
  1. spanch

    House Malzieu

    "The Greatest Riches Are Found In Creation" Info Race: Ithanian-Regalian Ailor Motif: A butterfly Languages: Ithanian & Common Colors: Union colors, rose/maroon red, and eggshell Rank: Commoner Job: Fine arts and culinary, though some have shown interest in cosmetics Wealth: Not poor, but not...
  2. HeyoBiggums

    ~the Unionist Study Committee~

    ~The Unionist Study Committee~ The Unionist Study Committee is a group of Unionists simply wishing to better everybody, including themselves, in the beliefs of Unionism. They also strive to better the Church itself, and make a way, for the Great Way. They also try taking people off the...
  3. Erzly

    House Hervydier

    "Do what you enjoy; enjoy what you do." Family Colours Black, Gold and Red. Race Altalar/Ailor. Region Arvost. Religion Old Gods. Sigil Yellow Water Dragon. Trade Wine. Wealth Wealthy Commoners. History TBA Physical Traits Almost all Hervydiers are born with golden to dirty blonde hair...
  4. Wumpatron

    The Covenant (a Gang Thread)

    Funny, is it not? All these lovely little organizations based upon power and sin. Very funny indeed, father. They are an ugly bunch are they not? Yes, yes, they are not the best to look at, but you must be quiet now, my son. If you speak too much they will hear. And if they hear, they will know...
  5. Messtro

    House O' Hanigan

    House O’Hanigan Ambience Commoner Family Culture: Claith [ + Ceardian Ailor ] Colors: Green and Orange [ With light grey accents ] Motto: “Stay sturdy throughout the storm, conquest awaits.” Sigil: Honey Badger Trade: Glass Making & Military Artillery Schematics Religion: Light Unionism +...
  6. Walrusaur_


  7. Stygial

    House Malum

    House Malum Motto: "If it can go wrong, it will go wrong; in the worst possible way, at the worst possible time." -Malum Creed Information: Main Branch Occupation: Alchemy Cousin Branch Occupation: Clothes Family Colors: Primary-Black, Secondary-Steel Gray, Tertiary-Light Green Family Crest...
  8. Moribundity

    House C'aelrith (a Now Isldar Family)

    Mind over matter Region of Origin: Ellador- Essälejollona Current Head of the family: Katrina E. C'Aelrith Culture: Isldar- Slowly transitioning to Imperial Main source of income: C'Aelrith's Exotic Imports. There are two branches, one in Daendroc, and one in Regalia. Secondary sources...
  9. R

    Wanted: One Experienced Roleplayer Willing To Take A Newer Aspiring Player Under Their Wing

    Hey everyone, By now you must be getting tired of seeing my name. This post is exactly what it says on the tin. After my appology, which can be found here, I realized that I've tried to hard to be major player in the roleplay world. What I really need is to step back and tag along quietly with...
  10. Eccetra

    -=[ House Haaven ]=-

    "Like the trees who sway with the wind, neither do we break." ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Race: Primarily Yanar Culture: Imperial Religion: Unionism [Some Fated Faith] Politics: Left Centrist Business...
  11. Devoruku

    House Bordor - Currently Not Recruiting

    Basic Information: Region of Origin: Regalia Current Head of the family: Kaldric Bordor/Miracle Bordor Main source of income: Mercenary and selling both legal and illegal items Religion: Standard unionism Wealth level: Medium High Commoner Wealth (Nothing Major but still lots) House Colours...
  12. SouthernComfort_

    House Da'pihuya⚔️

    House Colors: Red and Black, but they usually never wear these since they each wear their own clothing. It doesn’t bother them. In all respects, only one of them wears the house colors. House Crest: None but a sword would most likely represent them due to the blades that most of them use and...
  13. taintedly

    House Fiyneij

    A rather new family, House Fiyneij originated in Saivale when Daimelir and Ajeliä had two twin daughters in 288 AC, Zëlindae and Rosáille. The two gave birth to several other children throughout the years, all of which were taught some form of magic. Sixteen years after, Daimelir had some...
  14. Eternal_Wrath

    House Úlfurtönn, A Clan Reborn

    ~House Úlfurtönn~ Lore Deeply rooted in Northern culture, the Úlfurtönn family are known for their military service to both the Kingdom of Nordskag and the Regalian Empire. They are often serving as military officers and combatants due to the naturally large and bulky build normal to their...
  15. Jacobcraft04

    House Wells

    House Wells is a large but poor commoner family, it teaches all of its kids one trade. Members of this house sometimes have Adhd. It is mostly Alior but interracial breeding is allowed. House Motto: Serve and obey, in service to gods. House physical traits: Tall, broad shoulders, blue eyes...
  16. Xref74

    Noble House Crux -new-

    Noble House Crux Basic Information Family Properties: Crux's Rest, located in Jorhildr. Titles: Count Xerack Crux of Crux's Rest House Colors: Dark Blue and Dark Grey. Sigil: Raven Religion: Unionism Culture: New Regalian House...
  17. Caduceus_Clayy

    House Blacktyde

    "We are the Kraken, We are the Storm, We are the End" Family Lore: The name of Blacktyde began to a bastard known as Ermon Blacktyde, an explorer and black sheep of his family. It is said that his father was a Coen and his mother was some commoner but whether this was true or not is unknown but...
  18. Cirenety

    House Levarie

    Noble House Levarie Members; @Cirenety, @The_DarkKnight_, @skullpanda90, @Heaven_of_ash, @Gartono, @GoldenAisles, @Completely_Evan, @DrDrago, @GrimDeValhalla, and @NeilAucoin. General Information: Nationality: Ithanian - Citoye - Ailor House Religion: Unionism although the Levarie family...
  19. P

    A Son For A Family

    I am looking for an role player to play an adopted son for me Name: You can decide Age: You can decide Height: You can deicde Looks: Skin can be decided by you or me Race: Lampar
  20. CinnamonPlease

    House Diadochos

    Basic Information: Name: Diadochos Etosian Name: Διάδοχος Etymology: Diadochos means "successor" in Theodora, the language of Etosil. Sigil: The black rose. Words: By Elpida's will Etosian Words: Με τη θέλησή του Ελπίδα Family Culture: Asyl Etosian and a mix of Ithanian and Lusitsian...