Treaty between House Peirgarten and House Kreiburg
10 July 308AC
10 July 308AC
On the day of 10 July 308AC, the Houses Peirgarten and Kreiburg formally enter a defensive pact, with the following terms agreed upon through signature.
- House Kreiburg will lift the tariffs that are affecting the income of House Peirgarten, and pay House Peirgarten 20,000 Regals for financial reparations.
- House Peirgarten and House Kreiburg will enter a defensive pact for two months, after which it will expire and enter a one-month period of non-aggression.
- Once the pact has expired, House Kreiburg can choose to pay House Peirgarten 20,000 Regals to extend the defensive pact for another two months.
- House Kreiburg will provide military assistance to House Peirgarten in war, regardless of whether House Peirgarten is the aggressor or the defender.
- House Peirgarten will provide military assistance to House Kreiburg if they are in a defensive war, but is not obligated to assist them if House Kreiburg is the aggressor.
- Neither families shall engage in duplicity or political plotting against one another for the duration of the treaty, nor provide assistance to eachothers designated enemies.
- Should either of the families violate the terms of this treaty, they are to pay 50,000 Regals in punishment, after which the treaty will permanently expire.
Signed by,
Her Ladyship, Amelina Peirgarten
Countess-Electress of Lorenthaus
Former Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Diplomat of the Foreign Reichsrat of the Regalian Government
His Lordship, Theopold Kreiburg
Baron of Langthal
Her Ladyship, Amelina Peirgarten
Countess-Electress of Lorenthaus
Former Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
Diplomat of the Foreign Reichsrat of the Regalian Government
His Lordship, Theopold Kreiburg
Baron of Langthal