The Regalian Guard


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Apr 30, 2016
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The Regalian Guard is the first line of defense against enemies within the city and the last line of defense against the enemy without. Within the streets of the holy city these soldiers are given the sole task of keeping criminal activity to a minimum. The exact execution of this left to the individual resulting in the common view that each man to be guilty until proven innocent. Those harassed by guardsmen look at the organization as both corrupt and overly violent. While not far from the truth the Regalian Guard is an organization composed of soldiers from different armies cultures and fighting schools and thus has a wide variety of personalities that can be found within its ranks.

As a guardsman you are expected to above all things provide and create roleplay within the city. Strict adherence to the law is less required and there is a large degree of freedom even as a common guardsman to exercise the law in your own vision within reason. It should also be noted that the guard does not exist to win or actually defeat or kill crime. With these expectations in mind the OOC requirements of being a guard are relatively high.​


IC Stipulation for guards:
  • Any individual that enlists into the guard also enlists for the Regalian Military. Service guarantees citizenship but it should be noted that while characters can resign the Guard, they usually remain within the army bar extraordinary circumstances. Keep this in mind when applying.

  • Any character race with any citizenship status can join the guard, although all non-Ailor guards will be subject to wearing a mask at all times when on duty, and are be forced to Imperialize their name. They will also likely be subject to heavy racism from other guardsmen while off duty, including both verbal harassment and beatings.

  • The guard for the most part is a strictly Unionist organization. While exceptions can be made in circumstances it should be assumed that only Imperial approved faiths can gain entry. Furthermore deviating in any way from Sanchella Unionism in faith or creed as an existing Unionist will result in immediate termination

I swear, here, under the sight of the Imperial Spirit, for may he give me the will to see them through, and in the name of Theomar the first, may he give me the courage to see them through to abide for the duration of my service to Regalian Guard within the Crown isle of Regalia, or until such time I am released from my oath by he who I swear them to, and I hereby swear

I swear my fealty, my blade and my honor, to the Empire, and the Regalian Guard to obey the commands of its representatives as long as they do not conflict with the Emperor's will and of the spirit and lawful jurisdiction, and the commands of those who may serve as the representatives of the Emperor

I swear to abstain from behavior which would dishonor me and those who serve as my brothers in arms, such as the needless death of the innocent, the practices of robbery and other acts of evil. I swear to abide morality, especially in regards to those weaker than me, and recognize that needless harm to the innocent is an act of sin, for which there shall be consequences.

I swear that I shall refrain from cowardice, and that I shall stand ready to endure pain, hardship, humiliation, bloodshed and even death in the name of the Imperial Spirit. I swear that I shall not flee in the face of a heretic, and that I shall never retreat without order and structure, and that I shall protect my brothers in arms to the death.

I swear that I shall be be as a warrior, a soldier, for the Empire, and as such that I shall maintain discipline while fighting or performing other tasks in the name of the Regalian Guard, that I shall abstain from petty personal wants if they interfere with the greater good, that I shall exercise self control that I do not fall into foolishness and that I shall obey the chain of command.

I swear that I shall recognize that each human is my blood, and that I shall not turn away from our citadel those who lack shelter, that I shall feed the hungry, care for the sick, and most of all that I shall offer my protection to the faithful.

I swear that I shall protect the freedom of mankind, that I shall enforce justice and not allow those who would hurt the weak and innocent go unpunished, that I shall seek that no Unionist is as a slave.

I swear the strength of my arm not only to be battle din, but to the work of peace as well. I promise to work with all my strength and energy when I shall be asked for the good of the people of this city which is called Regalia.

I swear that I shall not give in to despair, no matter how many hardships and misfortunes may befall me and others, and that I shall work for the glories of good and men for the whole of my life, as long as I am able.

Now, with these nine oaths complete, I %YOURNAMEHERE% Under the eyes of the Imperial Spirit, take on the black and blue banner as my symbol, and officially take my position as a Guard of the Order for the protection of Regalia, in the name and by the will of the Spirit. Hail and worship only the almighty Imperial Spirit. And respect those who have come before me within these halls.

OOC Notes:

  • The application you make for the Regalian Guard will be judged on an IC level and an OOC level. Above all else, the guard values logic and common sense when it comes to OOC considerations.
  • Characters will be required to have attended a combat school in order to join the guard on an IC level. Due to this, you will also be required to have an approved character application.
  • However, there are also positions for medical and alchemical clinic staff available that can fill these niche roles in roleplay. Be sure to cite that this is the position you want in your application.
  • Consider that when you sign up for a guard position, that the group values stimulation of roleplay rather than the completion of the job. This is to create a friendly roleplay environment and make sure everyone has fun, so keep this in mind.


Application Format:
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is your character nobility?:
IC Letter:​
Application Format:
In Game Name: Daedaluscien
In Character Name: Rüdiger Breitmar
Approved Character Application Link:üdiger-breitmar.57822/#post-713262
Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior.
Is your character nobility?: No.
IC Letter:

To the Leadership of the Regalian Guard.

I, Rüdiger Breitmar, humbly request to join your ranks. After spending roughly eight years on the crown Isle, I've grown to love and hold the values of this city dearly, and seek action and glory through combat. I've come to the conclusion that joining the guard would be the best way to do this. I'm a skilled Turall Warrior, having attended the Turall Blade School here in the city, and I'm skilled with both dual arming swords and somewhat trained in archery. I am a pure-blooded Ailor, and a proud unionist, and wish to serve my city. Thank you for your consideration.

Signed, Rüdiger Breitmar of Opper Calem.
Application Format:
In Game Name: Daedaluscien
In Character Name: Rüdiger Breitmar
Approved Character Application Link:üdiger-breitmar.57822/#post-713262
Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior.
Is your character nobility?: No.
IC Letter:

To the Leadership of the Regalian Guard.

I, Rüdiger Breitmar, humbly request to join your ranks. After spending roughly eight years on the crown Isle, I've grown to love and hold the values of this city dearly, and seek action and glory through combat. I've come to the conclusion that joining the guard would be the best way to do this. I'm a skilled Turall Warrior, having attended the Turall Blade School here in the city, and I'm skilled with both dual arming swords and somewhat trained in archery. I am a pure-blooded Ailor, and a proud unionist, and wish to serve my city. Thank you for your consideration.

Signed, Rüdiger Breitmar of Opper Calem.
Pending, please contact either myself or _XII_ Ingame for an interview.
In Game Name: DizPanda
In Character Name: Ida d'Vaud
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: N/A
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

To Lord Reynald Typhonus,
I would like to become a Regalian Guard after countless times of working along you all. I aim to keep you all well and to fulfill the oath through my works for the Empire. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Spirit bless thee,
Ida d'Vaud​
In Game Name: DizPanda
In Character Name: Ida d'Vaud
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: N/A
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

To Lord Reynald Typhonus,
I would like to become a Regalian Guard after countless times of working along you all. I aim to keep you all well and to fulfill the oath through my works for the Empire. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Spirit bless thee,
Ida d'Vaud​

Pending, please contact either myself or _XII_ Ingame for an interview.
In game name: Choco_rox22
In Character name: Alec Dondario
Approved Character app link:
Combat School and Level: School of Bloodcasts. Warrior.
Is your character of nobility: No
IC letter:

To the Commander, or whom it may concern-
My name is Alec Dondario, I am a Bloodcast Knight, and have been actively sparring and fine tuning my skills with the blade in my free time. It has always been a goal of mine to join the Regalian Guard- under whichever of the various names it has adopted, and I now feel that I am worthy of the job. I wish to take the oath, and join in the defense of this great city, and empire, with my last breath.
Yours, - Alec Dondario
In Game Name: H0on
In Character Name: Kalben Quinn
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

To Lord Reynald Typhonus,

I would like to be a member of the Regalian Guard, I am a Warrior Mariposa and I am a former sellsword member of the Regalian Sellswords Company Charter. Lady Emergart has convinced me to join the Regalian Guard and I wish to serve the Crown isle effectively by joining your charter. It would please me if you would consider my application.

Kalben Quinn
In game name: Choco_rox22
In Character name: Alec Dondario
Approved Character app link:
Combat School and Level: School of Bloodcasts. Warrior.
Is your character of nobility: No
IC letter:

To the Commander, or whom it may concern-
My name is Alec Dondario, I am a Bloodcast Knight, and have been actively sparring and fine tuning my skills with the blade in my free time. It has always been a goal of mine to join the Regalian Guard- under whichever of the various names it has adopted, and I now feel that I am worthy of the job. I wish to take the oath, and join in the defense of this great city, and empire, with my last breath.
Yours, - Alec Dondario
In Game Name: H0on
In Character Name: Kalben Quinn
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

To Lord Reynald Typhonus,

I would like to be a member of the Regalian Guard, I am a Warrior Mariposa and I am a former sellsword member of the Regalian Sellswords Company Charter. Lady Emergart has convinced me to join the Regalian Guard and I wish to serve the Crown isle effectively by joining your charter. It would please me if you would consider my application.

Kalben Quinn
Both pending interview. Contact _XIII_ for an interview in game and myself for initiation.
In Game Name: Halivenne
In Character Name: Adelbrand Drache
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Viridian, warrior.
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
IC Letter:

Ehren, Lord Commander, I write to you today in hopes of finding further purpose to hone my blade, whilst serving the Empire in good fashion. My position in the Honour Guard surprisingly leaves me with a large swathe of free time, in which I find little else to do to further the Empire, or keep our people safe. I am hoping you of all people can rectify this issue. For further information on myself, I am a first sergeant in the Viridian Order, a Knight in layman's terminology. I do hope you consider my offer of service, blessed be.

Adelbrand Drache,
First Sergeant of the Viridian Order
In Game Name: Halivenne
In Character Name: Adelbrand Drache
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Viridian, warrior.
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
IC Letter:

Ehren, Lord Commander, I write to you today in hopes of finding further purpose to hone my blade, whilst serving the Empire in good fashion. My position in the Honour Guard surprisingly leaves me with a large swathe of free time, in which I find little else to do to further the Empire, or keep our people safe. I am hoping you of all people can rectify this issue. For further information on myself, I am a first sergeant in the Viridian Order, a Knight in layman's terminology. I do hope you consider my offer of service, blessed be.

Adelbrand Drache,
First Sergeant of the Viridian Order

Pending, contact Arendan in game for an interview.
Application Format:
In Game Name: Ledilote
In Character Name: Yantho
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Does this count?
Is your character nobility?: No.

IC Letter:

To Lord Reynauld Typhonus,
My name is Yantho. I, as a Solang, have the ability to "mimic" skills of nearby combat school practitioners. I can get to the exact same skill level in combat as any combatant I have physical contact with, providing I know what skill I am "mimicking". If I were to say, have physical contact with a Viridian Paladin, and touched them with the intent to mimic their skill in Viridian, you would have two Viridian Paladins at your control. It is due to this ability that I can essentially double the effectiveness of all of the other Guards. There is a downside to this, as I am not formally trained in a combat school. I however, make up for that by being able to partake in a new combat school every day.
Application Format:
In Game Name: Ledilote
In Character Name: Yantho
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Does this count?
Is your character nobility?: No.

IC Letter:

To Lord Reynauld Typhonus,
My name is Yantho. I, as a Solang, have the ability to "mimic" skills of nearby combat school practitioners. I can get to the exact same skill level in combat as any combatant I have physical contact with, providing I know what skill I am "mimicking". If I were to say, have physical contact with a Viridian Paladin, and touched them with the intent to mimic their skill in Viridian, you would have two Viridian Paladins at your control. It is due to this ability that I can essentially double the effectiveness of all of the other Guards. There is a downside to this, as I am not formally trained in a combat school. I however, make up for that by being able to partake in a new combat school every day.

Pending, contact Arendan in game for an interview.
In Game Name: Theoderic
In Character Name: Virathus Krupp
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Whatever training is provided to an Expert of Battle Command.
Is your character nobility?: Not currently, but he is on the admiralty.
IC Letter:

Hail Lord Typhonus,

Since my days serving in the Bastion, the pride I once felt in the Holy City has diminished. Once upon a time, I would strike out against the enemies of the state nearly every time I got off the ships - but now I get fat entertaining the peerage. Afford me the opportunity to serve, and in me you will find a voracious brother-in-arms.

Virathus Krupp
In Game Name: Theoderic
In Character Name: Virathus Krupp
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Whatever training is provided to an Expert of Battle Command.
Is your character nobility?: Not currently, but he is on the admiralty.
IC Letter:

Hail Lord Typhonus,

Since my days serving in the Bastion, the pride I once felt in the Holy City has diminished. Once upon a time, I would strike out against the enemies of the state nearly every time I got off the ships - but now I get fat entertaining the peerage. Afford me the opportunity to serve, and in me you will find a voracious brother-in-arms.

Virathus Krupp

Accepted as fold-in from another charter.
In Game Name:Varisus
In Character Name: Axelric Ruyter
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Viridian, Warrior/First Sergeant.
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:
Lord Typhonus,

Ehren, I write with the purpose to place my blade in a way to service the empire whilst I'm away from the battlefield. I, Axelric Ruyter, First Sergeant of the Viridian Order, hope you'll take note of my order's history of loyalty and honors in serving the empire and the holy city, in that I'll gladly serve as a peacekeeper of the streets. Hope to hear from you soon-

Spirit Bless,
Axelric Ruyter.
In Game Name: Hexanone
In Character Name: Ragnhild Ulfurtonn
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Scholar Siegwald
Is your character nobility?: Depends on how the application goes.
IC Letter:

Esteemed Lord Typhonus

I pen this letter to you in request of putting my skills to service the Holy City of Regalia, whilst I may not be an impeccably grand or strong warrior, I possess Scholar level in the School of Battle command, and am competent in the school of Siegwald. I, Ragnhild Ulfurtonn, Field Commander of the Obermark armies, desire to further my services to the empire under your command.
I will happily await your response, no matter the response.

Spirit bless, Ragnhild Ulfurtonn.
In Game Name:Ringo0310
In Character Name:
Eugenio Leocanio
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Tenn penny , warrior.
Is your character nobility?: No.
IC Letter:
To, Supreme Commander Reydon.

I have learned from my errors, and I hope to come back into the Bluesteel Order, Stronger, Meaner, Tougher and More willing to succeed. I hope this message doesn't turn you away because I was discharged.

Eugenio Leocanio.​

Rejected due to recent discharge, please reapply in a month.
In Game Name: Hexanone
In Game Name:Varisus

Please contact me In game for interview.
In Game Name: DaddyKatie
In Character Name: Juliette Ta'ren
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior
Is your character nobility?: No
IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,

Bonjour, I'm Juliette Ta'ren. I have certain skills in Turall, albeit a few others that I've picked up outside of being privately tutored. As to living a simple life in my recent years, I felt as if I could be serving the Emperor and His Regalia to prove myself and my worth. I believe I will flourish serving the Empire under your command. If you let me. You don't need to, but I'd really prefer it.
In Game Name: DaddyKatie
In Character Name: Juliette Ta'ren
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior
Is your character nobility?: No
IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,

Bonjour, I'm Juliette Ta'ren. I have certain skills in Turall, albeit a few others that I've picked up outside of being privately tutored. As to living a simple life in my recent years, I felt as if I could be serving the Emperor and His Regalia to prove myself and my worth. I believe I will flourish serving the Empire under your command. If you let me. You don't need to, but I'd really prefer it.
Please contact me In game at your earliest opportunity for an interview.
In Game Name: Goldifish
In Character Name: Emilia de Santigo
Approved Character Application Link: fancy
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny, Warrior
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,

Hello. My name is Emilia de Santigo. I wish to join the Regalian Guard for the most humble of reasons: I wish to protect my home from inside and out. I have experience from the Inquisition, but I left it due to family reasons. Please, accept me into the guard and I will work my hardest to keep this city protected. I have the experience of being from the Tenpenny school of fighting, and I do use a shield and sword when I fight. I hope to rise through your ranks quickly, and be an asset to you.

Please, consider this.
-Emilia de Santigo
In Game Name: Goldifish
In Character Name: Emilia de Santigo
Approved Character Application Link: fancy
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny, Warrior
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,

Hello. My name is Emilia de Santigo. I wish to join the Regalian Guard for the most humble of reasons: I wish to protect my home from inside and out. I have experience from the Inquisition, but I left it due to family reasons. Please, accept me into the guard and I will work my hardest to keep this city protected. I have the experience of being from the Tenpenny school of fighting, and I do use a shield and sword when I fight. I hope to rise through your ranks quickly, and be an asset to you.

Please, consider this.
-Emilia de Santigo
Pending for interview. Please contact Arendan in game.
In Game Name: _JayP_

In Character Name: James Kander

Approved Character Application Link:

Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior

Is your character nobility?:

IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,
It comes to my attention that I have not done enough to protect Regalia. I feel just guarding a sole, the Honorable Bigge, isn't enough. I wish to become a Regalian Guard for the following; The city is gone rampant recently after the talk of war. People are doing things they think will not make them imprisoned, and I have seen to many of the sorts. The Turall school has done me well in the past for the criminals, hopefully it can do it again.

For Glory and longer Prosperity,
James L. Kander
In Game Name: _JayP_

In Character Name: James Kander

Approved Character Application Link:

Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior

Is your character nobility?:

IC Letter:

Lord Typhonus,
It comes to my attention that I have not done enough to protect Regalia. I feel just guarding a sole, the Honorable Bigge, isn't enough. I wish to become a Regalian Guard for the following; The city is gone rampant recently after the talk of war. People are doing things they think will not make them imprisoned, and I have seen to many of the sorts. The Turall school has done me well in the past for the criminals, hopefully it can do it again.

For Glory and longer Prosperity,
James L. Kander
Pending, please contact me In Game for an interview.
In game name: Chikara_
In Character name: Alec Dondario
Approved Character app link:
Combat School and Level: School of Bloodcasts. Warrior.
Is your character of nobility: No
IC letter:

Dear Inspector Reynold Typhonus
The Inquisition disbanding has put me out of work. But it has always been a goal of mine to join the Bluesteel order. I wish to protect the city and it's empire now that I am free of work I wish to take a run at my goal. Im a well trained Bloodcast Warrior. Basically been practicing combat since I can remember. I enjoy cleaning up the streets of our dear city. I wish you are hasty to respond. But until then sir.
- Alec Dondario Knight of the Bloodcast
Last edited:
In Game Name: Ringo0310
In Character Name: Eugenio Leocanio
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny, level of skill is Warrior
Is your character nobility?: No.

IC Letter:
Dear Inspector Reynold Typhonus.
I write you this Letter of application because I believe I have learned from the Time of when i was discharged, I believe I can now be Harder on the filth of Regalia , at first I wasn't focusing on what the main thing is about of being a Bluesteel, but now I think about it every night and day about on what it is like, and how to treat the filth. I will be fine with any choice that you make.

Eugenio Leocanio.
In Game Name: Ghirko
In Character Name: Eric Liolen
Approved Character Application Link: Eric Liolen
Combat School and Level: Bloodcast - Fighter
Is your character nobility?: No
IC Letter:
To Lord Typhonus,
I am Eric Liolen and I write to you today with my application to allow myself to play my part in the Great Way. I may be only an outsider but I know my place and have experience with the Ivory Wardens prior to disbanding. I care not for the hardships upon myself so long as I can help defend this city and it's residents. With war on the horizon, I believe that my skill, although newer than most, will aid in the Empire's effort. I hope to prove that my scales don't blind me from what's right and await your response.

Spirit bless,
yours sincerely,
Eric Liolen
In game name: Chikara_
In Character name: Alec Dondario
Approved Character app link:
Combat School and Level: School of Bloodcasts. Warrior.
Is your character of nobility: No
IC letter:

Dear Inspector Reynold Typhonus
The Inquisition disbanding has put me out of work. But it has always been a goal of mine to join the Bluesteel order. I wish to protect the city and it's empire now that I am free of work I wish to take a run at my goal. Im a well trained Bloodcast Warrior. Basically been practicing combat since I can remember. I enjoy cleaning up the streets of our dear city. I wish you are hasty to respond. But until then sir.
- Alec Dondario Knight of the Bloodcast
In Game Name: Ringo0310
In Character Name: Eugenio Leocanio
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Tenpenny, level of skill is Warrior
Is your character nobility?: No.

IC Letter:
Dear Inspector Reynold Typhonus.
I write you this Letter of application because I believe I have learned from the Time of when i was discharged, I believe I can now be Harder on the filth of Regalia , at first I wasn't focusing on what the main thing is about of being a Bluesteel, but now I think about it every night and day about on what it is like, and how to treat the filth. I will be fine with any choice that you make.

Eugenio Leocanio.

In Game Name: Ghirko
In Character Name: Eric Liolen
Approved Character Application Link: Eric Liolen
Combat School and Level: Bloodcast - Fighter
Is your character nobility?: No
IC Letter:
To Lord Typhonus,
I am Eric Liolen and I write to you today with my application to allow myself to play my part in the Great Way. I may be only an outsider but I know my place and have experience with the Ivory Wardens prior to disbanding. I care not for the hardships upon myself so long as I can help defend this city and it's residents. With war on the horizon, I believe that my skill, although newer than most, will aid in the Empire's effort. I hope to prove that my scales don't blind me from what's right and await your response.

Spirit bless,
yours sincerely,
Eric Liolen

Pending for interviews.
Application Format:
In Game Name: xJomax
In Character Name: Wilvern Birkwood
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: School of Viridian, Fighter.
Is your character nobility?: Formerly.
IC Letter:
To Lord Typhonus, my name is Wilvern Birkwood and I believe I can play a great part in the Guild, I'd like to make Regalia better and put my strength to good use instead of just doing silly carnival tricks. I've attended a military school, The School of Viridian, and I believe I was quite successful, as do members of my family. I want to help Regalia in a passionate, firm way and I think I can do so. I always do what I can to help, and I can do more by being a guard. I hope you consider my request.
Respectfully and Sincerely, Wilvern Birkwood.
In Game Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
In Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Approved Character Application Link: x.
Combat School and Level: School of Skagger, Champion.
Is your character nobility?: No.
IC Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to express my interest in joining the Regalian Guard. I have been trained in the art of swordsmanship since I could take my first steps, I attended the School of Skagger and reached Champion level, along with becoming a Recruit for the Regalian Inquisition when the charter was still standing. I wish to bring these skills to the Regalian Guard and do my absolute best to protect the Holy City and all in it.

In Game Name: Vivamente.
In Character Name: Tobie Peirgarten.
Approved Character Application Link: Here~
Combat School and Level: Mariposa Champion.
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
To the office of the Lord Commander Typhonus.

I Tobie of the House Peirgarten, Knight of Lorhauser and humble Servant to the Regalian Empire request access to this most Noble of Charters and would give my service to you as requested. I've trained with the Fonseca Family at their estate in Daendroc, practicing the Mariposa Swordfighting for most of my life and succeeding in my training; I intend to uphold the Regalian Law in any way I can, whether it be with a sword under the watch of the Bluesteel Guards or in a Courtroom fighting against the guilty.

Kind Regards,
In Game Name: Vivamente.
In Character Name: Tobie Peirgarten.
Approved Character Application Link: Here~
Combat School and Level: Mariposa Champion.
Is your character nobility?: Yes.
To the office of the Lord Commander Typhonus.

I Tobie of the House Peirgarten, Knight of Lorhauser and humble Servant to the Regalian Empire request access to this most Noble of Charters and would give my service to you as requested. I've trained with the Fonseca Family at their estate in Daendroc, practicing the Mariposa Swordfighting for most of my life and succeeding in my training; I intend to uphold the Regalian Law in any way I can, whether it be with a sword under the watch of the Bluesteel Guards or in a Courtroom fighting against the guilty.

Kind Regards,
In Game Name: BeashSlap
In Character Name: Garth Viduggla
Approved Character Application Link: Here (To be updated, Religion wise)
Combat School and Level: Turall - Warrior
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

Duke Typhonus,

Greetings. I'm writing this for the obvious reason, I'd like to join the guard. I have recently converted to Unionism, so I believe I check off that category. I offer you the skills of a Turall fighter, and a warrior's level of knowledge to it. I am tired of watching crime go on, example being the taking of Sigurna Wodenstaff, and not being there to offer my help has finalized my want to enlist to this charter.

Spirit Bless and High Regards,
Garth Viduggla

Pending for interviews. Message _XIII_ in-game at your closest convenience.
Application Format:
In Game Name: xJomax
In Character Name: Wilvern Birkwood
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: School of Viridian, Fighter.
Is your character nobility?: Formerly.
IC Letter:
To Lord Typhonus, my name is Wilvern Birkwood and I believe I can play a great part in the Guild, I'd like to make Regalia better and put my strength to good use instead of just doing silly carnival tricks. I've attended a military school, The School of Viridian, and I believe I was quite successful, as do members of my family. I want to help Regalia in a passionate, firm way and I think I can do so. I always do what I can to help, and I can do more by being a guard. I hope you consider my request.
Respectfully and Sincerely, Wilvern Birkwood.
In Game Name: JennaLikesCoffee.
In Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Approved Character Application Link: x.
Combat School and Level: School of Skagger, Champion.
Is your character nobility?: No.
IC Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to express my interest in joining the Regalian Guard. I have been trained in the art of swordsmanship since I could take my first steps, I attended the School of Skagger and reached Champion level, along with becoming a Recruit for the Regalian Inquisition when the charter was still standing. I wish to bring these skills to the Regalian Guard and do my absolute best to protect the Holy City and all in it.

Pending interview. Message _XIII_ in-game at your soonest convenience.
In Game Name: Jonificus
In Character Name: Hengest Harhold
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Bloodcast, Champion/Expert
Is your character nobility?: Yes
IC Letter:

It is me. Hengest. You know I am not like to write letter or write anything for that matter so I will keep short. I want to join the sity gard and put your lads into shape. That is all.

-Hengest Harhold."


The Regalian Guard is the first line of defense against enemies within the city and the last line of defense against the enemy without. Within the streets of the holy city these soldiers are given the sole task of keeping criminal activity to a minimum. The exact execution of this left to the individual resulting in the common view that each man to be guilty until proven innocent. Those harassed by guardsmen look at the organization as both corrupt and overly violent. While not far from the truth the Regalian Guard is an organization composed of soldiers from different armies cultures and fighting schools and thus has a wide variety of personalities that can be found within its ranks.

As a guardsman you are expected to above all things provide and create roleplay within the city. Strict adherence to the law is less required and there is a large degree of freedom even as a common guardsman to exercise the law in your own vision within reason. It should also be noted that the guard does not exist to win or actually defeat or kill crime. With these expectations in mind the OOC requirements of being a guard are relatively high.​


IC Stipulation for guards:
  • Any individual that enlists into the guard also enlists for the Regalian Military. Service guarantees citizenship but it should be noted that while characters can resign the Guard, they usually remain within the army bar extraordinary circumstances. Keep this in mind when applying.

  • Any character race with any citizenship status can join the guard, although all non-Ailor guards will be subject to wearing a mask at all times when on duty, and are be forced to Imperialize their name. They will also likely be subject to heavy racism from other guardsmen while off duty, including both verbal harassment and beatings.

  • The guard for the most part is a strictly Unionist organization. While exceptions can be made in circumstances it should be assumed that only Imperial approved faiths can gain entry. Furthermore deviating in any way from Sanchella Unionism in faith or creed as an existing Unionist will result in immediate termination

I swear, here, under the sight of the Imperial Spirit, for may he give me the will to see them through, and in the name of Theomar the first, may he give me the courage to see them through to abide for the duration of my service to Regalian Guard within the Crown isle of Regalia, or until such time I am released from my oath by he who I swear them to, and I hereby swear

I swear my fealty, my blade and my honor, to the Empire, and the Regalian Guard to obey the commands of its representatives as long as they do not conflict with the Emperor's will and of the spirit and lawful jurisdiction, and the commands of those who may serve as the representatives of the Emperor

I swear to abstain from behavior which would dishonor me and those who serve as my brothers in arms, such as the needless death of the innocent, the practices of robbery and other acts of evil. I swear to abide morality, especially in regards to those weaker than me, and recognize that needless harm to the innocent is an act of sin, for which there shall be consequences.

I swear that I shall refrain from cowardice, and that I shall stand ready to endure pain, hardship, humiliation, bloodshed and even death in the name of the Imperial Spirit. I swear that I shall not flee in the face of a heretic, and that I shall never retreat without order and structure, and that I shall protect my brothers in arms to the death.

I swear that I shall be be as a warrior, a soldier, for the Empire, and as such that I shall maintain discipline while fighting or performing other tasks in the name of the Regalian Guard, that I shall abstain from petty personal wants if they interfere with the greater good, that I shall exercise self control that I do not fall into foolishness and that I shall obey the chain of command.

I swear that I shall recognize that each human is my blood, and that I shall not turn away from our citadel those who lack shelter, that I shall feed the hungry, care for the sick, and most of all that I shall offer my protection to the faithful.

I swear that I shall protect the freedom of mankind, that I shall enforce justice and not allow those who would hurt the weak and innocent go unpunished, that I shall seek that no Unionist is as a slave.

I swear the strength of my arm not only to be battle din, but to the work of peace as well. I promise to work with all my strength and energy when I shall be asked for the good of the people of this city which is called Regalia.

I swear that I shall not give in to despair, no matter how many hardships and misfortunes may befall me and others, and that I shall work for the glories of good and men for the whole of my life, as long as I am able.

Now, with these nine oaths complete, I %YOURNAMEHERE% Under the eyes of the Imperial Spirit, take on the black and blue banner as my symbol, and officially take my position as a Guard of the Order for the protection of Regalia, in the name and by the will of the Spirit. Hail and worship only the almighty Imperial Spirit. And respect those who have come before me within these halls.

OOC Notes:

  • The application you make for the Regalian Guard will be judged on an IC level and an OOC level. Above all else, the guard values logic and common sense when it comes to OOC considerations.
  • Characters will be required to have attended a combat school in order to join the guard on an IC level. Due to this, you will also be required to have an approved character application.
  • However, there are also positions for medical and alchemical clinic staff available that can fill these niche roles in roleplay. Be sure to cite that this is the position you want in your application.
  • Consider that when you sign up for a guard position, that the group values stimulation of roleplay rather than the completion of the job. This is to create a friendly roleplay environment and make sure everyone has fun, so keep this in mind.


Application Format:
In Game Name:
In Character Name:
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level:
Is your character nobility?:
IC Letter:​

Application Format:
In Game Name: OnyxAstera
In Character Name: Ascal Heilen
Approved Character Application Link:
Combat School and Level: Turall, Warrior
Is your character nobility?: No
IC Letter:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings. I Ascal Heilen have interest in this Regalian guard. Come my conversion into the Unionist faith, I have henceforth seen the opportunities to open and serve for this great empire. I will keep this brief, for I have what I wish to list as far as qualification in mind and have not wishes to stall. I have practice of the Turall warrior level experience, acquired quickly in the lack of need for physical training as I have already in similar fields. I am to remain loyal as guard of the citizens of the Regalian empire, for I have seen in frank disgust the heinous actions taken against the innocent and wish to purge those acts from this society how, and whenever I am able. I thank you for your consideration.

- Ascal Heilen