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Played Character Marjolein "Merel" Dekker

This character is actively played.
Character Information
  • Full Name: Marjolein Dekker (shortened to "Merel" because she got fed up with people pronouncing her name wrong)
  • Heritage / Culture: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: 23
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female (She/Her)
  • Religion: Draconism
  • Occult: None (does not associate with the Occult)
  • Character Occupation: Petty thief, lock-picker, scout
Character Concept
  • A restless thief partnering with a stowaway thug to make it big in Regalia's slums and, one day, own all the golden grains in Anglia. Marjolein hails from a long-standing peasant family of Kade loyalists and tradition-preaching farmers. Joining the Thieves' Society, she makes her moves in Regalia's underbelly to fetch pretty coin and make a name. There is never enough to go around in Marjolein's world of greedy pragmatism. Her story is about the poor man's journey to make it big and their questionable choices along the way.
1. Marjolein is known for finding abandoned, injured mutts left in ditches and other unsavoury places. She has a soft spot for strays and often collects them off the street to be housed in her tiny living quarters, much to the annoyance of her roommates. Due to unsanitary living conditions and minimal (legal) access to veterinary medicine, many of her adopted pets die before they've recovered. At least once a week, Marjolein can be found in a sobbing, snot-covered mess over the burning pyre of dead pets with puffy, bloodshot eyes.
2. Marjolein's childhood dream was to own a barn and nurse sick animals back to health.
3. Marjolein is woefully illiterate, despite her attempts at self-teaching from crumpled newsprint and recycled notices.
4. Marjolein remains an omnivore despite her avid love for farm animals.
5. Marjolein can be found far away from the sight of blood, queasy and pale over a bucket.
6. Marjolein claims she doesn't have lice or ticks despite her constant hair-scratching habits.

Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Brown, sunken, shifty
  • Skin Color: Fair beige
  • Hair: Black, choppy, and flat with uneven bangs
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Body Type: Scrawny, hunched, and limp
  • Clothes: Oversized and baggy with holes, rumples, and dog hair coating every stretch of wool
  • Additional Features: Blackened teeth with unhealthy gums and rotting molars
  • Scent: Wet dog fur, fish, and fertilizer
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: N/A
  • Mechanics: Plain mundane Ailor Mechanics
  • Languages: Common, Anglian (illiterate in both)
  • Greedy Anglian. Hailing from the golden fields of Anglia, Marjolein is the middle child of thirteen in her family, who have been farmers for over seven generations. They are Kade loyalists hard-stuck on tradition, who have lived under the same thatched roof for decades and withstood every disaster the Empire has seen. Every Dekker was born a farmer and died as one and Marjolein was destined to have the same story, except there was one problem: she had the greed and ambition of a filthy-rich bureaucrat.
  • Black Caleb. Inspired by the tales of Black Caleb, an infamous Ailor criminal, Marjolein decides to break away from tradition and carve her own legacy. With the half-lie promise of better job prospects in Eastern Anglia, her family lets her sell two cows and a hen to secure a wagon ride. Marjolein becomes the first Dekker to travel across the Anglian provinces. The first job she finds involves shovelling cattle manure. Marjolein works this job for two weeks and decides it's not good enough for her. She wants more. The second job she finds involves manual labour in the fields and comes with shared lodgings. Marjolein works this job for three weeks and wonders if she can do better. The third job she finds involves transporting grains to the town's bakeries. She was provided with a horse, a wagon, and private lodgings. Marjolein works this job for one day and decides there must be better job prospects in Regalia, the heart of the Archipelago.
  • Petty Crime. At first, Marjolein dips her toes into crime to fulfill a basic need. She steals fallen apples at an orchard and bread scraps at local street markets to fill her empty stomach. Unable to secure a job, she relies on thievery to get by, being a conservative opportunist who doesn't draw too much attention. She acquires all the dirty tricks in the book and even meets a few thugs on the journey. This is when she realized she /liked/ petty crime as an occupation. There was a thrill and a risk to it. She had friends. She was good at it.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7 (Dexterity)
Defense Stat: 5 (Constitution)
[15/15 points spent]

Strength = 2
- Overstep
- Resilience
Constitution = 5
- Rebound
- Thick Hide
- Iron Will
- Cavalry Retreat
- Cavalry Buck
Intelligence = 1
- Wardrobe
Dexterity = 7
- Disguise
- Fleet Footed
- Sharp Reflexes
- Escape Artist
- Improvised Attack
- Flexible Maneuver
- Smokescreen
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Inventory (Acquired IC)
  • Blueberry pie and Vaaffon (Talsir 2025-02-11)
  • Mismatched tea cups (Ciici 2025-02-11)
  • Spare change, folded paper note, a smooth stone (Akash 2025-02-08)
  • Threaded needles (Orinteus 2025-02-08)
  • A book of homemade remedies, a coin purse, and personal notes (Hesti 2025-02-08)
  • A puzzle cube (Ezralin 2025-02-04)
  • A golden switchblade, engraved with the Salvatore crest (Morgana Salvatore 2025-02-03)
  • A coin pouch with 50 Regals (Morgana Salvatore 2025-02-03)
  • A pocket adventure book (Neiban 2025-02-03)
  • Wooden guiro frog (Neiban 2025-02-03)
  • Arctech hearing aids (Iduna 2025-02-03)
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Relationships (WIP)
Morgana Salvatore