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A Marital Alliance - Peirgarten And Mac Conall - 8/2/309 A.c


Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score


On the evening of the 5th of August, in the year of 309AC, House Peirgarten and House Mac Conall will come together for the wedding of Duke Alastair Mac Conall and the shining diamond Lady Alesia Peirgarten. Along with their unification, an Alliance Pact will be set in stone to strengthen the bond between the two families for the foreseeable future.

The terms that will entail this Alliance Pact are as follows:
  • House Mac Conall will open up their ports for Peirgarten trade, with the exclusion of agricultural sales, giving House Peirgarten and Lorenthaus merchants the freedom to sell their items within Mac Conall lands once again.
  • Should either Houses and their lands be threatened by war or sabotage in any form, their ally must come to their direct defense, and if they are unable to do so due to varying reasons (which must always be discussed), they must send a considerable amount of aid, in the form of either troops, monetary assistance, or food stocks.

This Alliance Pact shall stay active for the duration of two months, at the end of which the two Houses will reconvene to review the performance of the Pact until that date, and if both parties find it necessary and desirable, the Alliance Pact shall be renewed with further considerations.

Should either House break these agreements, a previously agreed amount of funds are to be deposited by the faulty House to the treasury of the offended family for reparations made necessary by broken trust. (In the form of three wealth tokens).

Signed and officiated by,

Her Grace Amelina Peirgarten
Duchess of Lorhaus
Mistress of Ceremonies of the Imperial Court

His Grace Alastair Mac Conall
Duke of Kerrickwayle
Field Marshal of the Regalian Empire