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Played Character Melavarr Coriirn, The Bloodscourge

This character is actively played.


Failure is the mark of a life well lived.
Staff member
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name:
Melavarr Coriirn
Heritage / Culture: Kathar, Divine Cult
Age: 30
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Religion: Evolism
Fornoss Syncretism: Kael and Blodrúna
Occult: Corruption Arkenborn, Dymolov Vampire, Abyss Mage
Character Occupation:
  • Opportunist
  • Ex-Darkstar, Argentum Knight
Appearance Information:
Eye Color:
Abyss Arkenborn Eyes | Vampiric Eyes
Skin Color: Pale Gray
Hair: Gray
Height: 6'0"
Body Type: Athletic
Additional Features:
He has several golden tattoos and void mutations.

Skill Information:
Hobbies and Talents:

  • Criminality
  • Magic
  • Kathar Heritage
    Mechanic I: Kathar power cannot be denied to them. If anyone uses an Ability/Mechanic that would force them to use Radiant instead of Sinistral Magic, they still use Sinistral anyway.
    Mechanic II: Kathar can change the alignment of any Spirit to that of Void, so long as the possess/own/control the Spirit. Void Spirits are always symbiotic for them also.
    Mechanic III: Kathar are not affected by the mental characteristics or changes of any Affliction or Affinity and are always in control of their own mind from them.
    Mechanic IV: Kathar are able to look at a person and intuit their Corruption Desire, with OOC Consent (see below). Then, the Kathar can act towards this goal.
    Mechanic V: Kathar can use subtle vice-heightening curses on those within Emote Range, heightening their Pride, Fury, Avarice, Corruption, Rejection, or Hedonism.
  • Corruption Arkenborn
    Vice Master
    You are a natural corruptor, able to detect what vices and corruptible traits others have (consent not needed). You can then initiate a corruption cycle of another person, causing them to take on heightened vices, or go down a "corruption-arc" path where they become "evil" (this does require consent).
    Receptive Mind
    While not fully able to read minds, you can sometimes perceive bleeding memories or thoughts from others. Other players may DM you and describe things you are witnessing from their minds, thoughts, or flashes of the past that your character is watching while interacting with them. You may ask a player to share these, but they must always be the ones to define what is seen, if anything at all.
    Demon Kindred
    Demons see you as one of them, despite not being a Demon yourself. During Duke Summonings, the Duke will not use anything you say against you or as an extra cost. You can Veilwalk without negative consequences, and Demons cannot possess you, or consume your soul under any circumstances, meaning you have some natural protections against Demons that other mortals do not.
  • Common Vampire MechanicsSpecial Vampire Mechanics
    • Hidden Scourge: You can magically hide your teeth and Afflicted eyes. This breaks during feeding. If you have the Shape Shifter Mechanic, using this Mechanic while shifted makes you unable to Combat Roleplay. If someone knows your real name and that you're a Vampire, this Mechanic doesn't work on them.
    • Long Living: You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.
    • Sanguine Bargain: You can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with you. In turn, if the bargained person attacks you, reveals that you are a Vampire, or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss together what this means before making the bargain).
    • Mind Suggestion: With OOC Consent, you can mind trick Characters into doing your bidding without establishing full Mind Control over them. These simple verbal commands are undetectable, but cannot be more complicated than a single sentence.
    • Vampire Transformation: You can transform into a Vampire Form, which is a Monstrous form with a unique Vampire-themed design that you can create. This counts as a Disguise and a Monstrous Transformation (illegal in Regalia). You remain in Vampire Form even after reaching 0 HP.
    • Cinder Hearted: You are an eternal ember, and your warmth can be shared with others. You are always immune to cold weather and frost-based Mechanics, and can extend this immunity up to 2 others by touch. Your hands and arms can also burn or cook non-living things with touch. Finally, you are immune to non-Magical fire, and can walk through it.
    • Universal Speech: You can understand and speak all mortal and currently practiced languages from all the corners of the world. This includes magical languages spoken by mortals, or even Elderlaw languages like Dragonspeech.

  • Common
  • Pannarokh
  • Altalar
  • Sign
  • Raised in Mineria in poverty and told stories of the greatness of the Dread Empire. Melavarr feels a kinship to those of both.
  • Melavarr finds the Occult fascinating and will give aid to them if he sees a benefit to it.
  • Melavarr is a Son of Corruption and sometimes seeks his half-siblings out to learn more about them and what schemes they've been up to.
  • Melavarr was willingly infected by a Dymolov vampire in Gloomrot and did everything in his power to slowly make that Vampire's position of power crumble until he defeated the friendless Vampire in combat and claimed Greater Vampire from them. He now seeks Vampiric schemes.
  • Later on, Melavarr would find a Knight of the Argentum and would be indoctrinated by fellow Darkstar Knights. Seeing the glory and potential he joined.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
7 Magic
Defense Stat: 5 Magic
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Constitution: 2
Training | Rage Counter
Training | Breather

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 1
Roguery | Disguise Pack

Faith: 0

Magic: 12
Adapt | Shapeshift Pack (Magical)
Adapt | Wardrobe Pack (Magical)
Adapt | Oceanic Pack (Magical)
Arcane | Arcane Aura
Arcane | Arcane Snare
Arcane | Arcane Cleanse
Arcane | Arcane Barrier
Arcane | Arcane Warp
Arcane | Arcane Shove
Arcane | Arcane Revive
Arcane | Arcane Bolts (Ranger Stance)
Arcane | Arcane Echostrike (True Mage)

Charisma: 0
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