Archived The Nerfing Of Fishing

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Jul 16, 2012
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Viva La Republic!
WARNING: This thread is for the discussion and proposals for the recent nerf to fishing. If you're just here to complain, please leave.


As you know if you read the main page, fishing has been nerfed. No longer can we fish up items from fishing. Only fish and XP will be rewarded for fishing.

A step to ensure people don't solely fish to gain ridiculous amounts of resources, but I have a counter proposal.

Fishing up the odd magical item, at low levels is just that, the odd magical item. It was far rarer to catch a piece of armor or a weapon. To keep it short, what I suggest we do is come to a middle ground: fishing up items is still possible, but the chance to fish up an item is lessened considerably. I would cap it at having a 10% chance to fish up an item, and that's at Level 1000. At Level 100 it's 1%, level 200 it's 2% etc. I imagine this can't be that difficult to code, just lessening the catch rate for items being fished up.

In the end, fishing should have some interest attached to it. Perhaps only allowing leather armor to be caught, perhaps only ender pearls and blaze rods, I don't know. This thread is for people to discuss what they think should happen, but do try and give some detail and not "i tink we shuld not nerf fishies lawl".

-cough- Anyway, yes. Discuss.
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Well I think we still need to think for those who kept training their fishing level, I mean I see alot of friend training it yesterday but I think the thing we need to nerf is not Magic Hunter and Treasure Hunter, we should nerf Bite Chance as if we decase the Bite Chance there will not be alot of Treausre Caught, but if we "Only" decrease the Treasure Hunter the person could still use Bite Chance and get the Treasure Hunting Skill working. (This is only in my opinion so don't take my word for it)
I think fishing should be nerfed, but people should still be able to get items from it at high levels. The thing is here on MassiveCraft, most people get their resources from either fishing or excavation (and I do not think people would want to dig up the ground everywhere, I mean the world would get ugly and griefed) so I would like the option of fishing up items to still be available.

However, I do not think we should be able to fish up enchanted items anymore. Perhaps only things such as regular leather armour at level 200, gold at 450, and iron at 600. Then perhaps you cannot catch diamond armour, only diamonds at level 1000.

Enderpearls, maybe level 300 with a very small chance of catching them, and Blaze Rods perhaps can be fished up at level 750 with a very small catch rate. Ghast tears at 1250.

Catch rates and bite chance should also continue to increase very very slowly.

Also, cap it, please? :D
Decreasing the chance of catching an item probably wouldn't get rid of the problem of auto-fishing though. If anything, it might even make auto-fishers more determined, while everyone else stays away from grinding fishing because of the low chance. So the margin between auto-fishers getting rewarded and everyone else getting rewarded widens further.

That could be one outcome anyway.
Decreasing the chance of catching an item probably wouldn't get rid of the problem of auto-fishing though. If anything, it might even make auto-fishers more determined, while everyone else stays away from grinding fishing because of the low chance. So the margin between auto-fishers getting rewarded and everyone else getting rewarded widens further.

That could be one outcome anyway.

Point taken. I was really only thinking about catch rates and bite chance, not being relative to autofishers...

Now if only there really was a way to properly check whether a player is auto-fishing or not... grr. Curse you, auto-fishers!
Hmm... Isn't it possible for the admins to edit a config file to change what can be fished up? I think so, but I could be mistaken.

If it is: Why not just remove all the stuff you admins don't like, and keep other stuff.

If not: Then perhaps just removing the loot from fishing isn't a bad idea. But I wouldn't mind if you guys only removed some stuff, but kept, for example, leather armor.
Decreasing the chance of catching an item probably wouldn't get rid of the problem of auto-fishing though. If anything, it might even make auto-fishers more determined, while everyone else stays away from grinding fishing because of the low chance. So the margin between auto-fishers getting rewarded and everyone else getting rewarded widens further.

That could be one outcome anyway.

So the majority of people should be punished for the minority of people who are breaking the rules?
I was quite disappointed when I saw fishing was nerfed- but I know that for the sake of roleplay and the economy, it was the best option available.
Jared, I think your idea would work, as long as diamonds and diamond gear can no longer be fished. Without fishing up diamonds, it certainly loses some of the WOW aspect, which may deter autofishers. On the other hand, banning autofishers sounds like an awfully good way to eliminate rule-breakers from the massive community, so perhaps fishing being overpowered was a blessing in disguise.
On the announcement, it did say that they got rid of it entirely rather than just nerfing it due to the lack of available manpower, or something along those lines. So perhaps the intention is to bring it back (though nerfed) later... Not sure.
I agree with Jared on changing what you fish up and when you fish it. But I believe the staff does not have enough time or coders to code new drops and such.
I just trained my fishing high enough for diamonds....I hate my life. Back to pvp training I guess.
Aww they nerfed fishing a week after I reached lvl 900... That sucks... I just wasted two weeks of my life to get those lvls....

I think fishing should be nerfed, but people should still be able to get items from it at high levels. The thing is here on MassiveCraft, most people get their resources from either fishing or excavation (and I do not think people would want to dig up the ground everywhere, I mean the world would get ugly and griefed) so I would like the option of fishing up items to still be available.

However, I do not think we should be able to fish up enchanted items anymore. Perhaps only things such as regular leather armour at level 200, gold at 450, and iron at 600. Then perhaps you cannot catch diamond armour, only diamonds at level 1000.

Enderpearls, maybe level 300 with a very small chance of catching them, and Blaze Rods perhaps can be fished up at level 750 with a very small catch rate. Ghast tears at 1250.

Catch rates and bite chance should also continue to increase very very slowly.

Also, cap it, please? :D

I like this idea because for those of us that spent two weeks constantly fishing to get a high enough level it sucks. Two weeks constantly fishing .-. ... And it was one of the best ways to get resources because like you said the only way to get recourses are mining or excavation which make the worlds ugly .-. And only a few people actually have the patients to get to lvl 1000 fishing anywho...
I've always seen people just put the bobber in from the fishing pole, then they catch armor instantly, so I think this would be fair.
Perhaps catch low dura leather? Cause think about it. It has been floating in the water for god knows how long! It is probably all soggy and rotted.
Fishing does need to be nerfed honestly, but still don't nerf it where the people with 9000 fishing level get aggravated!!!
Their will be bashing... No one needs that
What is auto fishing.​
What is auto fishing.​
I think auto-fishing is when you have a high enough Fishing skill that when you put the bobber into the water, it catches a fish instantly. Like you can just spam the button and you will get fish or it's something completely different.
If you read almost any other thread with McMMO related suggestions, you'll see that Massive doesn't tend to modify the plugin at all. If you want this done you'd probably have to suggest it to the McMMO developers instead.
I think auto-fishing is when you have a high enough Fishing skill that when you put the bobber into the water, it catches a fish instantly. Like you can just spam the button and you will get fish or it's something completely different.

I think it's when someone fishes while doing something else, aka being afk. Fishing while not present at Minecraft is not allowed.
I think yes Fishing should be Nerfed a bit but not too much I agree woth most of you saying that there should still be a chance of enchanted items but very low. I dont think it should only be for the people with ridiculously high fishing alone though, lower levels should have more of a chance but not as much
You can use mods in multiplayer servers. I didn't know that.
The outcome was for the best. Myself, I spent a week or two grinding my fishing up to almost 1k. I reached the point where I could fish up several stacks of iron, gold and diamond blocks a day, which was stupidly imbalanced. This compromise is definitely at least a partial cure for the current diamond inflation.
I fear that the amount of resources would too much if you nerfed fishing too much... try for a middle ground, I like the idea about bite chance nerfing
Fishing up items is just silly anyway, why not just keep it to fish? Or to people over a certain level that have earned the right to fish items?
I think auto-fishing is when you have a high enough Fishing skill that when you put the bobber into the water, it catches a fish instantly. Like you can just spam the button and you will get fish or it's something completely different.

Auto fishing is a hack. You can go AFK and be fishing IG. Its one the the few types of hacking that is legal. Or at least it was legal I dunno if it is now.
The outcome was for the best. Myself, I spent a week or two grinding my fishing up to almost 1k. I reached the point where I could fish up several stacks of iron, gold and diamond blocks a day, which was stupidly imbalanced. This compromise is definitely at least a partial cure for the current diamond inflation.

So yeah, there goes that fishing business you had running that we talked about. ;)

I guess your right Jared, also ender pearls, ghast tears and blaze rods were rare rewards, I think they should be left as how it was.
I think this is a good idea, to nerf it, but to nerf it that low? sure catching items are OP but, can we like rais it to like lvl 100 = 2% chance, lvl 200 = 4% chance, ect?
Ive been holding off at grinding my fishing because I was excited to do so. Not so much anymore :P
(Not complaining, Imagine this in a polite voice >_<)
Dang, I've been spending ages getting my fishing up :S
And now it's gonna get nerfed :(
I hope its still going to be worth getting it to such a high level :l it took forever...
I hope its still going to be worth getting it to such a high level :l it took forever...

It kinda is worth it, but it also kinda isn't. With a high enough fishing skill and catch rate, you can go from level 1 to level 26 or even 30 in about 5 minutes in ideal conditions. So if you need xp for enchanting, repairing, naming, etc., then having a high fishing level is still beneficial. However, if I were a new player deciding whether or not to bother leveling my fishing skill now that the nerf has been applied, I'd pass on it. You can almost as easily get all those levels by darkrooming, which also grinds your combat skills as you do it. In place of the massive amounts of fish people with high fishing skills acquire, any medium-sized farm would suffice, provided you tend to it often enough.

In summary, people with low fishing skills -- new players, particularly -- have absolutely no motivation or real reason at all to train their fishing skills as there are easier alternatives to spending hours grinding the skill that make for more immediate results, i.e. joining a fac with a darkroom and farm to grind or tend to crops all day. Yes, I'm renouncing my position that I took earlier in the thread.

For new players and old players who just have low fishing skills, fishing has now become a useless, practically unrewarding stat that will never get attention. Which sucks.
Please, remove it permantly..
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