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Played Character Akhali, the Accursed

This character is actively played.
Apr 3, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Akhali
  • Nicknames: The Accursed, the Darkest Star.
  • Heritage / Culture: Lonestar Slizzar (Disguised as: Kathar)
  • Age: 367 years old
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Religion: Evolist (Broken Gods Syncretism)
  • Occult: Void Mage / Greater Vampire Necrosanto / Eldertide Godborn
  • Character Occupation: Information broker, Spymaster Smuggler, Loan shark, Argentum Darkstar Order.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Skin Color: Dark Grey.
  • Hair: White
  • Height: Tall
  • Body Type: Slim
  • Additional Features:
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Magical Talent / Priest Talent / Chemist Hobby / Medical Hobby / Technology Hobby (Aranatech, Dark Metal)

  • Mechanics:
  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Catheron. The first is the Law of Catheron's Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on an Evolist to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it . This does not make the Evolist immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, Evolist worshipers are granted by Catheron, the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void for their own purposes.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Catheron. The first is the Law of Catheron's Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on an Evolist to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it . This does not make the Evolist immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, Evolist worshipers are granted by Catheron, the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void for their own purposes.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Apotheon. The first is to be able to manifest or have Apotheon's golden tail (or in other aesthetic) by which they are able to extract the essence of a person by drawing blood, or consuming them wholly by draining all the liquid from their body and leaving behind a husk. From there, they can choose to manifest parts of the extracted/absorbed person's appearance, skills (like being good at art or cooking, but never Proficiencies) and in essence fuse them into their being. Changes applied to appearance never count as Disguise, and cannot imitate a person.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when if expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Gahan. While in a Spirit Duke summoning, Evolists can call upon the insight of Gahan to peer through potential lies and double-speak of a Spirit Duke, to uncover hidden intentions. This won't allow a worshiper to fully understand the scope of the summoning interaction, but ward against unexpected traps or misleading that the Spirit Duke may be using to deceive the summoner. This Mechanic must be actively called upon during a Spirit Duke negotiation but can be called upon any number of times, though only by the person negotiating.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ventra. Ventra allows Evolists to incorporate aspects of natural creatures, plantlife, or geology into their own body, for example by manifesting a bear's arms, a deer's antlers, a feline tail, rock plating, or floral patterns in their hair, all of these changes being purely aesthetic. Additionally, if they witness a person violating nature in opposition to Ventra's teachings, they can summon Ventra's bow and glowing arrows, to mark a person. From then on, until they repent to Ventra, any Evolist that meets them will know they are a sinner.

  • Int rewards those who succeed and punishes failure. Through Int, Evolist followers can use Static Divinium to empower Artifacts in their ownership which unlocks extra Mechanics on them when it is performed. Corrupting an Artifact this way can only be done once per Artifact, with more information found on the Artifacts Page. This also Void-Corrupts it with the power of Int. If the Artifactspark is removed, or the Artifact is lost to the Evolist who owned it, the upgrades are removed and the Artifact is de-powered.

  • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Triton. Triton allows Evolists to transform into a Dragonkin of the unofficial Tyrthar Dragonfall, a Triton-inspired Dragonkin design that must have pitch-black scales and red eyes. This transformation counts as a Disguise, and can have any variety of appearances within the bounds listed. Anyone who sees this Transformed form can know that there is an Evolist underneath. This form does not confer any of the Dragonkin mechanics.

Syncretism: Broken Gods

  • All worshipers of The Broken Gods are granted the gifts of the Broken Gods. These gifts mainly aim at their spite and rejection from the world's status quo, in allowing them to choose one Mechanic of any Religion except Evolism, and add it to their own Mechanics. Additionally, The Broken Gods worshipers have a unique Mechanic related to Disguises or Monster Transformations. While these would normally be removed upon reaching 0 HP or being Knocked Out, Broken Gods worshipers who are defeated in combat or outside of it can never be forced out of any Disguise or Transformation. Keep in mind, this may cause problems with Knights, because a Monster that is not transforming back, may need to be executed, so use this judiciously.
    • Mortis Cult Mechanic: All worshipers of The Mortis Cult are granted the gifts of the Death Gods. These gifts mainy aim at making them somewhere between Undead and Alive. Mortis Cult worshipers can choose to be both Undead and not Undead at the same time, gaining Deathveil Mechanic 1, Deathveil Mechanic 2, and Deathveil Mechanic 3, but are not subject to any of the Undead Rules associated, meaning they can still use God Magic, and be Afflicted. However, if they become fully Undead, then the normal rules apply. From this point, they can be returned to this state of between Undead and Alive by sacrificing a single Static Divinium to cure their undeath and return them to the default state of this Mechanic.

Argentum Order: Darkstar Chapter
  • Mechanic Two: Shard Royal Mortisphages if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can suave their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.

  • Languages: Common, All Elven Languages, Zoram, D'Ithani

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 4
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 1
    • Pinning throw
  • Constitution: 0
    • [Ability Name]
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Tech Resist
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 1
    • Guided Prayer
  • Magic: 13
    • Arcane Bolts
    • Arcane Aura
    • Arcane Snare
    • Arcana Barrier
    • Arcane Warp
    • Arcane Shove
    • Protocol Analysis
    • Shapeshift Pack
    • Mindcontrol Pack
    • Wardrobe Pack
    • Arcane Apotheosis
    • Arcane Echostrike
    • Arcane Puppetteering
  • Charisma:


(In process of Reworking!)

Even before being born, Akhali's life would already be doomed by circumstance. His mother was a Kathar devoted to the pursuit of gratification, seeking to experience all and any versions of it. Her efforts eventually drew, unknowingly, the attention of the Eldertide. The entity blessed her with a night of unsurpassable satisfaction... only for her to awaken with a monstruous creature by her bedside, a baby, if it could even be called that, yet it barely looked Kathar– Ashamed of the proof of her crime, the mother anonimously dumped her child in a Future House, and never looked backed, for she did not want to be scorned by her peers.

The child would grow up unloved, the other Kathar children laughed at their grotesque nature, and any visiting adults scowled at their nature. Until eventually, a woman came, a Yanar, who seemingly took pity in the creature, and adopted the Spawn of the Eldertide. However, what first seemed to be the end of a nightmare soon proved to be the start of another– The woman was a rich and powerful Greater Vampire, a collectionist to a menagerie of horrors and freaks, kept all within her manor, and Akhali was her latest catch. So began those horrids days for Akhali, meant to be a mere decoration, a freakish spectacle for the enjoyment of her guests, and mere tool for the Sanguine's torture.

Yet, she'd also prove to be their greatest mentor. As she did not fear much, she allowed them to study her arcane collection. With Akhali being the most capable and unbroken of her freaks, she often had them deal with her paperwork and finances. She taught them of religion, so they'd be able to assist in doing Evolist rituals. He learned bothanics, and venoms, and cures.

However, unbeknowmst to Flioidia, Akhali never had once been under her control, merely pretending to do so– And they schemed, and pondered, and studied. And eventually, learned. Flioidia was arrogant, yeah, but she was paranoid too. She had little to no actual allies, only her power held her aloft, with all her defences pointing outside, not much inside. There was a garden, deep within the catacombs, that Flioidia cared for every day, which Akhali soon learned was the source of an accursed power, the Deathless Invocation, which granted a boon of near-immortality.

Flioidia's death was abrupt, sudden, quick. Akhali had been influencing her emotions for months without her realizing, causing her to grow laxant and hedonistic, and after that was done, Amorronokh freed the other freaks, and as they caused havoc and kept the Sanguine distracted, they went to the garden and destroyed all of it, not leaving an ounce of life. The results would be evident once returning upstairs, Flioidia had exploded in an explosion of Gore. Amorronokh spend the next few weeks gathering as much as they could, drinking the blood of the deceased Sanguine to ascend into one as well, before leaving– Not without taking Flioidia's skull with them, as it would become the source of their own near-immortality. The choice, while seemingly bizarre or drastic- Was reasonable within their paranoid, damaged psyche. The world would hunt them down, hurt them, break them, and only by being above, only by being in a position of power, would they ever, could they ever feel safe,

In a way, despite her defeat at their hands, Flioidia had won, turning Amorronokh into the same monster she had been.

As the years passed by, they learned much magic, as well as learned his nature as a Spawn of Eldertide- While Akhali was faithful and loyal to the Evolist Gods, he'd also would be drawn to learn about his father. By the end of his sagely research, he could not deny the Broken Gods, or at least the Eldertide, not only due to his role as his maker, but he could not deny the relief that brough the idea that he was not the one broken and mishapen, but that the Kathar, no, the entire world was small-minded and cruel to the point it would have never given him a chance to be normal, and not a freak. The so called rules of the world culled variety, and after all, was it not within the very idea of the Evolists to reshape the world to their own image? As for the Scornblood and the Covenant, he took them with a lesser degree of appreciation. He felt affection for the Scornblood, but her appeal was not in him, and the Covenant was a creature of heresy, and albeit distant, the Gods had never abandoned Akhali, or treated him badly, even when the rest of the world had.

Regardless, his voyages eventually took him to Regalia, a city perfect for disappearing and growing a web of power- His magics allowed him to voyage discreetly amidst others without drawing notice. His search of allies- Eventually, this drew him to the Darkstar Chapter of the Argentum. In his mind, a dark empire, a new kingdom, was the only truly solution for this world- A kingdom for the broken, the wicked, and the unloved, all would be welcome and given a chance to rise, to thrive, never to live in fear again.

Recent events:

The destruction of phylacteries has forced Akhali to take a much more schemful approach to Regalia, his potential death by actions once more a reality. However, his plans for domination remain- And so he has found common cause with a certain other Sanguine...
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