An article is posted throughout Amontaar concerning the placement of a Bounty. It can be found in taverns, beside food stalls, outside the Old Lighthouse Tavern and the Asha District
Dear Amontaari and Regalian Citizens,
I write to you today as Osira- Member of the Amontaari Guardforce under the Mercenary Company known as Damh-Mara but also as a candidate for Regalian Aldermann on a matter which concerns you all. This is an example of holding others- And ourselves- Accountable under the scope of the Law. There are no exceptions. Even members of the guard are not and especially should not be exempt.
This Bounty article hereby serves as a record.
Last night, a Bounty was approved by the Amontaari Guardforce following the submission of evidence against the accused.
This Bounty article serves to inform the public as well as guards and hired mercenaries of the crime committed by the accused.
Below is a visual depiction of the accused for reference as well as information pertaining to them that is relevant to the crime they are accused of
Elamöna, Co-Lead of the Silver Chalice

Elamöna, Co-Lead of the Silver Chalice
The individual in question is charged with the crime of CURSING OF ANOTHER and is hereby to be brought to JUSTICE
Mercenaries, Guards and the Public can rest safely in the knowledge that the above individual has been JAILED within the AMONTAAR PRISON and as such is currently AWAITING TRIAL
Members of the Public are encouraged to come forward to the Amontaar Guard regarding further details they might have about the crimes of the accused
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