Your Pet Peeve

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I personally take a hit, when I'm faced with someone I know I couldn't possibly dodge at all. If you character dies... Eh. I just take it as it is. If my character would die in real life, then she/he gotta die IG. That's how I RP anyway... I mean, if someone just '-stabs a million times-' then obviously not, just ignore those people. >.<

The problem is when i CAN dodge them but i am not allowed to be descriptive. It destroys creativity and that is just sad.
This is called A Prescriptive view.
When someone isn't open to change in English Language, or variety of Englishes and prefer the formal context in all cases, you are a prescriptivist.

Interesting, I've never heard that term before. I wouldn't say I'm not open to change at all in the English language, especially for the sake of better conveying the nature of a character's speech (like extra letters to elongate words or technically incorrect grammar to match the way people actually talk), and ooc emoticons don't bother me. It's really just during rp text where I find it awkward. I think it's something to do with the same reason I also don't like when people put an emoticon in a speech bubble in comics, because I think, "I should ideally be able to tell what their expression is from the drawing." Or in this case, their writing.
Not going to lie, I hate people who do this. I can't respond with anything other then a one-liner when they do this, otherwise they take control of my character so i get hit. I prefer "-moves to the left, gaining a cut on his side as he does so-" Over frantically typing "-dodges-" as fast as i can because they will kill my character if i don't. If this method you explain here isn't god role-play i don't know what is.

Well with this technique you still have to abide by the RP rule of giving them a bit of time, but if it's a awkward pause, I follow it through. I still try to keep it interesting, but if someone constantly does things like -dodge-, -runs-, -hits- I will more then likely RP my exit out of the area.
Detail is a big thing in RP, to me. Explanation! How did you dodge that? Where did you run and from who? What body part did you target?
My pet peeve is those people who are just too lazy to capitalize their characters name.

My pet peeve is when people blatantly ignore me in rp, as in, I'll be talking with Aviana and someone will start arguing with her, (me being her guard an' all) I go to get the guy away but he just KEEPS yelling off at her, ignoring me completely for ten minutes. He'd randomly turn around and punch me or something when he realises though...

And like most others, I'm sick of being hated on ooc, I might be trying to help some injured girl, then her "friends" would start calling me a friendgot and telling me to leave.
I hate how people pretend to be friendly vamps. It conflicts with the lore, and they are yell at me for calling all vamps evil. Why don't they hate on the lore? Excuse me for complying with the lore! I also hate how vamps act all powerful, and pretend they can kill use, but we can't kill them.
Back seat moderators. AKA users who respond to a thread posting what a forum mod would say to the OP until the the mods actually notice a thread. While it's harmless and those people are just "helping" I think they should let the mod's do the work and try to help OP with the threads topic instead of commenting unproductively. Not sure why it bothers me so much but who knows :D
hurrm i'd have to say mine would have to be random people following you around where ver you go spectating your RP
Oh, I got one. People who make OP characters but at the same time have a valid incharacter reason have the OP skills they have, know it, and push it to its limits. Makes me want to flip my desk.
Ohhay. Look who's back to rant more!

When people say they want to be an actor/actress, simply because of the 'fame'.

First off, I personally do not think being famous is a... Great thing. Sure, you have money and whatnot, but you're constantly being followed by people whom are desperate to just take of photo of you pulling a disgraceful face or... Or being a normal human being and accidently tripping. It's ridiculous. Now, I adore acting. It is something I breathe, you know? I absolutely love it. So, when someone says 'Gosh, maybe I should be an actor...' I'll always ask why. Curiosity biatches. Sometimes (most of the times), the answer is 'I wana b famoouuussss and b in da filmz cuz it iz kwl n stuf'. Fucking. No. Just, just no.

Okay I'm done, I'm sorry. No more rants forever and ever and ever. <3
my pet peeve? okay den i shall tell chu

1. when people say "orchestra is boring you should just quit and join band"

2. when someone says "oh cool you play the violin!?" and i'm like "ITS A VIOLA FOR LORDS SAKE!!" and they say "whats a Viola?" kill me, kill me now
and that is how i wanted to react.
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