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Typhonus' Proclamation On House Du Brieust, Courtships, And Titles


Jul 16, 2012
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On this day, February the 3rd, a proclamation from the Duke-Regent of Calemberg
  1. Concerning the most recent requests by the Barons of Brissaud on the topic of who should be placed on the throne of Maraisburcke, the Duke-Regent of Calemberg gives an official response. His Grace announces to the Barons of Brissaud his support in favor of the Madame Milena du Brierust and her ascension to the throne of Maraisburcke.
  2. Concerning Courtships, The Duke Regent of Calemberg announces an official courtship period between the Lord Reimar Typhonus and Madame Milena du Brierust. This shall continue at the discretion of the Duke-Regent, after which point his Grace shall decide whether or not to terminate the courtship or to move forward with an official betrothal between them.
  3. Concerning the internal titlage of Reimar Typhonus and Klaus Typhonus, The Duke Regent of Calemberg formally christens Reimar Typhonus as the Generalfeldmarschall, a formal recognition of his expertise and leadership in military matters, and Klaus Typhonus as the Abwehr Offizier, a formal recognition of his expertise and leadership in matters of state and intelligence. In addition and something or a surprise for the historically conservative house, Cecille Typhonus is named the "Dame dur Anmut", or their "Lady of Grace", in recognition for her work in the capital and at home to spread the Culture and good will of Calemberg. All three are publicly announced as taking part in the executive leadership of Calemberg, advising but being beholden yet to the Duke-Regent Elros Typhonus. They are additionally advised by the Grey Elder Ulric Typhonus, confirming the public knowledge of Elros' reign being a result of split leadership and delegation.
Glory to the Empire.
All official acts of this proclamation are hereby stated for the public record.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Duke-Regent of Calemberg

"This input as to who rules Maraisbuke seems like more of a formality than anything. The family would be a fool to put a sickly woman on the throne and wait for another succession crisis. I really don't see the point of the Darkwalds drawing it out this long." Merdoc said casually to Damon passing him the paper inside their home. @G0atfather
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Freya paused on her stroll through the city, attention having been caught pointedly by the du Brierust name being on the proclamation. Lime green eyes keenly read through every word, all the while she nervously bit on her bottom lip. A vaguely relieved sigh escaped her lips when she was done reading, and she smiled.
"Glad to know things will stay.. pretty much the same, back there," she mumbled, collecting one of the proclamations scattered about the city, folding it and continuing on her merry way, silently preparing to soon return home.
s o m e w h e r e
an Ithanian woman applauds the typhonus woman for her deserved recognition.

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