throwing him across the enclosure and onto his ass. He groaned before seeing the Wyvern lunge at him. With a swift roll to the side, the Warden escaped the clutches of the large beast.

    “Alright, that’s how it’s going to be then.” Silver spoke simply before summoning to his hand a two-handed pole from the Soul Rivers.

    With that, the Wyvern snared and let out a guttural growl of anger, bearing its teeth as he’d lunge out for the Frostling once more! Silver moved off to the side at that, pole coming up to meet the tail whip that would follow the Wyvern’s lunge. Blocking the attack, he’d quickly move to ram the butt of the pole into the ground, pulling up upon the top to propel him upward. His objective, to land on Krosqoruid’s back, and he was successful in such. His form landing upon the creatures scaly back but not without contestation from the Wyvern itself. It started to buck and try to throw Silver off their form. To no avail as the Dragon Warden kept upon them, arms wrapping around the neck of the impressive specimen to keep steady.

    Krosqoruid, that’s enough!” He yelled, holding the creature in his grasp!

    After minutes of trying to fling Silver off, he stopped. Soon laying down upon the ground with a small whimper of submission at the defeat. The Isldar soon unwrapped his arms from around the neck of the beast, moving a hand forward to rest upon its scaly head for a few moments.

    “Thank you. We must ride back to Regalia. Take me there.” Spoke the Frostling.


    After the words were spoken the Wyvern perked up, looking back to Silver and locking eyes with him for a moment. He then shifted his weight, tail scooping up the Isldars belongings before his wings spread, beating a few times before they suddenly took flight! The two flying upward and toward the heavens with great speed, Krosqoruid quickly passing the skylight of the enclosure. Both Draconic-affiliated beings looking down to Ellador, Silver taking it in for one last moment before it would all be gone. He sighed, looking to his house, memorial, and then the sky ahead, smirking, he pats Krosqoruid on the back as they fly off through toward Regalia with no hesitation. Flying away from his homeland to the place he now calls home, Regalia.
    • Powerful Powerful x 6
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