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The Sunday Scratch | Issue #6


CS_Birb Impersonator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2019
Reaction score

On the morning of April the 3rd 309, the Blue Flag was flown from the tallest tower in the Imperial Palace, before a rush of activity buzzed around the outside of its walls. Gates closed one by one, cascading from the inner courts where the musicians stopped playing, to the outer yards where supplies and crates were quickly shuffled into warehouses and visitors turned away...

After deliberation with a large and luxurious lobby of lobbyists, the Ekhein made his final decision as to who would become the Regent for the Emperor while Protocol Blue was active...

It has come to our attention that a most disturbing trend of degradation of Aristocratic Values has been taking place. For some time now, the Civil Government has stood idly by as Nobles were vulgarly referred to by their last name sans honorifics...

In the far south, a sudden and unexplained mass-retreat of the Sendrassians occurs in a very abrupt yet organized fashion. From one day to the other, while they were seemingly still patrolling and preparing an invasion of the next islands, the Sendrassian fleets simply packed up their troops and left in a hurry...

by Rusul Davison penned March 30th, 309

A now deceased Violet Guardsman was brought before the peerage and stood trial for breaches of Capital and Crown Law.

More specifically, Crown Law 3: To denounce the Emperor's Authority over all the world with regards to declaring the Emperor's prerogative Abuse of Power. Capital Law 1: To perform active rebellion against the Regalian state or harbor Jacobinism, is illegal with regards to declaring the Emperor's prerogative Abuse of Power by extension to Noble Privilege to execute laws with impunity. Lastly, Low Law 8: To sabotage, undermine, or be negligent in State Official Duty, is illegal for failing to uphold Guard duty and Imperial discipline as a state organization.

The guardsman claimed innocence. Barring proof or convincing the peerage they ought to be spared, their punishment was to be executed by the Anglian method—to drip by slow method viper venom into the eyes of the accused until death did follow. The trial lasted nearly half an hour and no more, as every claim by the Imperial Inquestor was met with excuses or deflections by the accused.

On the matter of the Low Law, Guards or those associated with the guards by law of proximity have the permanent requirement to act with discipline and dignity towards their station.

There is no such thing as a Guardsman 'off-duty', this is merely a technicality in the law designed to give clear function to Guards in Armor and guards out of armor. A general cannot drunkenly loiter when out of his Imperial Marshal's uniform. Martial Law always applies. Forever. Just like the Spirit's judgement. The Court finds the accused guilty on all charges.

The Court finds no reason to lower punishment from the execution request passed by the Court.

The Peerage shall act as the moral conduit of the Emperor's mercy. The guilty party may now make one final begging for mercy towards the Nobility to be granted reprieve. When the mercy begging is complete, the Nobility may vote Aye or Nay.

After this verdict by the Imperial Inquestor, the guardsman flatly declined mercy begging and was escorted from the courtroom to be executed. This was remarked as being a display of judicial competence by those present, as most judicial proceedings conducted in this fashion last hours if not days. However, in cases not requiring intervention by the Inquisition most individuals of standing hire trialmakers, adding to courtroom time due to these individual's expertise.

by Rusul Davison penned April 3rd, 309

The first Assembly of April 309 covered attempted changes to several laws, a proposal to allow Solsithar military service, and a statement from Duchess Violante de Azcoissia on affairs in her land.

Raised by Duke Cillian Mac Conall.

PROPOSAL: Change the wording of High Law 3 from "To Rob the life of another", to "To Rob or Attempt to Rob the life of another."

RESOLUTION: 23 in Favor, 7 Against. Motion carried.

Raised by Duke Abelhard Latimer.

PROPOSAL: Make it a low law for the circumstances of Petty Law 7 to happen to any member of the clergy, with the ranks of Cantor, Deacon, Septarch, or the head of the church, with all equivalents across all Unionist sects being lumped in with this.

RESOLUTION: 9 in favor, 16 against, 1 invalid. Motion denied.

Raised by Sol Laenrell Avalleia.

PROPOSAL: Exempt Solstithar Kathar from the law currently forbidding Kathar from military service, as military service is a tenet upon which Solstithar service to our Empire was founded, and they are another leviable population.

RESOLUTION: 18 Against. 9 In favor. 0 Invalid. Motion defeated.

Raised by Duke Augustin Reinard at request of a Reverend.

PROPOSAL: Allow the Villiers-Eclaire an exception to the law prohibiting the carrying of arms into holy Unionist spaces, in recognition of their charge to protect Reverends.

RESOLUTION: Defeated without voting, on the basis that spilling blood on Holy Ground is against Crown Law. All objections stemmed from this fact despite it being a separate matter.

Raised by Sol Laenrell Avalleia.

PROPOSAL: Under the auspices of the Iron Duke of Vultaro, to obtain permission from the vassals of Basqlierra and Frontierra through the foreign ministry to conduct a cartographical documentation of the region, completed over the course of the next two to three months with periodic funding pending the assent of the Finance Minister.

RESOLUTION: Withdrawn, seeing as it pertains to matters headed by multiple ministries.

Raised by Duchess Violante de Azcoissia.

I'm here to speak on the utterly disastrous state that our good friends in Daenshore have fallen into, with all the recent pressure that the looming threat of the Allorn is putting upon them. I recently returned from a trip there, where I spoke with the good Governor Sebastian Savdelo. He spun me a story about the dire need for more funds to construct and bolster their defenses for fear of invasion.

Among the other figures I spoke to was one Madeleine de Santovesi—and she told me something entirely different. That the Governor and collected Viscounts of Daenshore were conspiring to assert some semblance of absolute control by utilizing the perceived threat of invasion as an excuse to institute martial law and seize the city. The stories and contradictions didn't stop there, though-- similar things were spoken of occurring in other Daendroque cities, all as a result of this supposedly great and terrible Allorn titan all risen from its rest.

The conclusion to be drawn is that of imminent disaster in these territories, because nothing has been done. Thumbs are being twiddled while Daenshore and other Daen provinces are ripping themselves apart in acts of desperate auto-cannibalism.

The fact of the matter is—the absolute lack of action is causing degradation and decay in these places, and further lethargy will result in this festering wound rotting to a point of no return. I think the situation can be addressed with that gathering indeed, but it goes beyond just the matter of these pretenders. Relationships are actively being damaged by slothfulness, and if anything is to be done it need be extended beyond just council on the Allorn zealots.



by Rusul Davison penned April 23rd, 309

Assembly proceedings began as normal on April 22nd, 309, but mere minutes afterwards and only a month into Duke Augustin Reinard's tenure a vote of no confidence was called by her Serene Grace Madelyn de Azcoissia. With 13 votes for her Serene Grace and singular votes for a smattering of other nobility, Archduchess Madelyne de Azcoissia assumed the position with 54% of the vote.

Raised by Lord Florian Peirgarten.

PROPOSAL: Create the the Ministry of Security, a crisis control ministry dedicated to eliminating Empire-wide risks no matter it's origin.

RESOLUTION: 1 vote in favor. 15 against. Proposal defeated.

We would like to remind the Assembly that the Empire now counts over 50 million inhabitants of varying races, religions, creeds, dispositions, and attitudes. The Alms Ministry is by nature an organization of virtue, that does good work. But a serious question should be posed, whether in some cases, the Alms Ministry is its own worst detractor, due to the stylization of its own theme, and the themes on work.

When the Alms Ministry approaches a subject for financial, medical, or otherwise aid, this is from a position of superior wealth, disposition, or otherwise social standing. The delicacy of the diplomatic situation in Hadar, is that the Allar ought not to be treated as poor bereft lizards who are the by product of nobles having a petty spat over a plot of land. But a group of people affected by a war that by all counts did not go disastrous. But at the very least puts some serious question marks with the leadership of the Regalian response that seemed to treat it more like an excursion for new military tactics than an actual frontline.

The arrival of the Alms Ministry to the scene, and particularly the scene of the Cro-Allar, who are known to be vain and prideful, is one of. Shall we say. Pity. And the last thing the Allar need - the ones who believe they were treated badly by the Regalians - is to have another Regalian organization stepping down to them, and giving pity and alms and charity. So as to say. Woe to the poor lizard.

The Alms Ministry can come across as demeaning. Grandstanding. Patronizing. To a people who want to be treated as equals who were mistreated, not as poor souls who just happened to fall on hard times due to a bad job lay-off.

Raised by Duke Abelhard Latimer.

PROPOSAL: Pass a ruling that compels ministers to publish a summary of all things done bi-weekly. All classified information may be blotted out, and those who do not post without good reason to be removed from their position on the second infraction, and be reprimanded for the first infraction.

RESOLUTION: 10 Against. 5 In favor. Motion defeated.



by Marcellinus Starr penned April 3rd, 309

True to fashion, Duke Alaric Keen was late and nearly tried in absentia at his own trial.

Duke Cillian Mac Conall pleaded the guilt of Duke Keen for violation of Regalian Low Law 1: Inflicting harm against another or one's unless self-defense demands itself is illegal. Regalian Low Law 2: To abduct or imprison or enslave another without legal permit is illegal. Regalian Low Law 3: Possession or use of Contraband and Illegal Items is illegal. As well as Regalian Capital Law 2: To conspire to harm the Emperor or Chancellor or Assembly, is illegal.

The Duchess Natharia Mac Conall was reportedly invited to the Keen estate by the accused to report a rumor of an impending arson—as per her duties as chief of the Firewatch for the Alms Ministry. The Duchess was then attacked upstairs by his grace and two of his trusted guardsmen as well as other members of his 'Ivories' who were prevented access from intervening and blocked at the stairway.

The Duchess was then forced to consume two tonics, one rendering her unconscious and the other erasing her memory of the proceeding events. She was then confined to a bedroom. Despite inquiring as to whether violets should be contacted by some of the Ivory Company, his Grace refused. It was not until Theokleia Aetos took initiative to seek out guards that the Violets eventually came onto the scene.

The guards witnessed an injured Duke Keen outside the estate, whom was promptly given medical attention. Claims were made that the Duchess had walked down the path to the Delmotte estate. Soon after, screams were heard from the estate. The Duchess had tried to escape the estate, but was forcefully intimidated by Augustin Mohren. Fleeing back to the bedroom, Augustin Mohren then locked the door, forcing it to be kicked in upon her rescue.

The Duchess was removed from the estate, some Ivories then took to assaulting Regalian Guardsmen outside as the Duchess was brought to Greygate for healing.

The Panel of Peers voted collectively, with Twelve Guilty Votes. And none Not Guilty. The Panel suggested that the Duke Keen be stripped of any current positions in the Government or otherwise, that the Ivory Company be disbanded, and that a fifty percent punitive tax be applied to House Keen, until voted to be removed by a majority Assembly vote. In addition, the Panel suggested that Duke Keen fire Mister Mohren.

Justicar Rodderick Howlester returned with his own verdict. In relation to Regalian Low Law 1: Guilty. In relation to Regalian Low Law 2: Guilty. In relation to Regalian Low Law 3: Innocent, but only by virtue that illegal substances didn't once get raised during the trial at all. Finally, in relation to Regalian Capital Law 2: Innocent.

The Judiciary was not satisfied that the actions taken by the Duke of Gottlieberberg satisfied the criteria under this particular piece of legislation. As such, the Judiciary rendered a final punishment of the following:

House Keen would be levied a punitive tax of 25% until overturned by a quorum of Noble Assembly voters.

House Keen would immediately disband the Ivory Company. The rationale for such stemming from the Duke's men's injuries caused to the Duchess which this Judiciary believes to be in excess of what would be necessary to restrain her, which we believe was not the case.

The Judiciary did not for a second, due to the marred testimony that this was anything but a kidnapping attempt to implicate the Mac Conall family as the perpetrators of crimes they did not commit. Finally, the Duke will personally issue an official apology to the House Mac Conall and oversee the mandatory public service of Augustin Mohren who will serve the Regalian Alms house for a period of one month.

After this, Mohren was to be removed from the Keen payroll and barred from acting as a personal palest or House Guard.

by Duchess Haeddi Jehanne van Hal penned March 24, 309

In a day and age of great innovation, change, and creation, it comes only as a natural thought that one would want to push further into the paths of success. Within this great Regalian Empire, upon considering such ideals, one soon realizes that the greatest individuals to help create those differences are the blue-blooded men and women that reign supreme in their Emperor-gifted power. It is here that one must consider the many branching paths to success that can be followed, and recognize that there is one beneficial to all parties of the Empire: blue-blooded, blue-collared, and anywhere in between.

The great answer then is one yet largely considered: the betterment of Empire-wide education.

Truthfully, many look upon this issue with an empty gaze, unable to initially spot it. In fact, when the issue arrives about "low education" being widespread in the Empire, often it is unrealized due to the fact that individuals know that they have been educated as a child and thus believe others of their station received the same treatment. When in fact, many who manage to get schooling in their youth got such through a position that is unfound with most children. In some, they were enrolled into an academy; others sent into a knight order, or simply had the luck of private education—school or home-wise—that is uncommon most other places.

To help this realization, numbers were crunched in an effort to bring to light what such means. Using only the Regalian Archipelago as an example, and thus excluding the rest of the Empire in these numbers, there are approximately 30 provinces with approximately 26 cultures in them. Each of these cultures has a differing opinion of education, whether it being inconvenient, needed, impossible, or simply unfound. These "dominant cultures" thus dictate the system of education or lack thereof within a province.

Then, statistically, numbers land as:


It is with this mathematical deduction that one comes to notice the problematic status of empire-wide education, and that it is in desperate need for improvement. In that light, it falls to both the Common people and the Peerage of the Regalian Empire to make this change occur. To those of Blue-blooded status, they must use their positions of power to make a change and further guide our homeland into greatness. It is not a perfect system yet, but placing funding towards the expansion of educational supplies, buildings, and educator payment could be a step in the right direction. For further success, if that alone is not enough to jumpstart an education revolution, then it is upon the titled individuals to find the source that is a bump on the road against their efforts.

As for the Common people, while they alone cannot push for this change, they can offer their assistance to the Peerage in battling this issue, if they are in the position to do so. If one of your Lords or Ladies is in search of an individual to help their project, and you are such a person, do not be shy or turn the other way. This is a path meant to uplift those of the lower class, not disgrace them, and if people of such status can assist they should.

In the end, whether you are of the Nobility or of the Common people, we are all Regalians and should all use your proper places in the world to uplift and help one another. To give to each other is to give to yourself.

by Duchess Tuija Viduggla penned April 19th, 309

Hello readers! I have compiled a list of events that have happened as well as upcoming ones for all to read about and see if any pique your interest!

Gladdamat Festival

Hosted April 2nd

Lord Ardige Viduggla brought the Velheim festival to the public using the Alms Sanctuary and celebrated with an abundance of food made by volunteers in the kitchen. Everything was given out for free as hungry pedestrians strolled into the smell of freshly cooked food. As the night went on so did the stories of the Old Gods culture cuisine including the Grand Duchess Sivrid Sorenvik allowing locals of Regalia a true taste of Velheim delicacy. I was able to attend and enjoy some time cooking alongside other Velheimers and those of different cultures as well, it was a fun-filled night which we all enjoyed immensely.

Gathering of Stars
Hosted April 10th

Duke Slumberwood invited all to join on a night of celebration of the Strălucire which is an important astrological event to Ânian culture. The event took place on the party boats where both commoner and noble could watch as the moon's dark side became visible above the water. The event was filled with activities for guests to enjoy as the night continued on. Hopefully the next event the Duke hosts I will be lucky enough to attend and not be stuck in a meeting.

Hosted April 13th

Another Mistress of Celebrations, Sol Laenrell Avalleia invited the peerage and Estallorn to enjoy an Altalar feast as well as the discussion of one topic- travel! Guests were advised to wear their traveling garbs and discuss the places they have or will go. I haven't been to many places so I knew I would be only talking for a few short minutes!

Bi-Annual Harvest Faire
Hosted April 16th-17th

The Cielothar Community invited all whether friends or strangers to celebrate the harvest of both the Rainy and Dry seasons. Throughout this weeklong event, there were many festivities that involved the harvesting, baking, and consuming of the Cielothar's baked goods which were offered to the public in market stalls as well as the other aspects of their culture. The week ends with a feast involving the leftovers from the day prior as the community dances to the songs of their culture before a day of cleaning and meditation to cleanse the mind. I wish I was able to join in the harvesting due to my love for nature but I hope in the next harvest the Cielothar community knows I will be planning to join them!

Alms Ministry: No Lands Left Behind Festival
Hosted April 18th

Organized with the help of the public, the Grand Duchess Sorenvik and I were able to create a night of celebration for the return of our soldiers from Hadar. The night consisted of live music and stalls run by people of the city, which gave out food and trinkets free of charge in the light of this time of reunion. To close the event, the Grand Duchess Sorenvik conducted a heartfelt speech to the troops, medics, field marshals, admirals, generals, and others who helped the efforts in Hadar. After the speech, a display for fireworks lit up the sky in front of the cathedral for all to watch in awe. I was able to chat with old and new friends and was glad to be a part of the efforts in Hadar myself.


Noble Women in Politics Meeting

Hosted April 2nd & 16th

Lady Anne de Piedmont has created a social club for women within the peerage to partake in insightful discussions on the politics that surround their everyday life. Be sure to keep out for more of these meetings if you wish to join in on the discussion! I am hoping to join soon now that my schedule is clearing up!

The Blossom Bloom Ball at Hostesse
Hosted April 3rd

A lovely event hosted by the Master of Celebrations marking his first step into his role in the Imperial Court. Nobles were seen gathering to Hostesse to partake in a lovely night of dancing, socializing, and drinking. The bright pinks, whites, and gold all the peerage wore complimented the scenery and season in a lovely fashion. Though I was not there personally I heard many raves of the location and their enjoyment!

A du Saullevé Masquerade Party
Hosted April 8th

Hosted by Lady Hudil du Saullevé, the night was spent on a coastal beach as masked individuals slowly made their way to partake in the night. The night was made for those to enjoy and indulge in the change of weather. Lady Hudil also took advantage of the budding nature the city displayed and called for those attending to decorate their masks with the same flora and fauna found around the city. I am not very keen on masquerades and have only been to a few but I was happy to hear of the success of the event.

Team Trivia Night Part Two
Hosted April 9th

The Arch Duchess Madelyn de Azzcoissia has made this almost monthly event and has shown growing success! The night invites the peerage and associates (such as House Guards, Palests, Servants, etc.) to challenge their knowledge on a charity of topics from ancient to modern history and politics in the Empire. I am hoping sometime soon I will be able to go and enjoy it myself!

A Cadieux Soiré
Hosted April 15th

House Cadieux invited the peerage and knights of the city for a soirée which had drinks for all and speeches from a few notable people. Firstly, his Divinity Cadieux started the event off with a blessing that may have been foreshadowing for the rest of the night but who am I to say. After this, Duke Cillian Mac Conall took the reins and the peerage and knights alike were met with a speech many found themselves displeased with, seemingly feeling the Duke tried to invoke guilt from the crowd in an attempt to raise more support for the growing blight situation.

After this, the Grand Duchess Milena Cadieux raised spirits for a brief moment as she discussed a plan to invite knights to an event involving a trophy in the shape of a gauntlet. This seemed to intrigue many of those present so I cannot wait to see its development! And for our closing speaker, Lord Fabien Cadieux who dedicated his toast to Lord Victane de Piedmont for his infidelity towards those he involves himself with.

I am not one to condone the actions and frankly, I hope Lord de Piedmont learns from these mistakes and begs for forgiveness. However, I also do not condone the idea of spreading drama and rumors through the mask of a party. I was hoping to have a lovely time at the event but I only felt uncomfortable and upset after the fact. I hope the next event created by House Cadieux can be like the rest that I have enjoyed so much these past few months rather than a way to "air their dirty laundry".

Grand Regalian Derby
Hosted April 16th-18th

Seems the Master of Celebrations has taken over this month with his events which have been well received by the peerage. For those who do not know, I was in your shoes as well, a derby is a horse race involving the ideals of gambling a wager on the horse you think will win. I was involved in this event as well as I showcased the horses as each galloped around the track.

Other members of the Imperial Court such as her Ladyship Peirgarten who hosted a friendly, but competitive boat race. On the day of the race, it seemed my studying proved useful and the horse "Ace of Spades" (The winner of the Derby) gained me a decent amount of regals which I donated to the Alms Ministry soon after.

One critique of these events would be to keep the itinerary closer together to let things flow smoother rather than having a random gap where people are stuck twiddling their thumbs. Regardless, Lord Peirgarten is piquing my interest and I remain eager for his upcoming events in the near future.


An Evening Hunt

Planned for April 20th

Duke Keen and his Lordship Howlester invite the peerage, palests, and respected knights to join them on the Imperial hunting grounds for a good, old-fashioned hunt! I wonder who the winner of the grand prize will be? Only time will tell I suppose!

The May Eve Holy Fest
Planned for April 20th-30th

His Divinity Cadieux and Acolyte Duchess Van Hal are inviting the public, especially the good unionists of the city to a three-night celebration of the Ten Creeds of the Unionist faith. Each night will celebrate a few of each creed with a fun festivity tied to it such as an open market, anonymous letters of appreciation, and a night of dancing and games!

Feathers Across the Season (Peerage)
Planned for April 22nd-23rd

I invite the peerage, palests, and respected knights to a two-night event involving a social party around the gorgeous scenery and a play written with the help of a few others who will all be thanked at the end of the performance (I keep my helpers a secret!).

Springtime Bazaar (Public)
Planned for April 23rd

Join the celebration of good trade across the Empire in front of the Cathedral! Have some of your favorite shops stationed at stalls throughout the night for a fun, relaxed evening of shopping and indulgence for all to enjoy!

Night at the Secret Grotto- Gallovian Court (Peerage)
Planned for April 24th

House Howlester formally invites the peerage to a night of drinks and swimming in a lovely, serene grotto. Many will find the water refreshing and the time enjoyable as you catch up with others and swim about the pools of fresh water.

Brassbuckle & Co Forge Grand Opening (Public)
Planned for April 24th

Seems a new business is starting in New Crookback and what better way to publicize it than with a grand opening? Drinks and food will be provided as well as a discount to those who spend enough on goods! Be sure to look out for this event and support the local businesses!

Cocktail Night - Natharia Mac Conall (Peerage)
Planned for April 25th-26th

The Duchess invites the peerage to a fun night of a make-your-own cocktail at their lovely estate. There will be a competition involved where a first, second, and third place will be rewarded by a mysterious guest. Be sure to think of some mixtures beforehand to maybe get a jump on the competition!

Theological Society Meeting (Public)
Planned for April 26th

The Grand Duchess is hosting the second Theological Society Meeting for those interested in learning more about the religions surrounding our grand city, or religious leader who wish to partake in the discussion. The question for the meeting is: What misconception about your religion would you like outsiders to understand? Be sure to have your notes ready if you wish to learn!

Nature Society: Spring Harvest (Public)
Planned for April 27th

Duchess Tuija Viduggla invites anyone interested in the discussion of environmental care to join her and the Nature Appreciation Society in an all-out harvest in the York Gardens! There will be a few treats and drinks provided as the group checks on the plants to be sure they are all healthy and cared for.

Alms Ministry Etiquette Lessons (Public)
Planned for April 28th

Join Lady Piedmont in lessons over the importance of etiquette such as greeting, dancing, and the likes. Be sure to keep an eye out for these fun events that could make you impress the lady of your dreams one day!

Mac Conall Garden Party (Peerage)
Planned for April 29th

Seems the Duchess Mac Conall is not the only one taking advantage of their estate as Duke Alastair invites the peerage for a fun night in "the finest garden in Regalia''. There will be food, drinks, and discussions on Ériunin Religion and a speech by Duke Alastair himself to update the peerage on recent events. Let's hope his speech uplifts those around for the dance that caps off the night.

A Night at the Opera
Planned for April 30th

The Master of Celebrations is hosting his first prestige event in the form of a talent show! Families are challenged to showcase a skill whether it be singing, dancing, or playing an instrument in an attempt to wow the Imperial Family. Let's hope more information comes out soon or else we may be destined to fail in the showcase!

Taste Around The World (Peerage)
Planned for May 2nd

Her Ladyship is inviting the peerage to enjoy the tastes of the Empire and far off lands in a night of flavorful wonder. There will be small booths set up with many different foods for all to partake in! Be sure to come on an empty stomach or you might miss out on your new favorite treat!



Lord Florian Peirgarten

I hope the Master of Celebrations continues to excite me with his upcoming events and I wish to applaud him for his hard work. However, remember that you can always ask for help with an event or if you just need advice, there are always people around you who wish to help, including myself and others in the Imperial Court. Regardless, you started the month off strong so continue on your track!

Lady Anne de Piedmont
Continue your work with the Alms Ministry and use this to your advantage! I praise your efforts to enlighten others on the important lessons of etiquette and create an area for the women of the peerage to discuss current events without the pressure of the public watching. If you ever need an extra set of hands please do letter me!

House Cadieux
Excluding the soirée, your house has always been shown to be bustling with activity as you welcome any of the peerage to join you in your small gatherings that pop up every now and then. Keep up the good work and I hope to continue to enjoy these impromptu events that are great for catching up with others!



Duchess Natharia Mac Conall
I challenge you to host more events which, in the past, you hosted so very often for everyone to enjoy! Your work has paid off and caught my attention and I wish to motivate you to continue in your efforts! I will be waiting to write about you again in the next few months.

I challenge the public to be more involved and host events for both yourself and others to enjoy! Whether it be a small gathering or a picnic with your district, host something that can entice people to be more active with the season! Spring is a time for new beginnings so welcome that ideal with open arms. If anyone is interested in hosting an event and need pointers, I will more than gladly offer my support and assistance so long as I am given an idea!



SUBSCRIPTIONS @canaaa @FeralGayWalnut @TonyBones @NebulaePrimo @bwmwags3 @BiBiBirdie @JResurrected @AtticCat @Farly108 @BluKnight10 @Lutowski @Iyyiushi @MrNoot1 @MippyMoo @SaltyLikeTheSea @Nirnro0t @HereticTakao @Greys_n @yamiya @Ampers07 @AshenRoman @yamiya @Ampers07 @AshenRoman @ZiggyStarDusted @festiveCorvid @SleepyIsVerySlep @sinhai @Wilvahelm @LilBeast_24 @LeafMC @dimetros @mcmann @essentialess @Arhbi @LumosJared @MantaRey @_Sundreamer_ @KK134

MENTIONS @HydraLana @KK134 @OkaDoka @Mollymock @Lazzulai @MrsCripple @kirishark @Malir_Bromtor @Birdsfoot_Violet @LilBeast_23 @canaaa @Halsi @Maeovika @HeyitsNano @Northern_Ireland

Respects to Imperialism | Public Title Spreadsheet | Progression Events

The out of character ones, at any rate.

THE UNDERCITY BULLETIN — The Undercity's only paper.
THE DIVINER'S CORNER — Occult topics, horoscopes, and advice from Myridden.
REGAL SUGGESTION — Gossip, drama, and noble intrigue.

Atticcat for the education article.
Aphellon for Myridden's horoscopes and advice.
Dunmeri for the illustrations.
Annie_Short for Tuija's Newsletter.
Anonymous contributors for other articles.
And like… MonMarty and BillyTheScruffy for the prog posts, man.

Don't use dividers or assets from these posts. They're not free to use.
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