- Joined
- May 11, 2024
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The whole of Regalia could hear it as it occurred. The presence of a gargantuan, spiritual entity in the skies, turning the clouds into smoke and ash, as vicious earthquakes reverberated through the hills of the Crown Isle. The sound of falling rocks and crumbling terrain in the far distance, followed by the sight of a Dark Tower most horrendous and vicious arising into view to overlook the city like an executioner might lend its victim a pitying gaze. In its waking emerged a sudden mage storm, encapsuling the whole of the City of Regalia, cursing the atmosphere of the free-peoples into one domineered by harrowing magical essence contaminating the sky above their heads.
A cacophany of Spirits began flocking, drowning from the sky like a horde of evil, all stretching towards the Dark Tower in the distance to gather around like one menacing bonfire, where a figure stood; a husk of midnight black armor, spiked on every plate. A symbol of evil; no longer had he resembled the fair visage of an Elf. From the lording seat of his Tower, it spoke out a message for the whole of Regalia to heed, its voice distorted and demonic;
"I̸t̸ ̴h̶a̷s̶ ̶b̷e̴g̷u̷n̷.̶
̴A̷ ̶D̵a̶r̶k̴ ̴T̵o̵w̷e̵r̴ ̷h̴a̷s̵ ̶r̴i̸s̷e̴n̶ ̷u̴p̴o̴n̴ ̴t̵h̵e̵ ̵d̴e̷s̵o̶l̷a̵t̵e̷ ̴r̸e̸a̴c̶h̴e̵s̴ ̷o̸f̴ ̸t̵h̶e̷ ̷C̶r̴o̶w̵n̵ ̵I̷s̶l̸e̶,̸ ̶a̸ ̴m̶o̷n̷u̸m̴e̴n̷t̵ ̶o̶f̸ ̷o̴u̸r̵ ̶d̵o̴m̸i̴n̵i̸o̶n̸ ̴a̴n̵d̵ ̷m̸i̵g̵h̸t̶.̷ ̷
F̴r̷o̴m̷ ̶i̸t̸s̶ ̶s̶u̴m̵m̶i̸t̷,̸ ̴a̸ ̷C̷o̷n̴d̸u̸i̵t̸ ̸o̷f̴ ̶d̶r̵e̵a̶d̸ ̶p̸o̶w̸e̶r̸ ̶s̴u̵r̸g̸e̴s̵,̵ ̷b̶o̴u̷n̶d̴ ̷b̵y̸ ̵u̵n̶h̷o̴l̷y̶ ̵w̸i̷l̸l̵.̷
̶A̴l̴l̷ ̸w̷h̵o̸ ̴d̶a̴r̴e̶ ̴a̶p̸p̷r̶o̷a̶c̷h̷ ̶s̴h̴a̶l̵l̷ ̴b̶e̶ ̵u̵t̶t̶e̶r̸l̴y̴ ̵a̵n̷n̷i̸h̸i̵l̷a̵t̴e̵d̶.̴ ̵N̶o̶n̴e̶ ̶s̸h̴a̸l̷l̸ ̶e̵s̴c̵a̵p̴e̴ ̴t̴h̶e̵ ̸r̶e̷c̷k̴o̵n̸i̵n̴g̸,̵ ̵t̶h̷e̵i̵r̶ ̴d̷e̶f̴i̸a̸n̴c̴e̸ ̵s̷h̸a̸l̷l̴ ̷f̶e̵e̷d̴ ̵t̴h̸e̸ ̵s̴h̵a̴d̶o̶w̶.̸
̵T̶h̴e̸ ̴t̵i̸m̴e̸ ̸o̵f̷ ̷R̴e̸g̶a̴l̶i̸a̵ ̴i̶s̴ ̵a̶t̶ ̸a̵n̶ ̶e̴n̵d̴.̸ ̸
A̵n̸ ̵a̷g̸e̴ ̵o̷f̶ ̷S̸p̵i̸r̷i̸t̵s̸—̶u̶n̷y̴i̵e̵l̸d̷i̴n̶g̶,̷ ̴e̴t̴e̴r̶n̶a̴l̸—̵s̵h̶a̸l̸l̵ ̶r̸e̵i̷g̸n̴ ̴s̵u̴p̷r̷e̴m̵e̵.̴
̸B̴o̵w̵ ̶o̴r̴ ̵p̶e̶r̶i̸s̶h̵.̶ ̵T̴h̶e̵ ̶c̸h̷o̴i̷c̶e̵ ̵i̶s̸ ̵n̶o̶ ̷l̸o̵n̷g̸e̴r̵ ̷y̴o̷u̶r̸s̸.̵"
̴A̷ ̶D̵a̶r̶k̴ ̴T̵o̵w̷e̵r̴ ̷h̴a̷s̵ ̶r̴i̸s̷e̴n̶ ̷u̴p̴o̴n̴ ̴t̵h̵e̵ ̵d̴e̷s̵o̶l̷a̵t̵e̷ ̴r̸e̸a̴c̶h̴e̵s̴ ̷o̸f̴ ̸t̵h̶e̷ ̷C̶r̴o̶w̵n̵ ̵I̷s̶l̸e̶,̸ ̶a̸ ̴m̶o̷n̷u̸m̴e̴n̷t̵ ̶o̶f̸ ̷o̴u̸r̵ ̶d̵o̴m̸i̴n̵i̸o̶n̸ ̴a̴n̵d̵ ̷m̸i̵g̵h̸t̶.̷ ̷
F̴r̷o̴m̷ ̶i̸t̸s̶ ̶s̶u̴m̵m̶i̸t̷,̸ ̴a̸ ̷C̷o̷n̴d̸u̸i̵t̸ ̸o̷f̴ ̶d̶r̵e̵a̶d̸ ̶p̸o̶w̸e̶r̸ ̶s̴u̵r̸g̸e̴s̵,̵ ̷b̶o̴u̷n̶d̴ ̷b̵y̸ ̵u̵n̶h̷o̴l̷y̶ ̵w̸i̷l̸l̵.̷
̶A̴l̴l̷ ̸w̷h̵o̸ ̴d̶a̴r̴e̶ ̴a̶p̸p̷r̶o̷a̶c̷h̷ ̶s̴h̴a̶l̵l̷ ̴b̶e̶ ̵u̵t̶t̶e̶r̸l̴y̴ ̵a̵n̷n̷i̸h̸i̵l̷a̵t̴e̵d̶.̴ ̵N̶o̶n̴e̶ ̶s̸h̴a̸l̷l̸ ̶e̵s̴c̵a̵p̴e̴ ̴t̴h̶e̵ ̸r̶e̷c̷k̴o̵n̸i̵n̴g̸,̵ ̵t̶h̷e̵i̵r̶ ̴d̷e̶f̴i̸a̸n̴c̴e̸ ̵s̷h̸a̸l̷l̴ ̷f̶e̵e̷d̴ ̵t̴h̸e̸ ̵s̴h̵a̴d̶o̶w̶.̸
̵T̶h̴e̸ ̴t̵i̸m̴e̸ ̸o̵f̷ ̷R̴e̸g̶a̴l̶i̸a̵ ̴i̶s̴ ̵a̶t̶ ̸a̵n̶ ̶e̴n̵d̴.̸ ̸
A̵n̸ ̵a̷g̸e̴ ̵o̷f̶ ̷S̸p̵i̸r̷i̸t̵s̸—̶u̶n̷y̴i̵e̵l̸d̷i̴n̶g̶,̷ ̴e̴t̴e̴r̶n̶a̴l̸—̵s̵h̶a̸l̸l̵ ̶r̸e̵i̷g̸n̴ ̴s̵u̴p̷r̷e̴m̵e̵.̴
̸B̴o̵w̵ ̶o̴r̴ ̵p̶e̶r̶i̸s̶h̵.̶ ̵T̴h̶e̵ ̶c̸h̷o̴i̷c̶e̵ ̵i̶s̸ ̵n̶o̶ ̷l̸o̵n̷g̸e̴r̵ ̷y̴o̷u̶r̸s̸.̵"
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