The deserts or Farah'deen are harsh and unforgiving, especially when there is a lot of people traveling on it. But these people weren't together, four of the most powerful of them were leading this. The rest were slaves, captured from a village that was plummaged about a week ago, these were the survivors, these were slaves. They would be sold to rich families of the desert as they passed and if none took them they were shipped to Regalia as illegal slaves for corrupt nobles or just corrupt people in general. THis business can make or break a person. This is an organized slave trade operation to help those who went to the School of Melaak find a job. Sometimes, however, the people that take this job are very poor people desperate for some money.
OOC Explanation
If you have not caught on to what this is, it is a slave trade. This was made so that crime in the slums/city increases seeing that the Rat Court kind of decimated that a bit. This is not a gang or anything like that, just something for people that might think of making a Melaak or already have one and is having a hard time finding a job in Regalia. This is not to make people mad, in fact most of the slaves will be NPC's but if you want to make a slave character, feel free to.
The Lead Slavers
Tonatiuh Grakak, @Nidakk
Melaak Slavers
Kuko Zenchy, @Ringo0310
Non-Melaak Slavers
Slaves for Trading
Fabien Marie, @Ailethi
Nouveau Tempete, @SnashuuPomaymay
Slaver Application
Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Character Application (Not Required)
Knowledge of Lore? Scale of 1-10:
Letter to Savannah:
Slave Application
Slave Name:
Slave Race:
Slave Gender:
Slave Work: (Farming, Gladiatorial, etc.)
Knowledge of Lore? Scale of 1-10:
Reason Why You Want to be a Slave:
Slave Jobs
Gladiator, Farmer, Forced Husband/Wife, Bodyguard, Cook, Smith, Servants, Hairdressers, Bodycare, Brewing, Miners, Builders, Potters
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