Archived Weapons And You, How Durable Races Are. Tips~!

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Mar 13, 2014
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Even though, I am banned and mostly using this account for appeal's I was thinking of past roleplay and how some (Maybe more than I think) dont understand how fragile the human race is as you would know, guys.
(If you dont like my descriptive graphics, please dont read on.)

Swords (Variations)
  • (Sharp) broadsword
  • Able to cut through a human (Or similar) skull relatively easily with a full hard swing
  • Would break if badly made against armour with a full two handed swing
  • Overall, a swing could cut through bone through a limb cleanly, more effort to get it through the skull

  • (Dull, badly made or old) broadsword
  • (Badly forged, old) Brittle, easy to break maybe even a swing against another sword depending on the sword
  • (Dull) it could cut flesh but couldn't pierce bone depending on the condition not even that, would require an orc or bigger to make it act as a sharper sword force wise
Bows, crossbows
  • Crossbow (Draw weight 50-100lb) you could draw this back with you're bare-hands it'd hurt somewhat without thick gloves but you could do it in i'd estimate 5-10 seconds with loading the bolt
  • Crossbow (Draw weight 100-300) Alright you could draw back with you're bare hands in half a minute maybe 160 pounds saying you're strong and using you're legs. Anything higher and you use a mechanism roleplay draw it back with your hands. I may murder you.
  • Damage (Depending on the bolt) A basic iron tipped wooden bolt at 150 draw weight you could fire at a person and no doubt shatter or break bone easily the force and speed (Along with the bolt type and draw weight) is all dependant on its FPS, Force, reloading speed.

  • (Short) Bow
  • It'd be able shatter bone with a well aimed shot with an iron tipped wooden arrow (Feathered obviously) i'd estimate reloading time 1-12 seconds depending on skill some of that does apply to aiming too
  • (Long) Bow
  • Basically the same as the short bow, but a longer range and harder punch also quite a bit bigger

And I would know, you roleplay fight quite a bit atleast a good chunk of us do. and or did, the human body is extremely fragile war hammer? yeah... you could punch a hole through someone's skull with that pretty easily i'll expand this (Maybe) when im more awake this is not questioning your ability as a roleplayer im just sharing my knowledge about weaponery and how it'd react to being shoved up someone's nose

Have a nice afternoon, morning, night whatever dont mind my grammar and please, ask questions im sure someone if not myself will answer.

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Thanks, gives me a good description on how my character could handle these kinds of weapons. Could you do one of those japanese training staffs? They're basically just big straight wooden sticks.
I feel the people who need to read this are not on the forums.

Awesome idea, a lot of people need this. I do have one critic, which has to do with the broadsword. The name "broadsword" has applied to many different swords, so it is hard to envision the sword you are talking about. Because of this confusion, it brings your facts into question about how the sword would be badly damaged. Depending on the time period of the forging of the sword, that would also greatly influence its durability in that new forging methods were learned in the late medieval time period. You would have to badly miscalculate the sword's path to cause it to badly break.

Despite this, I found your facts about bows was immensely helpful as I have seen all manner of people be able to load a crossbow slung over their back in half a second, which is purely nonsense.

Please clarify with me if I am wrong, as our sources may be of different value.

Awesome idea, a lot of people need this. I do have one critic, which has to do with the broadsword. The name "broadsword" has applied to many different swords, so it is hard to envision the sword you are talking about. Because of this confusion, it brings your facts into question about how the sword would be badly damaged. Depending on the time period of the forging of the sword, that would also greatly influence its durability in that new forging methods were learned in the late medieval time period. You would have to badly miscalculate the sword's path to cause it to badly break.

Despite this, I found your facts about bows was immensely helpful as I have seen all manner of people be able to load a crossbow slung over their back in half a second, which is purely nonsense.

Please clarify with me if I am wrong, as our sources may be of different value.
Due to the time period not being exact and how other races could influence how steel/iron was forged along with humans I cant really guess

And for broadsword thats applying to most swords, as I dont really have the patience to get a chart up and write about each individually
Thanks, gives me a good description on how my character could handle these kinds of weapons. Could you do one of those japanese training staffs? They're basically just big straight wooden sticks.

(Im just stating what I know about quarter staffs it shouldnt vary to much from a staff. Well depending)

  • Could cause heavy bruising
  • Useless against another weapon (Sword espically) if stricken against maybe even damaging it
  • Armour is not affected as even if you did do it hard enough to dent it (Depending) it would most likely snap
  • Could break bone under certain circumstances shattering his most likely
Rip Shoul most and this is an opinion would have the bolt already in the crossbow ready to shoot before even going into a fight because the reload time is quite a while.
Rip Shoul most and this is an opinion would have the bolt already in the crossbow ready to shoot before even going into a fight because the reload time is quite a while.
The way some crossbows are made, you cant do that plus if you just drawn it from say. You're back you /couldnt/ have one in already
oh I realize that I was just wanting to point that out and I meant to put this in my first port but I have a very small amount of knowledge when it comes to weaponry
(Im just stating what I know about quarter staffs it shouldnt vary to much from a staff. Well depending)

  • Could cause heavy bruising
  • Useless against another weapon (Sword espically) if stricken against maybe even damaging it
  • Armour is not affected as even if you did do it hard enough to dent it (Depending) it would most likely snap
  • Could break bone under certain circumstances shattering his most likely
@Hiddenmonkey10 Told you.
oh I realize that I was just wanting to point that out and I meant to put this in my first port but I have a very small amount of knowledge when it comes to weaponry
I have a ridiculous amount of knowledge about it, as my free-time now consists of watching weapon videos and watching anime. since massive is out of the question
Your information about armour appears to be based off plate armour. However, plate armour was pretty expensive in the medieval ages, and restricted movement a lot, so chain mail was much more common. As such, weapons such as the staff, and information about breakages more generally don't actually apply often. Also, cutting either plate or chain mail is almost impossible, particularly chain. There are two ways to beat this:

- Weak spots. Only really effective against plate mail. Attack the joints or the eye/face slits

- Sheer brutality. If you hit chain mail hard enough, you don't need to break it to get off a really whopping bruise. Axes, staffs, and maces are designed specifically for this.

Other than the armour issues, it was really useful, especially the bow stuff. Thanks!

P.S. I think this has the makings of a really good 'Let me Write'. I'd love to collaborate with you, and it'd probably help a lot with your appeals too.
Your information about armour appears to be based off plate armour. However, plate armour was pretty expensive in the medieval ages, and restricted movement a lot, so chain mail was much more common. As such, weapons such as the staff, and information about breakages more generally don't actually apply often. Also, cutting either plate or chain mail is almost impossible, particularly chain. There are two ways to beat this:

- Weak spots. Only really effective against plate mail. Attack the joints or the eye/face slits

- Sheer brutality. If you hit chain mail hard enough, you don't need to break it to get off a really whopping bruise. Axes, staffs, and maces are designed specifically for this.

Other than the armour issues, it was really useful, especially the bow stuff. Thanks!
Well, you're quite welcome come to me if you have questions about weaponry. on an side note I think I might start an 'Let me write' for how weaponry looked and how metal's we're varried depending on the race making them in this time
OMFG. Go look at the bottom of my post…
-grins hopefully-

P.S. I think actually the entire thing would be useful; how all races react to all weapons. It just needs a li'l bit o' organisation 'n' editing. Which I would love to offer.
OMFG. Go look at the bottom of my post…
-grins hopefully-

P.S. I think actually the entire thing would be useful; how all races react to all weapons. It just needs a li'l bit o' organisation 'n' editing. Which I would love to offer.
I didnt notice that part ahaha, I need to read more sharply anyway i'll make an google doc and give you a link in an convo
Your information about armour appears to be based off plate armour. However, plate armour was pretty expensive in the medieval ages, and restricted movement a lot, so chain mail was much more common.
Movement was not restricted all that much by plate. But yes, it was quite expensive and didn't really come about until around the start of the Renaissance, medieval times meant more chain mail, boiled leather, etc. If you're doing a Write Me on Alorian arms and armor, you should get @Plecy involved
@patrickdxs If this had any real research behind it, you would possibly have a valid point. However, I have actually /done/ the research, in which there are stories of men using quarterstaffs in order to fend off multiple enemies with swords. Bluntly put, the weapon with the longer reach would be the victor. That being said, a quarterstaff is by no means a "flimsy stick" as the creator of this thread seems to be treating it. It also depends on the wielder of the quarterstaff as well, if a warrior picks one up with no prior training, he would not be able to inflict damage at all, however, if the warrior was trained from youth up, he could cause massive damage. A properly armored opponent (full plate armor) would be able to take quite a few hits, though the concussion from the blows would eventually do major internal damage. In this medieval setting, very few warriors have full plate armor though, many have chain mail or leather armor. That being said, the quarterstaff could do more crushing damage to a lesser-armored opponent.
@patrickdxs you can, and argue it elsewhere. However, if you /do/ go forward, I'll bring up research of my own.
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