Trelos Marbre


The Black Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
The Black Sea





The Trelos Marbre is a group of people who have found their way from all across Aloria eventually sticking to the same ideals, goals, and business throughout the many years of their inception. Using their abilities in diplomacy and good-will, the members have found themselves helping everyone in need of a friend and make an effort to change peoples lives with but a single conversation. From humble beginnings as walking diplomats, sheep herders and average-Joe do-gooders, the Marbre delicately use their abilities in serving those who suffer from mental illnesses, delinquency, and many more problems to provide comfort in their embrace. Like a fresh source of water in a dry desert, they give everyone a chance at conversation, opening up, and improving their life so that they can serve themselves correctly.

As a group of psychiatrists, therapists and teachers, the organization has made a strong impact on many people's lives working to help them benefit society and most importantly, themselves. From beggars to criminals there is a place in the House of Marble where everyone can seek an advisor, friend, talk about a bad day or have a scheduled checkup. Everyone is welcome into this calming environment of helpful, diligent people where the end goal is character development, spanning intricate story arcs, and most importantly, a good time.


"Stress; it's a silent killer but you don't have to be.. Speak up. Come to the House of Marble."


The primary drive and goal of this organization is to help characters AND the players behind the screen. I play quite a few characters and as I have realized my emotions sometimes intertwine with theirs when things just go south, and trust me they have. There isn't always someone there to help your character nor you. With this group I want to give everyone's character the ability to progress past or expand upon negative events from their backstory or current times with someone who can lay out an olive branch. A lot of the times my characters have gone through traumatic experiences and simply had little to no ability on speaking out about it, but here, the House of Marble, can hopefully change that for the better. This is something I've thought about for a while and is something I'm actually really passionate about. I want to help people's characters with their problems both in character and out of character to hopefully create a great environment for character growth and overall make sure everyone is having an awesome time playing on the server. My staff and I truly enjoy what we do on the server, and I personally believe I can do a lot of good for people both on an In character and Out of character level.



"Bacylus Marbus"

The Bacylus is the director over the Herons and deals directly with all functions of the Organization personally. They have oversight over the Herons, though Herons can still act independently so long as it serves the good of the Organization and does not disobey a direct order.


A Heron is a being who has proven to hold an upstanding worldview and pertains the abilities to help those in need of care. They run the business and also manage the staff under them. While they do work with patients at the majority they manage finances, paperwork, properties, and then staff.


A Marbre is split into three categories, Therapeutic, Psychiatric, and Physiatric. They can specialize in one or three depending on how long they have worked in the field and what their schools/proficiency points are. Though there is little limitation on choice.


Also known as the correctional officers, they are staff members who are generally stronger than the other workers. They are there for the safety of the workers during therapy sessions should an individual get too emotionally risen.


Saints are those who will clean and upkeep properties along with checking in on individuals and patients alongside a Marbre. They are the base-level trainees and upcoming staff who will eventually seek out a category.


The secretary helps organize meetings between the staff and patients--along with helping therapy sessions run well. A position lined more for management of paper than actually helping those in need.

"In house cooks, tailors, etc."

Anyone looking to help provide for patients are welcome, and anything they bring to the table will be used. They can be hired on to either provide food from their own pantry or can find themselves working in the therapy homes.


Pretty self explanatory, a patient is someone who will go under the care of a staff member and they can be either self-admitted or admitted by a guardian, friend or family member. They do not need to reside at the therapy house, but will be checked on every so often once signed up. This can be to check their safety, help them socialize and to generally generate unique role play.


@Pugsly10: Ido Papageorgious

@Daddykeith: Euphemia Papageorgious
@AlektoWolf: Lu'sso'lei Ciel'lunn''ha'nna "Solei"


@3a_29: Llazzan Allas
@Ailethi: Anna Caladwen
@CrookedChrona: Dhorn Borbek
@avemechanicus: Krukla
@Pugsly10: Gabuin-Albus Ardelan
@Creamiest: Avro
@Nesstro: Ilmadia Luleth
@MURKl: Io'ella


@Creamiest: Cadence Wynthyra
@Earendil: Earendil
@MURKl: Io'ella


@Ailethi: Anna Caladwen

In house

@avemechanicus: Krukla, Head cook.
@jono_98: Alan Rosberg, Secondary Cook.
@Dwarvenking1: Marion Delwood, Cleaner.

Patients (Client Discretion)



  1. Help anyone in need no matter who they are.
  2. Provide friendship and an ear to anyone who needs one.
  3. Generally improve and strengthen characters.
  4. Develop a sophisticated yet easily accessible group of people.
  5. Help people Out of Character and generally make sure everyone has a good time.
  6. Create an environment that can nurture characters, new or old.
  7. Have an extremely awesome time while doing the above.

Divider Psych.webp


Character name:
Do you have discord?:
Character application (
IC letter to the secretary:
Tag: @Pugsly10


If applying a patient

Patient IGN :
Patient name:
Reason for bringing in the patient:
Letter to secretary (
if applicable):
Tag: @Pugsly10


If requesting a Marbre to visit you or a patient

Character name:
Patient name (
if applicable):
Reason for request:
Brief letter to secretary:
Tag: @Pugsly10


For business queries contact our secretary.
(Write a letter on this page and tag me/secretary)


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The House of Marble.webp

The Trelos Marbre is in need of Saintly figures--those who are willing to communicate and socialize with our patients and staff! Apply as a Saint so we can start helping the community more effectively. While the influx of Correctional-Officers is greatly appreciated due to the plague going around, we are more in need of Therapeutic staff along with Psychiatrists!

Apply now!

Divider Psych.webp


@Legoclub22, @Chrothic. Mr. Weiss and Mr. Heun. Two Alt-Regalian men with Blue eyes and Short Brown hair wearing white suits. They are now deemed ineligible to help any patient of the Marble House and should be arrested for abusing the trust of the Medical community.

All messages can be publicly seen on other notice boards along with the one in front of the Marble House.

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IGN: Ailethi
Character name: Anna Caladwen
Role: C-O / Secretary
Do you have discord?: Mhm! You have it
Character application (optional): Boop
IC letter to the secretary:

To whom it may concern,
Greetings, my name is Anna Caladwen. I write to you today to express my interest in your organization. I have recently retired from guard duty, looking for a place to fit in, work, yet be able to establish a sense of peace within our bubbling city. If you wish to speak more, please send letter.
Spirit Bless and Protect,
Anna Caladwen
The Wolf of Daendroc

Tag: @Pugsly10
IGN: Ailethi
Character name: Anna Caladwen
Role: C-O / Secretary


To the dearest, Wolf of Daendroc,

Allow me to first rejoice in your interesting choice of name! Quite refreshing to hear you want to help us establish a peaceful environment in the great City, we will of course gladly take you on board as both a Secretary and a Correctional Officer. We surely hope you find the Trelos Marbre a fierce competitor to your family, and without a doubt you should fit in here! I am open for a meeting at any time, especially now. I will show you the grounds of which you will oversee and will direct you to our mailing address.

From the desk of the ever gracious Ido Papageorgious, Director of the Trelos Marbre.
Patient IGN: Sandvich0
Patient name: Annabelle May
Reason for bringing in the patient: Social Anxiety, Isolation from her loved ones

Letter to secretary:

*The letter was in very good condition, as if whoever wrote it probably tried too hard to make it look good.*

To whom it may concern,

Greetings. My name is Annabelle May, and for some time now I've been searching for an organization such as yours'. I find myself unable to interact with others out of fear that I'd be judged by them and I can't make new friends because of this. I've been isolating myself for the past two weeks, and I'd love to seek help from your cause to assist me, personally, with overcoming such anxieties.

Annabelle May.​
I'd love to seek help from your cause to assist me, personally, with overcoming such anxieties

To the dearest Miss May,

I have noticed that I spoke to you not long ago, in fact just the other day, and surely would love to further our acquaintance over tea in the House of Marble. If it hadn't been for your exceptionally prudent behavior that won me over it would certainly have to be this very letter that took me away! I am gratefully honored that you would like to have us personally help you grow as a person. I say this with the utmost respect and meaning; I will see to it that you are personally greeted and brought to our care. Welcome home.

With the deepest sympathies, Dr. Ido Papageorgious.

IGN: 3a_29
Character name: Llazzan Allas
Role: CO
Do you have discord?: You got it.
Character application (
optional): In my signature.
IC letter to the secretary:

A slightly crumpled letter would arrive with neat writing on it.
To the noble Ido Papageorgious, my name is Llazzan Allas and I am very interested in your organization. I would like to help the many who have mental problems and have developed some sense of how people act and think due to my time working as a bartender. I hope that I can work with you and others to help people get rid of their problems and purge their fears. Please contact me if you would like to speak in person.
Sincerely, Llazz
To the noble Ido Papageorgious, my name is Llazzan Allas and I am very interested in your organization. I would like to help the many who have mental problems


Greetings Llazzan!

I would like to humbly welcome you into the House of Marble as a Correctional-Officer. I am ready to meet you in person whenever you have the will to seek us out at these directions. The exact directions to the Marble House I.e Industrialroad6. For the time being I would like you to meet with me and some of our newest patients to learn of who you will be taking care of and from there on we can further elaborate your tasks at this household. Thank you graciously!

From the Bacylus Marbus, Dr. Ido Papageorgious.
Patient IGN : PapiiGeyy
Patient name: Susanne Carnt
Reason for bringing in the patient: Anxiety, anger issues and such.
Letter to secretary (if applicable):

A very crumpled and slightly ripped letter would arrive with scruffy writing on it .
To whomever this may concern,

I'm in dire need of help, this is the only time I've ever seeked asking it, especially with a total stranger.

Greetings, I'm Susanne Carnt, I am writing to anyone who can help to you helpful people to help me. I need help with my mental state, it's all over the place currently. I mean, it has been for as long as I can remember, I'm not even the right person right now. Does that make sense? Of course it would, you're the smart people. I hope you can see me as soon as possible as this isn't helping my social life, work and family life.

Thankyou, hope you can help,
Spirit Bless,

Susanne Carnt

Tag: @Pugsly10

A very crumpled and slightly ripped letter would arrive with scruffy writing on it .[/spoiler]To whomever this may concern,
Greetings, I'm Susanne Carnt, I am writing to anyone who can help to you helpful people to help me.


Hello, Miss Carnt!

I have personally read your letter a few times now and have decided that you should find yourself in the great comfort inside the Marble House. I will be coming to visit you and take you within the House as soon as possible and you can find yourself with dinners, beds, and a relaxing environment away from the disease. Just follow these simply directions! The directions to Industrialroad6 followed. Once you find yourself here I will graciously bring you in and give you some of our own cultured tea and procured crumpets. I hope you enjoy warm baths and being tucked in!
From the Bacylus Marbus, Dr. Ido Papageorgious.

Character name: Io'ella de Rivera
Role: C-O, Saint
Discord?: Yup!
Character application: In the works!
IC letter:
The letter was written in neat, lean cursive, and smelled strongly of earth and floral incense.
To who it may concern,

The moment I heard of this lovely organization, I was intrigued! It is so wonderful of you to run something like this, especially during times like these.

I have only recently arrived in this city of Regalia, and don't have much to offer. However I wish to help in any way I can. Oh how I want to apply for patient as well, but I'm afraid I still have things I have to work out myself.

With all the love and respect,
Io'ella de Rivera

P.S. I am quite talented in the School of Atraves, regarding the C-O position. I'm also known for singing and playing the guitar, if that sweetens the deal!
Tag: @Pugsly10

[EDIT: Fixed the letter to specify his school. Oops.]
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The moment I heard of this lovely organization, I was intrigued! It is so wonderful of you to run something like this, especially during times like these.


Evening, Miss Rivera!

I am glad you have taken such an interest in us and would wish everyone else in my employ hosts the same jubilant attitude you do! You need nothing to offer but yourself, and everything is funded by yours truly, (even though that is a bit taxing, but I'll make it through!). Do not worry about applying as a patient because most my staff receive the same care and help as they were a patient because that is just how I run things. Open up when you are comfortable! I cannot wait to have you to help us here at the House of Marble, and you are truly welcome within our doors.

From the Bacylus Marbus, Dr. Ido Papageorgious.

Character name: Annabelle May
Role: Alchemist
Do you have discord?: Yes
Character application (optional): Here it is!
IC letter to the secretary:

A slightly crumpled letter with small, but easily legible handwriting arrived.

Dear Ido,

There is no organization I would be happy with showing my support to the Trelos Marbre. When I was still a little girl, my parents sent me to Die Akademie von Kaiseman to help me learn about alchemy. I would love to support the Trelos Marbre in any way possible, so I offer you my experience with alchemy and horticulture in order to provide medicine and other remedies for the House's patients.

Spirit Bless,
Annabelle May
