Archived Wulong Subspecies/sub Races

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Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Over my months of playing MassiveCraft, although the Wulongs aren't popular races to play about, there should be specific types as in real life such as orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, marmosets, etc. Just like in real life, it would be cool to have variants just like Yanar Seedlings. Adding in a sub species could potentially raise up the Wulong's popularity, just imagine a Gorilla-like Yanar being used as mercenaries. Wulongs to me are one of the rarest seen races, due to lack of interest and "empty" style. Sort of like Q'urebos, there would be different types. The variants could possibly live in different areas of jungles and such, living different lives and possibly some, even primitive be a little Tribal.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I totally agree with this, adding more in-depth detail and lore to races wpuld be very nice.
I believe that wulong can already differ in body size greatly. That is what I gathered anyway. While subspecies will make this clearer I think it isn't needed

As Billy noted, there's a huge range in Wulong (see below from That said, what you're describing in terms of geography and habitat really doesn't apply as they've been confined to a finite area within the Yang-Tzu isles. I'm all for things that encourage players to explore Wulong, but defining specific types of Wulong wouldn't likely popularize the species as it's likely their wulongness, and not their appearance, that keeps them rare. That said, it's an outsider race, and I'd argue that it seems fitting that there aren't too many in Regalia itself (although extremely well-suited for faction play I'd argue).

Special attention should be paid to the differences between individuals of this race. There are fat Wulongs with bushy tufts of hair that cover most of their body. Others are slender and bare-chested with arm tufts like bracers. Forearms, shoulders, feet, or even the spine of the back may be hairy or smooth. Some are lanky with beards so long that one might think them a caricature of a wizened old Ch'ien-Ji. The Wulong gene pool is far more diverse than one might expect for an island race, and there is little to no social separation between individuals based upon their build or appearance. Both of those curious aspects may be attributed to one specific quirk of the species: Wulong offspring do not necessarily look like their parents.
