Archived Weight And Could It Work To Balance Pvp?

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The Fonguard
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
Senator Fong's Mansion
Now, I have posted many of times about the addition of weight to armor, yet it seems to always get ingored by most people. I believe it is a good idea and most of the feedback that I have recieved about it has been positive. I shall explain the details below and you can decide whether to support it or not.

The Change:

Whenever a player wears a of diamond or iron armor, they will recieve a slowness effect.

There are two things that I must explain about what I just said.

1.When I say a peice of iron or diamond armor I mean ANY peice, this is because armor from the chest down should slow you down. This means that wearing a helmet would add the effect too, but I am no coder and do not know what is possible with this. I just feel that coding it any other way would create more work for the coder than just having all peices give the effect.

2.When adding the slowness effect, I assume that having the potion effect of slowness whenever equipping armor shouldn't be too hard to do, but then again, I am only assuming. I have seen what the potion of slowness can do and I do not think it will have too much of an effect on running speed (If it does show to be too slow, you can always just decrease the speed reduction) and could be easily countered with a speed potion, horses, shooting arrows at your speedy enemies in the lighter armors, or possibly even a trait.

Other Possible Features:
(depending if they can be coded)
-Inability to swim in heavy armor

-Food meter decreases faster in heavy armor

The Advantages:

-more variety in battles

-Include strategy in fighting

-encourages horse usage in battle

-a use for the lower tiered armors(chain and leather)

-makes archery a bit more useful(not sure how useful it is now, haven't used it yet :P )

-levels the playing field between prems and non prems, but ever so slightly.

-finally gives value to having an army of chain equipped troops

-adds realism and helps RP through that

-Easy to code(I assume)


-None that I see :)

Now I ask for your opinions and support.
Also, to make sure at least ONE important person sees this...
MonMarty Cayorion Is this possible?
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I agree with these, there was another server I played and it worked quite well.
In recent news, the price on chain armor skyrockets in the market. People find better uses for there iron then just armor. Horses are murdered or stolen to cripple armies. Diamond becomes more affordable for the poor. Gold prices increase to make up for their real life equivalents. Bows are the new hype of the century and are basically overused everywhere. Darkroom murders become more common. Armies pretty much give all of their god armor to baby zombies for perfect defense. Fortresses begin swamping themselves with water to prevent god armored individuals from totally slaughtering them. I can no longer wear my favorite respiration helmet. And Maiars are still awesome.
Great idea. It would be really great to see that IG.
Eh, I'm actually really torn as to where I stand on this. Assuming this is codeable of course (which it looks to me that it is) it could possibly be quite a good thing. As the faction I belong to is pure RP, the PVP stuff doesn't usually bother us, but seeing as this would affect daily life around the faction base, in terms of going mob hunting, it could swiftly become quite annoying... In terms of PVP, it seems like a great idea to even the playing field, but pieces of armor that have enchantments such as respiration could suddenly become useless, because lets face it, we're all slow enough in water as it is. To add to this point in case of the 'why not enchant chain or leather?' argument, I would like to point out that many people - myself included - may be hesitant to use up a 30 level enchant on less valuable materials.

So yeah, personally I think there would be good consequences and bad consequences with this, and without hearing other peoples' reasoning I am hesitant to give an opinion.

Nice idea though, good luck!
Sorry Man but that Idea is not well conceived, so I have to disagree for the following Reasons.

First you stated yourself you never tested any of these Things, so you have not the slightest Idea what it will change. And this makes me think you don´t have too much Experience with PVP in general.

And now to your "Advantages":

-more variety in battles
No, People will use Speedpots and/or Godbows to take out the Lightarmoured Players and then fighting goes on like usuall

-Include strategy in fighting
Good Pvpers already use Strategy in Battles, bad Pvpers still won´t

-encourages horse usage in battle
For a lot of People Horses are laggy, especially in old Worlds like Ellador. Also even with Diamondarmour Horses can´t survive against someone with a Godbow longer than 3 Hits.

-a use for the lower tiered armors(chain and leather)
No, People will get 1 or 2 hitted so they won´t use them. Enchanting is too much work because they break way to easy

-makes archery a bit more useful
Archery is already usefull and does enough Damage, although the Opinions are divded on that Theme

-levels the playing field between prems and non prems, but ever so slightly.
No, if Iron gives you a Slownesseffect it won´t at all. In the End it would be even an Advantage for Premiums because slower Aims are easier to hit with a Bow

-finally gives value to having an army of chain equipped troops
No, look at Point 1 and 4

-adds realism and helps RP through that
Yes it makes Sense that someone in Leather Armour is faster than someone in a Iron Armour, but this is a PVP and not a Rp Suggestion. It won´t have much influence on Rp at all.

-Easy to code(I assume)
Even if it was, there are way more usefull things Cay can spend his Time on ...

So and now the "Disadvantages"

  • All Disadvantages I stated above
  • 50% of all Players are slowed down, because they have to work in Armour to not getting killed while working and building
  • Premiums get punished for donating to the Server because they can´t use their Armour properly
  • With Martys new Pvp System wounded Players in heavy Armour are slower than a Turtle. Not to Mention what happens if someone throws a slowness Potion on them
And these are just the Points I can see while thinking about this 5 Minutes
So as I already stated, this Idea is wrongheaded and won´t be added in the Way you suggested.
Perhaps Slowness I for iron and II for diamond. We could up the protection of chain and leather, ever so slightly, and give chain a default projectile prot II, because face it, you ain't getting arrows past mah chains.
Personally I don't think this would be very good in battle, perhaps as a vanilla MC mechanic, but I think it's too late. Systems have been set in place, they can be improved not changed. We shouldn't strive to make the game so real it's no fun. It's an interesting suggestion but I have to disagree.
Perhaps Slowness I for iron and II for diamond. We could up the protection of chain and leather, ever so slightly, and give chain a default projectile prot II, because face it, you ain't getting arrows past mah chains.
You serious? Slowness II for Diamond? Have you pvp with slowness 1 splashed on you?
I support this. I like the idea of a man wearing Full Diamond God being a Slow Tank of DEATH.

Rather than a speedy sprinter with a speed II Potion of death ._.
Would make it more realistic. However, there is a line between realism and neutralising aspects that attract players to the server. If PvP was so heavily edited, quite a few PvPers would leave PvP and Premium. The money from Premium (I believe) is used to keep the server constantly on a computer Cayorion runs. Do you want to go back to server restarts? DO YOU?!

Frankly, I love the idea of weighted armor, along with its advantages. But, this idea would need some serious tweaking so as not to ruin everything. Slightly slowed, just not quite slowness I. Because I gotta agree, getting hit by a slowness potion sucks. It's like you all of a sudden are fighting from a wheelchair. And then of course premiums would need more advantages so they'll keep donating, like one/some of the disadvantages for heavy armor being removed for them alone.

Also, the food bar decreasing I must disagree with, you can tear up a tunnel through solid rock and lose hardly any. But swing your sword at a few zombies and all of a sudden you're starving. It's just an annoyance.
I'm being fair here, iron is heavy, probably slowness II worthy. And diamond... It's diamond! Armor! Made! Out of diamond! One of the heaviest substances!

If he wanted to be realistic, he would have made gold slowness II. Gold is way heavier then diamond and should therefore be the slowest. This mechanics suggestion isn't entirely about having more realism added to the game, it's about making PVP "more balanced" with the side effect of extra realism.
Then we have Slowness I on Iron, Gold, and Diamond, and we give Chain more resistance from arrows.
I'm pretty sure the slowness effects could be lessened than the slowness potions effect (-15% speed). I just suggested it because it would be easier to code. -10% is possible as I have seen one of the traits is Courier giving them +10% speed.
Now, I dont think having a slowness effect is that bad as I see not much of a difference in speed, but like I said, you can just take off the armor or use a potion or horse to counter its effects...
None of you actually pvp and you were not here when pvp was good there once was a day when everyone pvped in normal diamond armour and ate god apples and it was fun now everyone ruined that and 20/25 of the mctop have left so how about this we leave all this bs and fix pvp by making it how it used to be "fun"
there is strategy if you actually pvp..... archery is already op....... Why would you want to RP in the middle of a battle not realistic at all the aim is to kill them not to have a cup of tea....
Yes your right, this could have worked in vanilla MC but not massive, Monmarty's new changes to PVP completely ruined the chance of this happening(plus some other problems). I guess I'll just have to move on...
You seem a bit bias against this idea and therefore you only see disadvantages(you made it seem as if this idea was completely negative), and I said that if slowness is too slow, it is possible to make it -10%.. and yes, Mon's new PVP changes did kill the chances of having this.
Yes, and if you wore a full set of gold armour wouldn't be able to move at all.
Read into the earlier posts. Minecraft is fun because it isn't hyper-realistic.

None of you actually pvp and you were not here when pvp was good there once was a day when everyone pvped in normal diamond armour and ate god apples and it was fun now everyone ruined that and 20/25 of the mctop have left so how about this we leave all this bs and fix pvp by making it how it used to be "fun"
That's hurtful. I PvP, but to be honest it was a little bit more fun before enchantments. You had to think strategy, or that guy with the bow was going to 5-shot you. (Note that this wasn't on Massivecraft; but a Vanilla server I played shortly after getting Minecraft.)
Read into the earlier posts. Minecraft is fun because it isn't hyper-realistic.

That's hurtful. I PvP, but to be honest it was a little bit more fun before enchantments. You had to think strategy, or that guy with the bow was going to 5-shot you. (Note that this wasn't on Massivecraft; but a Vanilla server I played shortly after getting Minecraft.)
The days back when the bow is like OP? And you can't sprint, you can't eat. No jungle biome, no ocelot no horses no enchants, yea..."fun" righttt?
Horses are too laggy, I usually trek on food. Bows are op in real life, let's face that. And who said not eating? I'm not saying that early of a version.
Horses are too laggy, I usually trek on food. Bows are op in real life, let's face that. And who said not eating? I'm not saying that early of a version.
Horses are not laggy if the server is not laggy they are still very easy to snipe, bows are NOT OP in real life because if you don't know how to handle a Bow and aim it correctly you will end up a arrow in da knee

You're argument is pitifully wrong. Arrows can shatter past leather padding, the bulk of what was worn in armies during the dark ages. They can knock helms off your head, slip inside your braces, take out your exposed neck, bring your leg out of battle. Arrows are to be feared.

You're argument is pitifully wrong. Arrows can shatter past leather padding, the bulk of what was worn in armies during the dark ages. They can knock helms off your head, slip inside your braces, take out your exposed neck, bring your leg out of battle. Arrows are to be feared.
"If" you have that skill to handle a bow, yes ;)
I think I speak for nearly every PvPer when I say never add this feature to the game. Please
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