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Drachenburg Chancellery Decree 6/10/308: State Law And Government


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score


Following discussions with advisors and the incumbent government, several decisions have been made to reform the current government which was inherited by his Emincence the Prince of Pays-Sud to reflect the current administration's intent going forwards. Effective immediately, the following changes are summarized:

On the Subject of the Mercenary Inspector, the office has been re-stylized as the Freisöldner Inspector, and remains held by Sir Reginald Typhonus. His rights are as follows:

-The right to issue Mercenary Permits to operate on the Crown Isle
-The right to wear up to plate armor and a weapon, even off duty.
-The right to command any Mercenary, regardless of employer, in defense of the State, Crown, or Unionist Faith.
-The right to create and maintain a public registry of all approved Mercenary Companies and private Sellswords.
-The right to establish an internal Freisöldner Code of regulations for Mercenaries.
-The right to announce and publish open contracts and bounties on any public notice board within the City of Regalia in cooperation with the Regalian Guard Charters and the Lord Chancellor.

On the Subject of the Guard Charter Adjudicator, the office has been re-stylized as the Landesgericht Inspector, and is held solely by His High Honor William Howlester. His Lordship the Count-Elector-Consort of Lorhauser had chosen to resign his position prior to this decree, and the state respects his decision to do such. The rights of the Landesgericht Inspector are as follows:

-The right to investigate of Charter Right violations and illegal activities of all Regalian Guard Charters
-The right to wear up to plate armor and a weapon, even off duty.
-The right to court martial Regalian City Guards in consultation with the respective Charter Commander.
-The right to settle disputes between City Guards of different Charters.

On the Subject of the City Council, per discussion with a majority of the incumbent council, a consensus was reached to dissolve the council and replace it with the former Commons Ministry. As such, the City Council is hereby dissolved and reinvested as the Commons Reichsrat Minister, with the Ministry held by her Ladyship the Baroness of Stralsunde. Her rights are as follows:

-The right to hold Commoner Assemblies at least bimonthly
-The right to maintain order during Common Ministries by commanding the present Regalian Guard Charters or Mercenaries
-The right to carry out charitable or labor-oriented proposals in the City of Regalia
-The right to recruit volunteers for carrying out civic activities in the City of Regalia
-The right to carry a weapon for ceremonial and self-defense scenarios

On the Subject of the Belliard Representative, the position shall remain invested by the Lord Chancellor until a time in which another member of the Guilds of Saint Belliard presents themselves to carry this duty. For thoroughness, the rights of this office are as follows:

-The right to issue Puretek Permits on the Crown Isle
-The right to keep a private registry of all registered Puretek users and owners
-The right to carry a weapon for ceremonial and self-defense scenarios
-The right to carry and use Puretek on the Crown Isle

On the Subject of Diplomacy, the Chancellery is pleased to announce the creation of the Foreign Reichsrat Ministry, which shall be ran by his Lordship the Baron of Hinterberg, with her Ladyship the Countess-Electress of Solleria serving as one of several Secretaries in the Ministry. The Ministry's rights and responsibilities are as follows:

-The right to create and send diplomatic missions on behalf of the Regalian State, provided they have funding from the government
-The right to negotiate with foreign nations on behalf of the Regalian State
-The right to carry a weapon for ceremonial and self-defense scenarios
-The right to create ad hoc committees focused on a specific diplomatic mission

The Lord Chancellor wishes this new Ministry the best as we prepare diplomatic missions to the various nations both in and out of the Regalian Commonwealth

On the Subject of Health and Medicine, the Chancellery announces the creation of the office of Surgeon General, which shall be held by Doctor Jocelyn von Duerr, with his rights listed as follows:

-The right to preserve the standardized medical Oath of No Harm
-The right to issue Medical Licenses and to maintain a private record of all holders
-The right to inspect businesses for health violations and report on their findings
-The right to oversee any Medical Charters on the Crown Isle
-The right to conceal one's identity
-The right to declare various Alchemical ingredients and concoctions contraband to the Regalian State
-The right to declare individuals clinically insane given overwhelming evidence

We encourage any and all upstanding medical personnel and alchemists within the City of Regalia to contact the Surgeon General in regards to an upcoming charter proposal to further provide standards to the medical practices of the capital.

The following Ministries and Offices may be referred collectively as the Reichsrat or Secretariat of the Chancellery, and encompass the bureaucratic offices of the Regalian State. Let it be known to the Regalian Citizens that this does not mark the final limit of government positions, as more shall be created as the needs of the State require them.

Per my declaration of intent, I stated that I was to invest Six individuals to form an Advisory Council for the Chancellor's office. These six advisors do not offer executive power by virtue of their office, and serve only to provide various opinions and counsel to the Lord Chancellor. This Advisory Council shall also be referred to as the Kanzlerrat, and the list of advisors are as follows:

-His Lordship the Baron of Hinterberg
-His High Honor William Howlester, Imperial Court Marshal
-His Lordship the Baron of Meuberge
-His Lordship the Baron of Vlissinghelm
-Sir Harald the Black Wald Dragon Paladin of the Viridian Order

We look to the counsel of these individuals and all who wish to address the Lord Chancellor in the matters of Statesmanship, in order to obtain a clearer picture of the political landscape of the Empire.

Finally, with the duties and responsibilities of the Lord Chancellor comes the prerogative to maintain the Regalian State Laws. After consultation with members of the Kanzlerrat and Reichsrat, I have chosen to amend and reorganize the State Laws, listing the full text below.

===Regalian Common Law===
Sections A and B have been re-combined, with moderation and re-arrangements of similar laws for ease of reading.

#To wear a weapon or armor in public without express permission from the appropriate authorities is illegal.
#Military Grade weaponry is weaponry designated for artillery usage. These include cannons, explosives and siege weapons.
#To harm another citizen or non-citizen resident is illegal.
#To harm in self-defense is only legal when under self-risk of bodily harm.
##Self-defense is the use of physical force that is less or equal to the threat faced by the defending party.
#To commit to murdering another citizen or non-citizen is illegal.
#To commit to harming one's self in any mortal way is illegal
#To falsify or otherwise forge your own death or the death of another, is illegal.
#To enslave outside of the confines of Suffran Law is illegal.
#To deprive another Regalian Citizen of their freedom is illegal.
#To resist arrest from Regalian Guard Enforcement is illegal.
#To bear false witness to an on-duty Regalian Law Enforcer when the lie has been proven is illegal.
#To attempt to break out of prison is illegal.
#To convert away from Unionism is illegal.
#To willingly subject oneself or another to the aberrations of Undeadism, Sanguinism, or Werebeastism is illegal.
#To hide one's identity or to impersonate another is illegal.
#To indecently disrobe another person in public is illegal.
#To expose private parts of intimate body parts in public is illegal.
#To engage in childbirth in public or other non-such medical places is illegal.
#To commit oneself to a false oath or renounce a lifeguard oath is illegal, and will incur a fine of 100 Regals.
#To commit to vigilantism, or to endeavor to enforce Regalian Law without the legal authority to do so, is illegal.

===Regalian Property Law===
no changes

===Regalian City Ordinances===
#Any person caught littering within the Cathedral district shall be fined 40 regals.
#Any person caught participating in a form of bounty hunting without a registered license with the Freisöldner Inspector shall be arrested, their equipment forfeit, and fined 40 regals.
#To moor an airship within the Crown Isle city limits, without government approval, is illegal.
#Anyone who operates a Puretek weapon within the City of Regalia without a Belliard Seal from the Belliard Representative is to have said Puretek weapon forfeit and returned to the Guilds of Saint Belliard.
#Any and all First Civil Status citizens are permitted to request a weapons permit from the Old Guard Charter. A weapons permit allows any man or woman that is of adult age and of law-abiding status to bear a weapon openly in public.

===Regalian Marriage Law===
# To engage in fornication before marriage while there is a patriarch or matriarch bar, is illegal.
# To engage in adultery while actively married with a spouse without the Judicial consent forms, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore, or fail to provide for a married spouse, is illegal.
# To neglect, ignore or fail to provide for a sired offspring, is illegal.
# Marriage in the Regalian State is only legal between two consenting persons who are permitted by their respective family heads.
# Upon death, unless inheritance bequeathed, possessions pass to next of kin.
# To marry or engage in 1st degree incestuous relations within a family, is illegal.
# To attempt to produce a miscarriage is illegal in any way or form or shape.
# To conspire or engage in marriage under duress of any threat, is illegal.
# Marriage is legal between any and all:
##Human and Nelfin Races of First or Protected Civil Status
##First Civil Status Races of the same Race
##Protected Civil Status Races of the same Race
# Marriage with a First Civil Status citizen does not bequeath Citizenship or First Civil Status.

===Regalian Civil Status===
no changes

===Suffran Law===
Moved out of Common Law to become its own section

#Slaves enslaved outside of the Regalian Empire's sphere of influence and brought into the Regalian Empire are permitted.
#The enslavement of any Ailor is not permitted under any circumstances.
##Ailor may voluntarily enter into indentured servitude through a contract.
#The enslavement of any Race that is Outsider Civil Status is permitted.

===Regalian Insult Law===
#Any person calling a woman a harlot, without proof, is fined 30 Regals.
#Any person calling a man a coward, without proof, is fined 20 Regals.
#Any person insulting the sanctity of a Reverend is fined 40 Regals.
#Any person offending the right of nobility is fined 80 Regals, with the fine doubling per offense.
#Any person who defames, discredits, or otherwise embarasses their elder family members towards others is to be fined 30 regals.

===Regalian Political Law===
#To create a criminal organization and/or recruit members to its cause is illegal.
#To enter a criminal organization and/or work towards its cause is illegal.
#To support, aid, and/or associate with criminal organizations is illegal.
#To rebel against or disobey the Regalian State and/or Empire is illegal.
# To conspire against the Regalian State and/or Empire is illegal.
#To express or support Jacobinist views or goals, is illegal.

===Regalian Noble Law===
#To actively disrupt or compromise a public Government assembly after warnings, is illegal.
#To deprive a Noble of a vote in any way, is illegal.
#To falsify Noble seals & stamps of other Noble Houses, is illegal.
#When guilty of damage, both a Family House & Offender must compensate.
#Marriages between a titled member of peerage to another of another Titled family, of either sex, which would result in the passing of a landed title from one family to the other, must be brokered and approved by the Imperial Court otherwise the title of the individual taking the name of the dominant family will expire and default back to the Emperor for redistribution.
#To deprive a noble of their vote in the Regalian Noble Assembly, is illegal.
#The Lord Chancellor has full executive power to pass any law regardless of an assembly being held.
#The Noble Assembly may pass any law, provided it is not vetoed by the Lord Chancellor, with 50+1% of the gathered nobility at the sitting assembly.
#The Lord Chancellor may be impeached and removed from office by a 60% majority vote at that sitting assembly.
#Two Noble House leaders may call a noble assembly to be held, but it must be held at least 2 days in advance and the Lord Chancellor must be present.
#The Lord Chancellor must be present at every noble assembly. If the Lord Chancellor is not, the assembly cannot proceed.

===Regalian Knight Law===
#The following Knight Orders may open-carry non-military grade weapons and wear up-to plate armor:
##The Viridian Order
#Knights are permitted to enter the Imperial Palace without armaments but can be expelled by Imperial Court Officials for poor behavior.
#Knights may enforce Regalian Law when called upon by the Lord Chancellor or any City Guard Charter to do so.
#Knights may engage in honor duels in the Knight's District or other designated combat areas.
#Knights caught in violation of their Code of Honor, and with adequate presented proof, are liable to fifteen lashings with a whip by their Order's membership or a City Guard.

===Regalian House Guard Law===
Returned to its independent section for ease of reference

#Nobility may have a House Guard utilizing half plate armor but no helmet and non-military grade weapons.
#The House Guard must defend the lives and keep safe the nobles they serve from harm.
#The House Guard may detain any attackers that attempt to harm the nobles they serve and transfer them to the Regalian Guard Charters.
#The House Guard must act to defend, not to attack others. They may not draw swords for any reason but for defense of their noble patron.

===Regalian Mercenary Law===
#Mercenary Companies must be legally registered with the Mercenary Inspector to operate in the Crown Isle of Regalia.
#Mercenaries may only wear up to half-plate without a helmet, and only while fulfilling a legal contract.
#Mercenaries many only open-carry non-military grade weaponry.
#Mercenaries must adhere to all Regalian Law.
#Mercenaries must obey Regalian Law Enforcement orders from ranks 'Captain' and above.
#Mercenary Bands and Private Contractors must pay 20% of their earnings to the Regalian Government to maintain their Mercenary permit on the Crown Isle.


The rulings of this decree hereby take the full effect of State Law

His High Eminence Dietrich I by the Grace of the Spirit
Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
March-Elector of the Drachenwald Lordship


OOC Notes
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Any and all weapon permits issued by previous institutions and offices remain in effect and legally binding, unless the Old Guard Charter wishes to make their own changes per their legal right to do such.

Officiated by the Office of the Lord Chancellor
"He lied." the white-haired mercenary, Dothraen, mumbled to his company, Clause and Heimelijk, in the midst of taking care of Keep chores. "Reginald said our rights would be expanded. Turns out it's only /his/ rights." He added, grunting, and putting down the tree-chopping axe next to the stump, turning on his heel to go back to the interior and snatch himself a mug of stout.

@NightLight12 @HuskyLeader
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Zzhao red over the noble law section once or twice, pausing as he took in a harsh breath, reading one line over and pausing on it, only a single word being uttered from his mouth. "..Fuck."
"He lied." the white-haired mercenary, Dothraen, mumbled to his company, Clause and Heimelijk, in the midst of taking care of Keep chores. "Reginald said our rights would be expanded. Turns out it's only /his/ rights." He added, grunting, and putting down the tree-chopping axe next to the stump, turning on his heel to go back to the interior and snatch himself a mug of stout.

@NightLight12 @HuskyLeader
The now grey haired hunter was sweeping the floors of the broken keep, panning his head to the side after hearing one of his brothers grunting out about something. The hunter blinked for a second before letting out an audible sigh "He did say that most thing's will remain normal,didn't specify if our rights will be expanded. Who knows right? maybe this will benefit us in the future. But i gotta agree with you...kind of a dick move." He pan's over at Heim afterwards "What do you think?"

@Yigit @HuskyLeader
The black-haired Warden groans, putting up new targets and training dummies with a rolling his eyes and a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "It's bullshit. Annoying as fuck and another thing on our fucking plate that no one accounts for." He cursed under his breath in his native tongue. "If they want bounties done and the people the dumbass guards can't catch on their own then they better give us better treatment then they do the criminals we hunt." He cursed again before turning and heading in to the mess hall of the Keep to get something to take the edge off his annoyance.

@Yigit @NightLight12