Aloria Story Progression The Opening Move Of The Sultanate

It was a cold November day, The Scarlet Osprey was rocking back and forth in the harbor. As the citizens of Regalia pass by they hear yelling in the ship. "What!?!" Sebastian shouts as he slams his fist on the table. His companion Aran, reply's while reading from a piece of parchment "Apparently, The Royal Qadir Navy has taken over the Rim Isles, he says in a casual voice". "And the Arch Chancellor is too busy trying to save the nobles to even bother considering a counterattack I suppose?" Sebastian responded angrily. "well that's all up for speculation, a state of emergency has been declared, but that's all we know" Aran replies. "First it's the bloody pirates but now an entire army! How the hell are we supposed to get these shipments out?" Sebastian sighs and then falls into a nearby chair, putting his face into his hands. "Will there's not much we can do sitting on the ship" Aran said, his voice slightly raised. "let's head out and see if we can't find some more information". Sebastian and Aran walked off the ship, and disappeared into the crowds.
Ancelm shrugged as he heard the news, and went back to writing his own backstory.

Mm, I should probably get an approved character. Probably best to get into this thang . . .
Any chance we can donate god weapons/armor to the Qadir?
Erm, It isn't a pvp event and the Qadir Sultanate aren't a group of actual players...
Don't patronize me! I r know how stuffs work!

That said, the thought was more along the lines of donating war goods, in order to give their troops a bit of an advantage in the rolls made for the battles.
"The Rim Isles were thoroughly infiltrated by Qadir migrants who had pretended to want to leave the Sultanate, suddenly taking up arms and disabling the coastal defenses. The Qadir employed large quantities of fire mages, effectively paralyzing the Regalian battlefleet, and denying any counter attack from the ocean.
What an awkward time to be a Qadir fire mage in the city, eh?
Ryu reads the news on a paper, given to him by a boy with many of said papers, giving them to all. After reading it, he curls it up into a ball, tossing it lightly into a near by fountain with a chuckle.
"More war, more like fleas fighting on a dog... Bleh, bloody Ailor's can't get their deals straight. Same to the Qadir. Crazy, all of 'em."
And with that, he stalks off, however a small thought at the back of his head worrying about what will happen to him, and his family for that matter, if the Qadir succeeded in this plan...

((In other words, OOC, 'I'mma cat, I don't care, but go Ailor, I guess.'))
"due to internal strife between nobility"

Starts laughing and then stops when realizing that laughing evilly about war is bad.

A'mika the Q'urebo is dimly confused at the way all the boats are sailing around outside Regalia, but in her impervity, thinks nothing of it. She still hasn't found the race with all the holly sloths yet.
Karvos, taking a temporary trip to Regalia would hear this from my friend.
"Seems as if I'm going to have to edit my schedule, so many new bodies to bury..."
Angus, also taking a trip to Regalia, the day after the accident happened, would immediately try to start planning his way into the army