
  1. abberants

    House D’aboville

    HOUSE D’ABOVILLE —+—+— Culture: Ailor Ithanian House Colors: Gold and Red Family Trade: Sewing, Writing, Sometimes Fortunes Family Values: Kindess, Hospitality, Support Religion: Unionist —+—+— Origins La Porte Du Paradis, March 203 AC. Beau D’Aboville is Born. This, is where we’ll start for...
  2. PuffyPigeon

    House Aredeth

    = House Aredeth = Race & Cultural Alignment: Having incorporated Yanar into their lineage through common instances of marriage and adoption, House Aredeth consists of approximately a quarter Yanar members. Family Crest: Great Oak - "The ancient and wise home of idyll for Estel's great variety...
  3. Timisc

    Clan Frisque

    “Protect what’s yours, or it will become mine.” Race: Varran Religion: Faith of Baskarr Trade: Opium, spices, and piracy Colors: Reds, oranges, and golds Sigil: A roaring golden lion Values: Family, Freedom, Fortune Risen through their wealth and influence of the Varran, the Frisques have...
  4. Dekuras

    House Von Duerr

    Culture: Calderliga -|- Colors: Green, Silver, White. -|- Crest: Crow overlayed with a shield displaying and ouroboros and an hourglass -|- Saying: Memento Mori -|- Trades: Medicine and Blackpowder -|- Holdings: Barony of Duerrstein -|- Current head: Jocelyn Jamison von Duerr -|- Values...
  5. yuomr/jason

    Chiyo Clan

    Chiyo Clan [Main Family] "Blood is thicker than water." Basic Information Name: Chiyo Colors: Black and Gold Culture: Yang-Tzu Isles Values: Family and Honor Primary Trade: Silk and General Textiles Secondary Trades: Medicine and Tea Family Members Ayaka Chiyo (Patriarch): '67' NPC Hasu...
  6. Troy

    A Nightmare Of One Once Lost

    Hello! This is actually my first thread, so my apologies if it doesn't satisfy you. This is merely the backstory as to why my prized character has no family. Only certain people may know him, but it's still all the same if you haven't. Thanks for stopping by. :D...
  7. Ghostting

    House Chiyo

    House Chiyo ㊅Basic Information㊅ House name House Chiyo Origin Yang-Tzu Isles Faith Unionist Divine Trade Textiles and production of clothing Family status Commoner Family colors Gold & black Family flora Chrysanthemum Family fauna Nightdrake Family History - Pink = Taken - Black =...
  8. Reinir

    House Calvara

    All credit to the artist Barry van Gerbig, Jr. House Calvara is founded on the belief that the strong shall rule the weak. Its founder, Reyes Calvara, led the House to glory through his innovative guerilla warfare campaign against the elves, building a slave trade empire in Daendroc. With...
  9. L


  10. Nathan

    House Winslough Of Ostlaukirchen

    House Winslough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Details: Colors: Red and Silver, on a black background. Words: “Quick of Wit, Heart, and Wing.” Primary Industries: Trained Soldiers, Iron Mining and Steel smelting. Secondary...
  11. PuffyPigeon

    Liezüllo - Vilsi'ali Family

    ~Flavor~ Hei'liezüllo - Vilsi’ali Family Race/Culture: Mëdorr Kathar Class Middle Class/Commoner Languages: Common - “None alike as we.” | Modern Elven - “Naie somo noslajoeia.” She’llaq Religion: All born within the Dread Empire are taught Void Worship and devotion to the Void Prefect of...
  12. Yigit

    House Ardelan

    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ I - Family Traits and Visuals House Ardelan is a crime family of Etosian roots, with hints of Vladno and Daendroquin mixed into their blood. They are a family of slummers who reside within the Old Town, leading the...
  13. Mid_exe

    ~= Celyreos Wine And Dine =~

    ~~ Celyreos Wine and Dine ~~ Bonjour and welcome to The Celyreos Wine and Dine. Here we serve many drinks going from sweet meads to pass-out vodkas. However, we would like to introduce our beloved Ithanian wines and dishes. Our goal is to make all guests from all over the world feel a warm...
  14. fantuinn

    House Von Forst

    {music} Named for its skilled lumberjacks, though eventually turning to a family of mercenaries and slavers, House von Forst, a commoner family from Calemberg, might as well be entirely irrelevant. Aside from the marrying in of one Marie von Forst and Gilbert von Forst, they've remained mostly...
  15. BeetrootSalad

    ⚔ House Speziale ⚔

    ⚔ House Speziale ⚔ House of Fallen Knights and Brine ~ ⚔ Basic Information ⚔ ~ Race: Ailor Culture: Dressolini Faith: Unionism Wealth: Upper Class, Aspiring to become Noblity Trade: Salts and Crystals, Knighthood Origin: Vultaro Sigil - Usually a Red Coyote, surrounded by roses. Colors -...
  16. G0atfather

    House Infamare

    House Infamare Race: Ailor Culture: Dressolini Wealth: upper class (8/10) Trade: Gambling || Crime Introduction A Dressolini family from Montania in the eastern part of The Regalian Archipelago. A family seated in gambling and crime, house Infamare are cunning and loyal, but power hungry and...
  17. nath_n

    House Nhaendar

  18. Eternal_Wrath

    House Norwood

    Information House Culture: Heartland Ceadrian, recently mixing with New Regalian House Motto: Spiritus Vult, Proto-Regalian for “The Spirit Wills” House Colors: Midnight Black, Cobalt Blue, Gleaming Silver House Animal: Imperial Stag House Values: Strength, Courage, Honor House...
  19. CelestialBoba

    First Steps

    The small tapping could be heard on the wooden floors along with shuffling. They were uneven and a baby’s laughter greeted the rest of the sounds. “Good, Theo! Now come to Momma.” Ida would let her fingers slip from the child’s as he waddled back and forth. She kept her eyes on him and her hands...
  20. GRIST_

    House Ignace

    House Ignace Crest by: @seoulmate Family Motto: "Speak useful words or be silent" Colors: Cyan, Silver, and Black Sigil: Swan Culture: Velheim Business: Leathers and Military Services Family History: The family business was started in Opper Calem, along the coast closer to Drixagh. They...