Archived Weight And Could It Work To Balance Pvp?

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The Fonguard
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
Senator Fong's Mansion
Now, I have posted many of times about the addition of weight to armor, yet it seems to always get ingored by most people. I believe it is a good idea and most of the feedback that I have recieved about it has been positive. I shall explain the details below and you can decide whether to support it or not.

The Change:

Whenever a player wears a of diamond or iron armor, they will recieve a slowness effect.

There are two things that I must explain about what I just said.

1.When I say a peice of iron or diamond armor I mean ANY peice, this is because armor from the chest down should slow you down. This means that wearing a helmet would add the effect too, but I am no coder and do not know what is possible with this. I just feel that coding it any other way would create more work for the coder than just having all peices give the effect.

2.When adding the slowness effect, I assume that having the potion effect of slowness whenever equipping armor shouldn't be too hard to do, but then again, I am only assuming. I have seen what the potion of slowness can do and I do not think it will have too much of an effect on running speed (If it does show to be too slow, you can always just decrease the speed reduction) and could be easily countered with a speed potion, horses, shooting arrows at your speedy enemies in the lighter armors, or possibly even a trait.

Other Possible Features:
(depending if they can be coded)
-Inability to swim in heavy armor

-Food meter decreases faster in heavy armor

The Advantages:

-more variety in battles

-Include strategy in fighting

-encourages horse usage in battle

-a use for the lower tiered armors(chain and leather)

-makes archery a bit more useful(not sure how useful it is now, haven't used it yet :P )

-levels the playing field between prems and non prems, but ever so slightly.

-finally gives value to having an army of chain equipped troops

-adds realism and helps RP through that

-Easy to code(I assume)


-None that I see :)

Now I ask for your opinions and support.
Also, to make sure at least ONE important person sees this...
MonMarty Cayorion Is this possible?
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there is strategy if you actually pvp..... archery is already op....... Why would you want to RP in the middle of a battle not realistic at all the aim is to kill them not to have a cup of tea....

Wow... exactly. People who primarily RP probably love this feature. Because they probably NEVER even wear diamond or iron.
"Hyper-realistic." Did I not say later on this would be nice? But did I say that I wanted swords to slow people, diamond to be scrapped, give minecraft a realistic clock, or taking away the ability to use gold armor/tools? No. No I did not.
"Hyper-realistic." Did I not say later on this would be nice? But did I say that I wanted swords to slow people, diamond to be scrapped, give minecraft a realistic clock, or taking away the ability to use gold armor/tools? No. No I did not.

While we want to make armor, and make it realistic, lets also make it so we have to skin cows, slip in water and not be able to swim up waterfalls.
May I give my own opinion on this? Minecraft is a game where swords are the main weapon if I recall correctly. If you take away everyone's defense, you are pretty much promoting bow play. I admit that would end up with more players using bows which requires more skill and strategy to use. However, this also takes away from the main star weapon of the game. Would you want minecraft to turn into a game where the only good weapon is a far ranged one? I personally would dislike playing minecraft if PVP changed into a modern warfare like gameplay.

There are definitely some problems in todays PVP but adding weight to everything will not solve them. I like your idea but you need to give benefits to the sword users also. Only then will there be a compromise.
Now, I have posted many of times about the addition of weight to armor, yet it seems to always get ingored by most people. I believe it is a good idea and most of the feedback that I have recieved about it has been positive. I shall explain the details below and you can decide whether to support it or not.

The Change:

Whenever a player wears a of diamond or iron armor, they will recieve a slowness effect.

There are two things that I must explain about what I just said.

1.When I say a peice of iron or diamond armor I mean ANY peice, this is because armor from the chest down should slow you down. This means that wearing a helmet would add the effect too, but I am no coder and do not know what is possible with this. I just feel that coding it any other way would create more work for the coder than just having all peices give the effect.

2.When adding the slowness effect, I assume that having the potion effect of slowness whenever equipping armor shouldn't be too hard to do, but then again, I am only assuming. I have seen what the potion of slowness can do and I do not think it will have too much of an effect on running speed (If it does show to be too slow, you can always just decrease the speed reduction) and could be easily countered with a speed potion, horses, shooting arrows at your speedy enemies in the lighter armors, or possibly even a trait.

Other Possible Features:
(depending if they can be coded)
-Inability to swim in heavy armor

-Food meter decreases faster in heavy armor

The Advantages:

-more variety in battles

-Include strategy in fighting

-encourages horse usage in battle

-a use for the lower tiered armors(chain and leather)

-makes archery a bit more useful(not sure how useful it is now, haven't used it yet :P )

-levels the playing field between prems and non prems, but ever so slightly.

-finally gives value to having an army of chain equipped troops

-adds realism and helps RP through that

-Easy to code(I assume)


-None that I see :)

Now I ask for your opinions and support.
Also, to make sure at least ONE important person sees this...
MonMarty Cayorion Is this possible?

Although this is pretty cool, lemme point out something...
Diamond armour, a full set, in real terms, at least, is over 1 ton.
I'm not joking, either. 1 full ton, no wonder Steve has the strength to punch trees. You wouldn't normally be mobile at all, let alone the armour would crush you the moment you slung it on to your shoulders.

Let alone, Golden Armour would possibly even be heavier, making Golden Armour truly the worst to use.
Every game is not realistic, like GTA 5, 6 guns in your pocket? I Dunz think so....
And I love minecraft because it is UNREALISTIC!!
What has that has to do with the thread?!

Bigger guy w/ bigger weapon = stronger but slower.
little guy w/ weak weapon = fast yet weaker.
I wasn't sure how it would balance out entirely because there still seems to be a few minor setbacks such as light armor with a god sword fighting. Just a comparison. Mind telling me what GTA 5 has to do with the thread?
Bigger guy w/ bigger weapon = stronger but slower.
little guy w/ weak weapon = fast yet weaker.
I wasn't sure how it would balance out entirely because there still seems to be a few minor setbacks such as light armor with a god sword fighting. Just a comparison. Mind telling me what GTA 5 has to do with the thread?
GTA 5 is just a Example of reality in games...btw if you really wanna get me back on that "What has that so with he thread"'s Post just wait for other days Or give up
Although this is pretty cool, lemme point out something...
Diamond armour, a full set, in real terms, at least, is over 1 ton.
I'm not joking, either. 1 full ton, no wonder Steve has the strength to punch trees. You wouldn't normally be mobile at all, let alone the armour would crush you the moment you slung it on to your shoulders.

Let alone, Golden Armour would possibly even be heavier, making Golden Armour truly the worst to use.

As I said to The_Last_Miner1 diamond is actually lighter than iron. Just because something is harder, does not mean that it is more dense. Also, I might point out that there is no possible way of acctually making weapons or armor out of diamond, and even if you could liquify diamond, it would lose it's strength. And hate me all you like guys, he's talking real life terms, so am I.
As I said to The_Last_Miner1 diamond is actually lighter than iron. Just because something is harder, does not mean that it is more dense. Also, I might point out that there is no possible way of acctually making weapons or armor out of diamond, and even if you could liquify diamond, it would lose it's strength. And hate me all you like guys, he's talking real life terms, so am I.

I also forgot to mention,
From the way Diamond Armour would be made, even though it would be made of diamond, the structure it is formed in would be extremely weak at the side and the top, almost shattering like glass once to smack the side or the direct top.

And yes, that is a real fact. Unless formed in a chainmail-like fashion, it isn't useful.

And it would cost over $88,000,000,000 dollars.
Not joking about that, either.
I also forgot to mention,
From the way Diamond Armour would be made, even though it would be made of diamond, the structure it is formed in would be extremely weak at the side and the top, almost shattering like glass once to smack the side or the direct top.

And yes, that is a real fact. Unless formed in a chainmail-like fashion, it isn't useful.

And it would cost over $88,000,000,000 dollars.
Not joking about that, either.

What if it was like this?
People keep forgetting that I said that it could be tweaked when it comes to the slowness effect, 15% isn't even that bad IMO but if you people think it will be the death of you, I also suggested 10% which I doubt will make much of a difference but it will still make it possible for ligher armors to at least outrun those in the heavier armor.
Here, we could give bows a charge-up effect, kind of like the default sniper in Tf2; when fully drawn, it takes 3-5 seconds to up it to full damage.
Has anyone considered the possibility that when the traits system comes out, they add one called 'Lithe' or something which slows you down in heavy armor, but awards loads of trait points?
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