Pending Review Wis 2.0 Idea Dump

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by Conflee, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    Hello. So... WIS has been dead a while. And Crime hasn't had a system in longer arguably. And I have some ideas, because WIS was very nearly perfect, but it suffered a couple core issues that screwed the whole experience. So lets address it.

    The Issues:

    • Devolved into Gigalliance vs Gigalliance stalemate eventually.
    • Was controlled solely by a single Gigalliance which ruled uncontested before the second formed and clogged up the gears.
    • Too much OOC stake placed in what should have been IC conflicts for the sake of RP generation.
    • Lack of long term goals being acted on.
    I am fairly confident in saying most of the issues in WIS come down to point three- too much OOc investment in IC events. Players wanted to win battles, because suddenly winning battles was more than just an ego thing, there was a tangible reward to it, and you felt punished if you lost. This lead to shady OOC tactics being used, such as scheduling several battles against one group in a day all at once, or even just blatant GodRP. WIS Battles fairly frequently left participants feeling salty and annoyed with the opposing side, regardless of who won. Beyond that there was a smaller issue of players not really 'using' their resources. I saw the Allar try to help with a plague like once, and some people fought over an artefact that ended up stolen back by the protags IRP and locked in a vault for like 5 months so that was a failure.

    The Solutions:

    • Base WIS around activity rather than success. If a group is participating in battles, and hosting events, they earn points. Whether they win or lose will have zero bearing on how many points they earn.
    • Clandestine Bases should be expanded to be just "Headquarters" to not be exclusionary to non-criminals.
    • Every group has a Headquarters, functioning like slightly larger, "free" regions (like shop regions). As long as they maintain activity, they get to keep it.
    • Points of Interest are labeled and taken control of by Groups, through battle, negotiation, or just swaying the NPC population perhaps in some cases (by hosting events that appeal to their demographics- IE Velheim themed feasts for the Velheim section etc).
    • Groups can be rewarded for consistent activity with Progression Resources, such as money or small one-time-use pools of manpower, at the cost of their points obviously. This would allow groups that are actually generating RP to, occasionally, take larger world-affecting actions such as sabotaging a noble's efforts, or hunting an artefact, or investigating some ruins.
    This would all make a hopefully lower-stress environment where the point of Roleplaying is- you know. Roleplaying. Like it should be. It rewards players who generate RP, without punishing smaller groups for being smaller, so Thot Stomping shouldn't be a problem. Without the OOC incentive to always need to win fights, the shadier side of WIS should also be squashed. No Gigalliance Thot Patrols, no shitty scheduling gimmicks to get an edge in the fight, and hopefully less GodRP (I won't say none because someone will always do it).

    That is. Basically it. Its too large for a Suggestion on the Discord hence this post (though I will link it anyway).

    • Powerful Powerful x 5
    • Like Like x 1
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  2. Luxus07

    Luxus07 Draconic Mercenary

    Jan 5, 2019
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    i think you would have to get this part down firm, to support your suggestion. it really is the part where it can all fall apart, or come together. specifically what kind of activity is rewarded to what degree compared to other activities, and how much these points are actually worth.
  3. Conflee

    Conflee Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!

    May 17, 2016
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    The actual balance of point earning vs cost would be up to staff but yea. It could make or break the system. If points aren't worth enough people won't feel rewarded. If they are worth too much it puts strain on staff processing too many extra orders every week.

    Ideally I think an active group should be able to send an order maybe once every 2 weeks max.

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