• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Writ Of Inquest Of Duchess Palatine Astrid Kade


Posted upon the many signs and notice boards of the city would be a sheet of crisp, white parchment, marked with a Radiant Eye and bearing the white wax seal of the White Order.


Let it be known, that Palatine Duchess Astrid Kade has committed grave transgressions against the Creeds and Laws of our beloved Empire. In her actions of self-hubris, she has endangered the lives of brave men attempting to stop a heretic, placing her own interests over the greater good of the faithful. Her crimes go as follows:

> Breaking the Third Creed, by interfering with an official Inquisition of a lesser race, preventing proper conversion and salvation of another soul.

> Breaking the Fifth Creed, by distracting Inquisition officials who were being assaulted, putting not only their lives at risk, but her own, and the lives of any nearby.

> Challenging the Law of Holy Inquest, confirmed by the Sancella and most Holy Emperor, by claiming to be higher authority than the Inquisition established by the Supreme Reverend, even after being asked to leave White Order property several times.

On these grounds, Palatine Duchess Astrid Kade is to be subject to official trial, and punishment at the hands of the White Order and the Confessors of Volckamar, to be set for a later date. For the time being, she is marked with a White Shackle, a steel band dubbing her on trial for heresy against Crown and Country. May the Spirit have mercy on her soul.
Walk always in the light,
Aethelred von Ultor
Supreme Reverend of Regalia


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