Tribute To A Fallen

Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by HuskyLeader, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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    || Another day for Silver was around, the cold airs of Ellador whipping against his skin as he patrolled the outer edge of his homeland with his youngest brother beside him. The scene was from an outside perspective, not from the eyes of Silver himself and as it would seem he was younger. Happier. His eyes are not blessed by the Dragons and his calm features holding a small grin upon it as the two Frost Watchers thread their path carefully. Time passed and soon the Isldars found themselves assailed by foreign threats that wished to attack Ellador and its people. The two of them quickly bared arms and started to defend themselves against the threat. Much blood was spilled on both sides and the Isldars were winning before the recoiling blast of a crossbow was heard, Silver turning to the shot that was about to pierce his flesh before his brother pushed him out of the way. There was stillness for a moment as Kaenaran slowly slumped with a bolt in his side, blood trickily down upon the snow before Silver just saw his soul slowly depart from their body and leave into the Rivers. Silver looked to his slain brother, heartbroken and without reaction. For a moment time froze around him before his face contorted into anger and rage, the Frost Horror turning upon the remaining assailants. He charged forward, brandishing his weapons and slicing into the one who killed his brother before the scene faded to black. ||
    The Warden suddenly awoke gasping and shooting up in his bed, looking around quickly before falling to the ground and grasping at his chest. He panted, breath quickening as he looked around the room trying to compose himself as he realized he was not back in that terrible time. He shook and grunted lightly before bringing himself to stand, shaky, but still a stand. He got his boots on and the rest of his clothing before gathering the few supplies he took with him. He rose to the deck and was hit by the harsh smell of the sea and a gust of wind from Ellador. He looked around and saw the edges of his homeland, pausing, and just observing the clouded beauty it was for a few moments.

    If Silver wished to continue he’d have to take a dingy over to land for the captain would not go any further. The Isldar simply nodded, sharing little words as he packed away his items onto a rowboat upon the side of the ship, seating himself and letting the crew lower him down into the icy waters. His hands reached out for the oars as he quickly set out to start rowing toward Ellador the ship starting to turn and depart away from the Northern Belt as it should. The Warden was left alone to row to land, his vessel was soon caught on rocks and that’s when he grunted and sighed, gathering up his items and placing them upon his person before jumping ship and walking the rest of the way to the land, trudging through the waters.


    Hours passed since the Isldar had made it to shore and since then he has been traveling through the landscapes, braving the growing storm of ice and snow that bashed against his flesh. His muscles tensed as he kept walking through with a determination to make it to Ellador, he was going to make it whether the elements wanted him to or not. Hours and hours passed over as the moon started to rise overhead the Isldar as he looked around, his stomach growling at him but he cared not for that. He was going to make it to Ellador.

    The moon shone brightly above him, casting rays of its light down to guide the traveling man as he searched for Ellador, though soon his search came to an end. His eyes, blessed by the Imperial Dragon, were soon lain upon the hold he had once known oh so well. Ellador, he was there. He gasped, breath shaking before he quickly shook his head, muscles tensing as he proved his resolve, starting toward the land and aiming to sneak within its walls. He made his way in and started to walk around in darker areas of Ellador’s city, looking at the landmarks before trying to stop anyone he could see. Asking where he could find the Swyftfurusat memorial to their dead family members, soon he got his answer and he quickly departed to find the place he was directed toward.​

    Silver slowly moved toward where he was directed, solemnly moving toward it to see two stones almost crystalline in nature. Upon getting close the Warden could see words etched into each of them and at that, he froze just a moment, a flash of pain washing over him as the image of his brother’s soul leaving his body infected his mind for a moment. The protector of mundane falling to his knees as he tried to calm his breathing the best he could but to no avail. There were a few moments where he couldn’t breathe but soon air came back to his lungs and he picked himself up, walking to the headstones and looking over them. One for himself and one for his brother. He simply let out a sigh, taking from his person an item wrapped in thick leathers that he’d slowly uncover, showing a blade. His brothers, old and not used for decades.

    “I’m sorry. Brother.” He choked out before taking the handle of the blade.
    He soon lifted it over his head, the blade’s tip directed downward, and with a swift motion, the man brought his hands down to drive the blade into the earth before the headstone, piecing the frost-covered surface and embedding the weapon into the ground. From him then came a shaky breath as he waited and looked to the headstones silently in the cold. One thing down from his list, next was to see his parents...

    • Immersive Immersive x 3
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1

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