Archived /vote Reward Idea

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
So one of the new KOTH rewards is this token that if you get 100 of them you can turn them in for a custom made item:

WHAT IF... if after a certain number votes you got a custom item. It would show loyalty to the server and it would create a lot of advertising for the server.

I personally think the number of votes in order to recieve a custom made item should be 1200. That is 4 months of voting every day on every site (give or take)

What are y'all's ideas?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea. Since half the server cares not much for PvP, it doesn't seem fair that only PvPers enjoy the custom weapon chance (even though you guys deserve it for holding a hill for that time period)

Plus, supporting the server is a win win anyways.
I know :)

I just assume that most of you guys like having a special weapon to kill peeps with.
Great idea. I'd love to have some custom items from voting (because I definitely can't hold a hill for that long XD). +1
Since 100 votes is actaully really easy, I'd do 1000 votes PLAYER WIDE. Like, the plugin that sees how many votes you have ever done, and then if you have 1000, you get something.
Great idea. I'd love to have some custom items from voting (because I definitely can't hold a hill for that long XD). +1
Just hide in the corner of the hill while everyone pvps and tries to figure out where the guy owning it is, but then gets killed in the process.

Anyways +1
Since 100 votes is actaully really easy, I'd do 1000 votes PLAYER WIDE. Like, the plugin that sees how many votes you have ever done, and then if you have 1000, you get something.
Its not about easy. it needs to be... rather rare. I would call the 100 votes easy.. its not all that hard but its not easy either. 1200 votes as i calculated would be 30x9x4 is 1080
Its not about easy. it needs to be... rather rare. I would call the 100 votes easy.. its not all that hard but its not easy either. 1200 votes as i calculated would be 30x9x4 is 1080
How about every 200 votes, theres a 30% chance?
thats a good idea. i like it... My feelings are weird about it. I kinda dont know what i feel about it... but i dont know why...

my feelings are mixed.
Maybe 500 and then 30% to make it supa rare? And maybe make it into a end crystal?
i like that. but the end crystal would just be turned into a game admin in return for the custom item right?
I'm not too sure, maybe disable the crafting recipes so people see it as amazing.

It'll also be funny seeing people rage in general when they accidentally destroy it.

Possibly like 300 or something for 30% chance, as 30% is relatively low. I would go with the original idea of when you vote 1200 times then you get it. (Or make it 1,000 to round it off)
That sounds good.
Marked as Pending Review.

Please expand on how you think the voting count would work for this high-end special reward.

Currently voting automatically counts votes and rewards you automatically from the list of items it has. Staff cannot see how many votes you have completed.
Marked as Pending Review.

Please expand on how you think the voting count would work for this high-end special reward.

Currently voting automatically counts votes and rewards you automatically from the list of items it has. Staff cannot see how many votes you have completed.
It can be automatically given after 1000 votes. I mean why would the staff need to see the number anyway? i would like that answer so i can better answer your request.