Archived The Naga Language: Nagian

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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From the people who brought you Nagrecian, now comes the Nagaian Language!

A MASSIVE SHOUT OUT TO MiningMac5 who creating most of this, he truly did most of the work. Thalan79 also helped and, of course, me. We have been at this excessively for the past week after we kinda felt it dormant over the holidays but now here it is, hope you like it! Tell us what you think!

A - A
B - Ra
C - Na
D - Ha
E - Shi
F - Ma
G - Za
H - Wa
I - Da
J - Ba
K - Gi
L - Ki
M - I
N - Ni
O - Ya
P - Sa
Q - Ka
R - Ji
S - Chi
T - Ri
U - Zi
V - Mi
W - Ga
X - Hi
Y - Hu
Z - Bu

Sentence Rule: Merge any repeated letters together.

Ex. Washikikiya=Washikiya (Hello)

Calligraphy form:

Common Phrases:
Greetings - Zajishiridanizachi
Farewell - Majishigashiki
May the Gods Protect - Iahu riwashi sajiyarishinari
Yes - Hushichi
No- Niya
I am not resisting arrest - Da ai niyari jishichidachiridaniza ajishichiri (disclaimer: Telling a guard this may unnerve them and cause immediate death. Something about lizard and snake people saying things they don't understand. You have been warned.)
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A-hem. I was wondering what the Staff think of this?
Sorry, but no, people already talk Elvish and its only annoying because nobody understand them, and people like me are too lazy to try to learn a new alphabet, sorry but, unless your talking in code I don't want anything but English on massive
Sorry, but no, people already talk Elvish and its only annoying because nobody understand them, and people like me are too lazy to try to learn a new alphabet, sorry but, unless your talking in code I don't want anything but English on massive
๖ۣۜNo offence when saying this, but that is basically like saying you don't like how immerse it is and because you wish to be lazy. .__.
The language isn't intended to be understandable to those who don't study, it's made for professional RPers to use for their character or made for learning characters to understand and enhance. If you supported the thread MonMarty made with human cultures, know that this thread really is hardly different.
๖ۣۜNo offence when saying this, but that is basically like saying you don't like how immerse it is and because you wish to be lazy. .__.
The language isn't intended to be understandable to those who don't study, it's made for professional RPers to use for their character or made for learning characters to understand and enhance. If you supported the thread MonMarty made with human cultures, know that this thread really is hardly different.
That is exactly what i just said, but in a simpler, more lazy way
Sorry, but no, people already talk Elvish and its only annoying because nobody understand them, and people like me are too lazy to try to learn a new alphabet, sorry but, unless your talking in code I don't want anything but English on massive

I feel like languages mentioned in the cultures page are alright. If you personally don't know it, then your character probably shouldn't know it. Demanding for the others to post what it means OOC is Meta'ing, seeing as your character wouldn't know what it means and would probably scoff at them or mind their own business. Another language that at some point I wish to be accepted as Lore Approved would be Tolkien's Sylvani, or Elvish, Language. Enough people on the server use it and Elves don't really have a defined language atm.

Sometimes I get upset with the annoying girls that speak french fluently at my school. Too darn bad for me, I can't walk up to them and say "You're stupid, you should speak in English so we can hear what you're saying"
Perhaps they just don't want me to know what they say. I respect that.

On the subject of this language, it's well put together but I just don't feel it practical. I feel like your replies are too slow if you have to go and reference this page just to say something in Nagaian. Perhaps if there were common phrases to be said were added...
But wait! There's more!
We naga who use this have run into this problem, and there are a couple solutions.
  1. Take the time to do it- Generally, this only really works for Forum posts and RPs, but it adds that realistic touch that really makes an RP post worth it. I have this language saved on both my hard drive and one of my external ones. I may also be working on a font that would translate for me. But Admittedly, this doesn't really work for ingame posts.
  2. Use [Nagian]- Its as simple as it sounds, and doesn't take a ton of time. Basically, before your text in local chat, you add in [Nagian] to signify that you're speaking in Nagian, and not in human or other languages. I find that it's enough to do that, and as long as people do not meta game it works fine. Though, if people do meta game (which the bad RPers will regardless), then its not something that we can really avoid and still keep this useable.
All in all, I may talk with some of the Naga who helped make this a thing, and get some common phrases written. It would be nice to contribute to this after all.
But wait! There's more!
We naga who use this have run into this problem, and there are a couple solutions.
  1. Take the time to do it- Generally, this only really works for Forum posts and RPs, but it adds that realistic touch that really makes an RP post worth it. I have this language saved on both my hard drive and one of my external ones. I may also be working on a font that would translate for me. But Admittedly, this doesn't really work for ingame posts.
  2. Use [Nagian]- Its as simple as it sounds, and doesn't take a ton of time. Basically, before your text in local chat, you add in [Nagian] to signify that you're speaking in Nagian, and not in human or other languages. I find that it's enough to do that, and as long as people do not meta game it works fine. Though, if people do meta game (which the bad RPers will regardless), then its not something that we can really avoid and still keep this useable.
All in all, I may talk with some of the Naga who helped make this a thing, and get some common phrases written. It would be nice to contribute to this after all.
Personally, I /really/ dislike the people who go around being whatever race they are and saying "OH! I'm a beautiful Maiar! Instead of using the Sss sound I'll just put [Maiar] and then talk!" It pisses me off. Why? Because people are /lazy/. When elves do the same thing it makes me even angrier. Why? Because I'm an elf. And I speak Common Tongue /and/ Elvish. The sheer laziness just gets me so mad... I don't know if I'm overreacting- But I want more people to step up and create their /own/ race languages. Or find an Elven translator online. It's not that hard to find an elven translator. If they need help- I will /gladly/ help them.
Personally, I /really/ dislike the people who go around being whatever race they are and saying "OH! I'm a beautiful Maiar! Instead of using the Sss sound I'll just put [Maiar] and then talk!" It pisses me off. Why? Because people are /lazy/. When elves do the same thing it makes me even angrier. Why? Because I'm an elf. And I speak Common Tongue /and/ Elvish. The sheer laziness just gets me so mad... I don't know if I'm overreacting- But I want more people to step up and create their /own/ race languages. Or find an Elven translator online. It's not that hard to find an elven translator. If they need help- I will /gladly/ help them.
I am sorry if this seems lazy to you, but I would rather be lazy ingame and not fill local chat with text that only a few people can understand.
However, if you follow the one strict RP I am in, you'll see that I make full use of Nagian in its full format (at least the posts after it was developed.)
I am sorry if this seems lazy to you, but I would rather be lazy ingame and not fill local chat with text that only a few people can understand.
However, if you follow the one strict RP I am in, you'll see that I make full use of Nagian in its full format (at least the posts after it was developed.)
It wasn't really directed at you alone... >////< But just to get it off my chest. It was to inform others as well.
It wasn't really directed at you alone... >////< But just to get it off my chest. It was to inform others as well.
That's fair, but I really don't know how feasible it would be for some languages to be spoken in full in Local chat. Nagian can be a pain sometimes, and it takes up a lot of space. I don't know about Elven (not an elf, so that's not my area of expertise), but I can understand if people choose to use a simpler method for replying in game.
Plus it keeps the chat clear of clutter than only a few will know, which I think is particularly good for public areas like the tavern.
Time for some simple everyday phrases that should help people out in local chat.
Greetings - Zajishiridanizachi
Farewell - Majishigashiki
May the Gods Protect - Iahu riwashi sajiyarishinari
Yes - Hushichi
No- Niya
I am not resisting arrest - Da ai niyari jishichidachiridaniza ajishichiri (disclaimer: Telling a guard this may unnerve them and cause immediate death. Something about lizard and snake people saying things they don't understand. You have been warned.)

This is my first installment, I will slowly add more as I think of them.
Riwadachi dachi riya nayaisakidanaarishiha.
This is too complicated.

Must have put loads of effort into making this, but five minutes for five words? :^)
Great job though(Y)
not really a language (its a cipher algorithm to be precise) but I like the idea of it, maybe in the future the mods could implement a set of chat features to encrypt different races languages.

So for example if was R: and a human or dwarf was reading it, they'd just see 'Washikiya' but all the Naga's would read 'Hello'...

otherwise it would be hard to type that out lol
I think we need an official naga translator... for quicker speech, hm? ^Plus this guy is correct^ (Das guten idee!)
I could try my hand, if more languages are created, at creating a mod that allows you to choose from a list of races and automatically translates whatever you type up. I don't know if it would ever become of any interest of ever being implemented on the server though.
Nice!! I know myself and carious roleplay staff members are working towards creating languages for all races, mine currently being qadir. So i'm glad i wasnt the inly with the idea
@Imboring56, this is not Necroed, don't lock it.
This is a different language. Odds are, it wouldn't have 26 letters in it's alphabet. I suggest adding things for th sounds and removing some generally not used letters.
Added some common phrases.
Waii.... Darichi danirishijishichiridaniza, da naaniri riwadanigi zama a jishiachiyani mayaji nawaanarishiji riya zichishi dari .... iahurashi ahahadaniza kianizaziazashichi riya gawaari riwashi chishishigishijichi nayakikishinari... nayazikiha rashi ani danirishijishichiridaniza ahahadaridayani :) cool
I like the idea, and it would certainly make walking into the tavern more interesting. Yes, it would make it more difficult, but more interesting for it. You could even have your character get out a book of common phrases to give you time to do so yourself!
WaYaGa HuYaZi HaYaDaNiZa?

Lol copy pasting the letters, This is too hard :P
Just saying, Cowboys was working on a plugin about a year ago to make race languages, so there was an option to speak in local and for example, only have other nagas be able to understand what you say.
I love it, it makes Nagas just so much more unique and demonized xD but was I the only one who decided to beeline towards learning how to curse and cuss in this language? Just for nagas xD
Do not lock this, it is still prelevant.
I 'necroed' this thread for a reason, the idea behind it is great, but left alone. @thor5648 You should be able to talk like /language set naga and then it auto sets it into the language you chose, nagas will automaticly describe it in english. And every race has english as language.
In all honesty this thread is irrelevant anymore. Ideas like this should be typed formally and submitted in the write me section of the forums. As such I strongly recommend you retype it, fix any mistakes and submit it to the write me section. It also seems like this thread has been necroed many times. @The Shadow King I can lock this now if you retype this as a write me. :)
In all honesty this thread is irrelevant anymore. Ideas like this should be typed formally and submitted in the write me section of the forums. As such I strongly recommend you retype it, fix any mistakes and submit it to the write me section. It also seems like this thread has been necroed many times. @The Shadow King I can lock this now if you retype this as a write me. :)
Until I do a write me lore on it, keep it open.

Also, why do you dislike it?​
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Until I do a write me lore on it, keep it open.

Also, why do you dislike it?​
I don't necessarily dislike it, lore suggestions and ideas just don't belong in feedback and suggestions. They aaaaall should go in the write me suggestion so people like Marty or Ryci can get a look and decide to implement it.
I don't necessarily dislike it, lore suggestions and ideas just don't belong in feedback and suggestions. They aaaaall should go in the write me suggestion so people like Marty or Ryci can get a look and decide to implement it.
So you basically think think that this shouldn't be the official Naga language because it isn't in the write-me lore section?
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