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What We Inherit: A Disbandment


tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
This is a Public Notice pinned in the City & Crookback.

I have a natural inclination to think that the news of this notice will not come as a surprise. For, as the saying goes, two is a secret, and any more is public knowledge. So, I'll cut to the chase of it: the Hexenblood Circle is disbanding, for a multitude of reasons. The most relevant of them is the growing weight of the group upon my shoulders, when I consider what it began as, and its original creator (which is not myself). I would know, of course, I was there. Huddled in a very old, very ruined Temple that had become the favored nesting place for a necromancer with more ambition than sense in the place where one's heart should be. I am not particularly proud of having found myself there, nor am I proud of who I styled myself as. The Goals of the "Hexenblood" when it began, and the goals of the "Hexenblood" when it ended could not be further apart from each other. To an extent, I am proud, but I mostly find myself looking at it with shame. It is for that reason I have made this decision.

I cannot say the same for the number of people I have met through the Hexenblood, however. I am nothing but proud of them, nothing but happy to have met them, to have been allowed to exist in their lives and see them grow and change into their better selves. It is with these esteemed few that I will be starting a new organization. With clearer goals, better intentions, and more earnest care for our fellows. Just watch us.

Acting leader of The Rosaria Circle

A kathar read over the announcement and inquired with the locals as to the nature of the Rosaria Circle. By the investigation's end he took a seat in All-Beacon Temple before the altar to Elen.

"Oh Lady of Rivers, who guides all, burdened or mundane, to glorify the Everwatcher and Empire. I look upon these mages, their intentions…and I hope they're believers in your lesson. Guide me as you've since I pledged myself to your care, so I might know if this Circle presents a way to unite with those who seek to assist the Great Way."

Murmurs among those attending the temple and those who were shocked to find a Kathar within so hallowed a place. Would soon filter some version of this prayer to various corners of the city.