IGN: spamanotomato
Your Character`s Name: Namazio dei Norelli
Approved Char App (not needed but highly recommended because of player quests): He's approved, but I'd rather give you the char app in pm.
References: All the people from before.
How Active Are You?: P active, unless I have too much homework.
Why Is Your Char Joining The Order And What Are His Skills?: He knows caster level antimagic, and usario level nicoloan. Along with having an almost suspicious amount of money available.
Do You Have Skype? (Highly Recommended): Sadly no.
Is Your Char Already Used And Knows About Magical Beings Or Vampire Hunting? (He Will Receive Training If Otherwise.): He knows about magic, and magical beings, but he doesn't know much about vampirism. However I currently a "needs processing" player quest with him to obtain a Nenya Stake.