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Osira for Aldermann!


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia
A barrage of fliers hits the streets- At taverns, beside arenas, in parks and in the Asha District, as well as in the Regalian Embassy itself
(This text serves as a summary of Osira's side of the Debate that has just occured for anyone who could not make it but would like to be informed on Osira)

(above is the grounds where the Debate Event took place)

Osira is running for Regalian Aldermann
Why should you vote for her?


Osira believes in maintaining the stability within Amontaar as an independent entity from Regalia as this means the Allorn trade routes remain open which is beneficial for Regalia and Amontaar will remain open for Regalian travellers to enjoy
Osira believes in holding Regalian Citizens accountable both in terms of law and in actions which may threaten the stability mentioned above

Mission Statement:
Osira has proclaimed her mission statement to be in line with Damh-Mara's- To leave Amontaar in a better position than it was found.
Osira has cited the need to hold Regalian Citizens accountable for actions- For example, the Silver Chalice and their alleged cursings on several individuals with impunity. This has been raised with the Amontaari guardforce and is following the appropriate chain of command
Further investigations concerning the ongoings of Mercenary Companies is to be expected during her tenure as Aldermann and she will reward Mercenary Companies who bring this to light as well as those who are upstanding concerning her Ideals mentioned above

(this means she will 'endorse' those upholding her Ideals in Skirmishes and impose Tariffs on those who do not )
(Click the link for details on bounties/tariffs/endorsements and how they can benefit/negatively impact companies)

Osira will, if elected, institute a good amount of Regalian Laws with the intent of introducing a familiar system for Regalian Expatriates that keeps them accountable for their actions
Osira will, if elected, seek to legislate a means to prevent Duel Citizen law dodging
Osira is open to further law additions for Regalian Expatriates.
Please contact her prior for a discussion or after she is elected regarding additions to the laws
If you agree with these goals, head on down to the Regalian Embassy and VOTE for OSIRA!
(please find the map below for all your voting needs)

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