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The Regal Gazette, Issue Iv


Lord Brandt von Eisner
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, U.S.A
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order, House von Eisner
The Devout Menace.
Criminals in the streets! A recent wave of criminal activity has taken to the streets of our great city in the last week, seemingly beginning with an odd attack on a Bluesteel Guard in front of the local tavern, the Golden Willow. The guardsman was thankfully able to fend off the armored assailant, who eye witnesses claim was dressed In blue cloth and leather, similarly to the reports of sightings of the Devout Few. The man was also reported as yelling, calling the guard "Heretic scum" and saying "The Queen will return!". Which Queen the madman meant is still up for debate.

The following day, two separate incidents were brought to our attention by citizens: The first was a mugging, apparently conducted by the Devout Few again, just in the Imperial District of all places, under the Imperial Bridge! The citizens, a man and a woman, were held at spear point and forced to hand over their hard earned regals, while one of the Devout painted their sigil on the wall in blue paint- the Eye of Union surrounded in sun rays. Latter that same day, a noble girl was almost captured by the same group of men. Bluesteel Guards and brave citizens stood up to the armed kidnappers, and thankfully the girl was saved and two of the thugs were captured by authorities. Unfortunately, the girl fell into the icy creek that runs through the park, and had to be treated at the clinic, and two of the criminals are still at large.

With these offenses seeming to pile atop one another, and with no definitive end in sight to the troubles within and beyond the city walls, we can only hope the guards can serve justice swiftly to these heretics, and that they can be weeded out of their nooks and crannies in the slums once and for all.

OOC: At this point in time, the first edition of the Regal Gazette has reached the rest of the Archipelago, and those living there are able to buy it.