Duke-Regent Elros Typhonus has claimed my action of halving the amount of conscripted forces from those in alliance Pacts purely on the decision on if he were to absolve the Pact between he and Houses von Drachenburg and Delmotte. I write out this proclamation to set intentions right. No threat was made to the House Typhonus on the account of Military Pact matters. The truth I will state, in the Regent's announcement, was the presence of discussion, though not lengthy.
The Regent of Calemberg called for a meeting, which I had accepted, to discuss the matter of conscription rates of his own tenpenny calemberger troops on the battlefield. His desire was for purely Calemberger troops be taken from the war effort entirely, to leave their comrades as other men from regions of the Archipelago continue onwards in their fight. Denying him outright, there was a provided option in halving or entirely removing troop presence from the Dread War Effort- To remove a member of his ongoing military pact, or leave it. His alternative: To absolve it entirely within a week should I grant only his troops a ship home by the next day. And so was left a final offer: A halving of all members of his pact, a premature return home for 4,000 troops as the latter 4,000 left on the war effort be sent home the following week, when said Pact is absolved and therefore the Houses be cleared from the Proclamation on Pacts standards I had written out.
The Regent denied. His intentions were only for Calemberg and his men. I will admit, he made me learn one thing- He did not view the men underneath even his allies' banners properly, and because of this, I made the decision to cut conscription across -all- houses, not particularly House Typhonus. He is the man to thank for the halved conscription with my views on his selfish desires.
And so, the so proclaimed lengthy discussion was cut short with Elros Typhonus walking out before I was finished. He lacked personal gain. And so, I deemed fit that the Typhonus troops are to be halved in numbers later than the rest of all Houses, as there is to be a battle in the Moors with a Calemberger General Reimar Typhonus soon. And for this battle, the General Typhonus had stated to me that 'every man underneath him is required' and the best make-up of troops for a Calemberger General has as many available men of Calemberg as possible. Troop count will be halved after Reimar Typhonus' battle, should he want so.
I wish to make one thing clear to Elros Typhonus.
If you wish to try and incite conflict with my House, do so directly. Do not hide behind false words.
Garth Viduggla of Norrlan,
Duke of Norrlan
Secretary for the Army
Duke of Norrlan
Secretary for the Army