(Character Art by @bigscarygirls on Twitter - I make no claims to their work)
Patia Arsinoë - The Stronger Woman
- Full Name: Hypatia "Patia" Sirtur Arsinoë
- Heritage/Culture: Half-Remet Asha (Half-Eronidas)
- Age: 23
- Born Sex: Female
- Gender and Pronouns: Female (She/They)
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Religion: Baskaar
- Occult: N/A
- Occupation: Unemployed
Detailed Information
- Idea: Having had most of her life taken from her, Patia wants nothing more to experience it to its fullest, especially the finer things in life that were denied to her due to her heritage. She especially loves to flaunt her femininity in this regard, as (after all), it is often ignored or removed when you are simply "labour" and not considered a free and thinking person. But of course she understands her duty and the power she holds, and is fully willing to also aid in the fight to give other people what she has if they have been held back from it, no matter who they are (within reason of course). She has suffered due to the powerful before and is unwilling to let that stand. And, if that power also allows her to show off a bit and earn a name for herself, then so be it. In terms of Nelfin, Patia is kind to most but weary of them. After all, she knows all too well that the Nelfin benefitted from the Allorn, even if many now despise them and actively fight against them. Of course, if they prove good friends and prospective allies in that fight and in remaking the Dewamenet in one form or another. Ithanians are also offered the same chance though on a tighter leash and with far more suspicion.
- Religion: Patia is faithful to Baskarr, but understands that with many faces there are many opinions to take into account, some differing to her own beliefs. She does however believe and pray to the predominant whole, especially in the idea of Ma'at, and deeply in the reclaiming of their lost Empire, believing it is owed to them by right but also to aid in a stronger unity within their people. Even then though, she does not entirely believe that the Dewamenet Empire should be brought back as it was, instead believing it needs to absorb the new to work better and live longer than the old, either by merging with the Regalian Empire or by changing in their example. Patia also has some reverence to Draconism as well, due to her Eronidas mother still bearing some loyalty to the Dragons and Daiana despite predominantly worshipping Baskaar and knowing the Gods disliking to the Dragons.
- Eye Colour: Golden iris, dark sclera
- Skin Colour: Rosy
- Hair: Platinum Blonde, long hair in pigtails, with pink and blue highlights.
- Height: 8'0
- Body Type: Strongwoman build
- Additional Features: Missing her left eye and right tusk.
Detailed Appearance
- Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features: Patia is covered in scars from many battles, including the one that cost her her left eye, which is now replaced with a living metal construct. She is also missing her right hand tusk. Additionally, Patia has pale blonde hair (which is dyed in many colours), golden irises and dark sclera as well. Additionally, she is broader, taller and more muscular than many of her kin due to her Eronidas lineage.
- General Appearance: Standing at a whopping 8'0, Hypatia Arsinoë is a mountain of muscle but also femininity. She has long hair, and fur on her arms, lower legs, feet, shoulders, the centre of her chest, signifying that she is obviously part Asha, if the nose, nub of a tail and pointed ears didn't give it away. But in her skin (and by extension, revealed skin), humanoid feet, a lack of a tail, and her singular tusk, as well as her general broadness you can also tell she is indeed part Eronidas too, even if she is more Asha at the end of the day. She is visibly a strongwoman, with curves as well as pure bulk mass. But despite all her more aggressive features, she often can be seen in colourful clothing of pinks, teals, purples and golds, with her hair and nails often being dyed and painted to align with these colours too.
Hobbies and Talents:
- Engineering
- Medicine
- Athletics
- Common
- Ibeth
- Vasar
- Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
- Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
- Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
- Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.
- Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
Combat Style:
- Attack: Strength
- Defence: Constitution
Strength: 7
- Break Down
- Building Smash
- Building Scale
- Force Toss
- Brawl Stampede
- Diving Tackle
- Bruiser Slam
- Bruiser Tackle (Asha)
Constitution: 5
- Thick Hide
- Debuff Endurance
- Rebound
- Breather
- Bulwark
Intelligence: 2
- Oceanic Adaptation
- Safeguard Adaptation
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
- Escape Artist (Asha)
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
- A time ago there was a corsair Captain Shenshen, an Eronidas loyal to Baskarr, her Asha crew and the corsair fleets as a whole. Together these corsairs were the scourge of the Allorn, and the Ithanians, while also promoting the alliance between Eronidas and Asha with their every step. Upon docking one evening to meet with old friends from House Monterrosa, Shenshen was visited by an Asha stranger. This Asha wished to drink with them and find shelter for the evening and, accepting them into their ship with a good heart, the duo eventually ended up laying with each other that night. Upon the sober realisations the next morning, she understood that it was in truth an Akhetborn she had laid with and they had been blessed by him and Akhet for their service. Hence, Patia was born, and was seen as a boon between these corsairs and House Monterrosa.
- Growing up around the corsairs, Patia learned much of both Eronidas and Asha communities, but always leaned more to the Asha way of things. She, and her big family, sought justice on the seas and reparations for the crimes of the Allorn and those like them, as well as glory and treasure in abundance also. While aboard with her mother she learned to sail and to engineer with Living Metal from both her and the wider crew, though was kept low during times of danger due to her small size at the time. But, despite her love for all this, a deeper fascination was always found with the things they picked up after their raids, ship-fights and visits to House Monterrosa. Fine silks, jewels and more always intrigued her. The shinier the better. She had always wondered what their purpose was. They had little practical purpose beyond them being long lasting and pretty. But such curiosity fuelled an interest within her that would birth her nature going forward.
- One night everything went wrong though, as it always does. The Corsairs had just gotten a massive haul from an Ithanian Noble Ship and were sailing back to port before being beset by a giant wall of mists. Slowly being split off from the rest of the fleet, and the same to them, they found themselves in a counter attack by Ithanian Naval Vessels. These ships came aboard in quick succession, killing and capturing countless boats. And, despite her strength and still growing size, Patia was also captured, watching close as her mother fell to the invading individuals, aided by Nelfin Mages who had summoned the mist in the first place. Identifying her as non-adult, she was allowed to live, though lost an eye for fighting back. All this while the others were either killed or taken elsewhere to be tried and enslaved, imprisoned or executed. Alone and without family, she was then taken to Ithania to be retrained as forced labour hence.
- As she grew into an adult, Patia remained optimistic despite being kept in the mines and in construction for the Ithanians. She was stronger and bigger than all her kin working after all, so she knew that one day she could escape if given the right moment, if House Monterrosa or the corsair fleets didn't come and get her first. Though she knew that the latter was less than likely, after all she barely saw them as it was in all her travelling. Nonetheless, she worked hard day in and day out, refusing to show weakness or any sign of faltering. She wanted to inspire her kin to keep up the fight. It was likely because of this willpower she was chosen to be in a secret fighting ring. A place where masters could have their strongest fight while betting, offering great rewards to their champions as well…if they were inclined. It was lucky that Patia's master, Lord Blanche, was the rewarding type, though he noted her strength of character too, and did it also to pay her off.
- Already being strong and having grown massive in comparison to her previously small size, Patia excelled early on, and learned she had a love for spectacle which she was offered in droves from her acts in the ring and rewards for her work. Additionally, she even got gifted some of the very finery she had been curious about in her childhood, able to (at least somewhat) give herself the look she desired, even if it was toned down a tad from what she truly wanted. Despite her despising who she was fighting for and earning a name for (and the fact she was in bondage to begin with), everything she received, be it admiration, a chance to fight or material goods, felt helpful for her in terms of training and growing as a presence. And her actions and performances hopefully empowered the other slaves too. But of course, Lord Blanche continued to keep her from her kin, going as far as to move her to his own house to serve him personally in between her fights. His plans finally began to catch on in her mind by this point and dread set in.
- But as all felt doomed, luck found her, as Lord Blanche was summoned to a party in Regalia. It was a noble event he was tied to due to his family owning businesses in the Crown City and having connections to some of the families there as well. Wanting to show off his prized slave to prospective masters of the fighting pits, Lord Blanche took her with him. Upon arriving and seeing all the non-Ithanian nobles in attendance however, he changed his tactics to straight business talk and politicking to keep himself out of Regalian judgement and scrutiny. Only when the "uncultured" had left would he get to real business. As for Patia, she had to remain with the carriage in the meantime. But being 8'0 tall makes one easy to spot, and members of the Monterrosa family were present that night. After all, all nobles were invited, and they had arrived at the party to take note of the Ithanian nobility there, especially the slave trading kind. But realising who she was, and learning of her masters connections to the slave trade gave them all they needed to know going forward, and got them planning post-party.
- A short time after the party the corsairs arrived in hordes with cannons and Living Metal machines, attacking the port town which Lord Blanche ruled. After taking the town, they then made their way up to his estate. There they freed countless slaves and maimed Lord Blanche and his brood, while dealing with many of his Nelfin allies in the attack too. Patia freed from her bindings was taken alongside the others to the boats, where she was then told that the Monterrosa had called for her, and they would take her to a port where she could then take her on south to wait for their arrival. Thankful for their help and praising the Gods, she then ventured toward her new home, finally able to be herself and offer something to the world rather than just some cruel master.

Patia Arsinoë - The Stronger Woman
- Full Name: Hypatia "Patia" Sirtur Arsinoë
- Heritage/Culture: Half-Remet Asha (Half-Eronidas)
- Age: 23
- Born Sex: Female
- Gender and Pronouns: Female (She/They)
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Religion: Baskaar
- Occult: N/A
- Occupation: Unemployed
Detailed Information
- Idea: Having had most of her life taken from her, Patia wants nothing more to experience it to its fullest, especially the finer things in life that were denied to her due to her heritage. She especially loves to flaunt her femininity in this regard, as (after all), it is often ignored or removed when you are simply "labour" and not considered a free and thinking person. But of course she understands her duty and the power she holds, and is fully willing to also aid in the fight to give other people what she has if they have been held back from it, no matter who they are (within reason of course). She has suffered due to the powerful before and is unwilling to let that stand. And, if that power also allows her to show off a bit and earn a name for herself, then so be it. In terms of Nelfin, Patia is kind to most but weary of them. After all, she knows all too well that the Nelfin benefitted from the Allorn, even if many now despise them and actively fight against them. Of course, if they prove good friends and prospective allies in that fight and in remaking the Dewamenet in one form or another. Ithanians are also offered the same chance though on a tighter leash and with far more suspicion.
- Religion: Patia is faithful to Baskarr, but understands that with many faces there are many opinions to take into account, some differing to her own beliefs. She does however believe and pray to the predominant whole, especially in the idea of Ma'at, and deeply in the reclaiming of their lost Empire, believing it is owed to them by right but also to aid in a stronger unity within their people. Even then though, she does not entirely believe that the Dewamenet Empire should be brought back as it was, instead believing it needs to absorb the new to work better and live longer than the old, either by merging with the Regalian Empire or by changing in their example. Patia also has some reverence to Draconism as well, due to her Eronidas mother still bearing some loyalty to the Dragons and Daiana despite predominantly worshipping Baskaar and knowing the Gods disliking to the Dragons.
- Eye Colour: Golden iris, dark sclera
- Skin Colour: Rosy
- Hair: Platinum Blonde, long hair in pigtails, with pink and blue highlights.
- Height: 8'0
- Body Type: Strongwoman build
- Additional Features: Missing her left eye and right tusk.
Detailed Appearance
- Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features: Patia is covered in scars from many battles, including the one that cost her her left eye, which is now replaced with a living metal construct. She is also missing her right hand tusk. Additionally, Patia has pale blonde hair (which is dyed in many colours), golden irises and dark sclera as well. Additionally, she is broader, taller and more muscular than many of her kin due to her Eronidas lineage.
- General Appearance: Standing at a whopping 8'0, Hypatia Arsinoë is a mountain of muscle but also femininity. She has long hair, and fur on her arms, lower legs, feet, shoulders, the centre of her chest, signifying that she is obviously part Asha, if the nose, nub of a tail and pointed ears didn't give it away. But in her skin (and by extension, revealed skin), humanoid feet, a lack of a tail, and her singular tusk, as well as her general broadness you can also tell she is indeed part Eronidas too, even if she is more Asha at the end of the day. She is visibly a strongwoman, with curves as well as pure bulk mass. But despite all her more aggressive features, she often can be seen in colourful clothing of pinks, teals, purples and golds, with her hair and nails often being dyed and painted to align with these colours too.
Hobbies and Talents:
- Engineering
- Medicine
- Athletics
- Common
- Ibeth
- Vasar
- Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
- Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
- Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
- Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.
- Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
Combat Style:
- Attack: Strength
- Defence: Constitution
Strength: 7
- Break Down
- Building Smash
- Building Scale
- Force Toss
- Brawl Stampede
- Diving Tackle
- Bruiser Slam
- Bruiser Tackle (Asha)
Constitution: 5
- Thick Hide
- Debuff Endurance
- Rebound
- Breather
- Bulwark
Intelligence: 2
- Oceanic Adaptation
- Safeguard Adaptation
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
- Escape Artist (Asha)
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
- A time ago there was a corsair Captain Shenshen, an Eronidas loyal to Baskarr, her Asha crew and the corsair fleets as a whole. Together these corsairs were the scourge of the Allorn, and the Ithanians, while also promoting the alliance between Eronidas and Asha with their every step. Upon docking one evening to meet with old friends from House Monterrosa, Shenshen was visited by an Asha stranger. This Asha wished to drink with them and find shelter for the evening and, accepting them into their ship with a good heart, the duo eventually ended up laying with each other that night. Upon the sober realisations the next morning, she understood that it was in truth an Akhetborn she had laid with and they had been blessed by him and Akhet for their service. Hence, Patia was born, and was seen as a boon between these corsairs and House Monterrosa.
- Growing up around the corsairs, Patia learned much of both Eronidas and Asha communities, but always leaned more to the Asha way of things. She, and her big family, sought justice on the seas and reparations for the crimes of the Allorn and those like them, as well as glory and treasure in abundance also. While aboard with her mother she learned to sail and to engineer with Living Metal from both her and the wider crew, though was kept low during times of danger due to her small size at the time. But, despite her love for all this, a deeper fascination was always found with the things they picked up after their raids, ship-fights and visits to House Monterrosa. Fine silks, jewels and more always intrigued her. The shinier the better. She had always wondered what their purpose was. They had little practical purpose beyond them being long lasting and pretty. But such curiosity fuelled an interest within her that would birth her nature going forward.
- One night everything went wrong though, as it always does. The Corsairs had just gotten a massive haul from an Ithanian Noble Ship and were sailing back to port before being beset by a giant wall of mists. Slowly being split off from the rest of the fleet, and the same to them, they found themselves in a counter attack by Ithanian Naval Vessels. These ships came aboard in quick succession, killing and capturing countless boats. And, despite her strength and still growing size, Patia was also captured, watching close as her mother fell to the invading individuals, aided by Nelfin Mages who had summoned the mist in the first place. Identifying her as non-adult, she was allowed to live, though lost an eye for fighting back. All this while the others were either killed or taken elsewhere to be tried and enslaved, imprisoned or executed. Alone and without family, she was then taken to Ithania to be retrained as forced labour hence.
- As she grew into an adult, Patia remained optimistic despite being kept in the mines and in construction for the Ithanians. She was stronger and bigger than all her kin working after all, so she knew that one day she could escape if given the right moment, if House Monterrosa or the corsair fleets didn't come and get her first. Though she knew that the latter was less than likely, after all she barely saw them as it was in all her travelling. Nonetheless, she worked hard day in and day out, refusing to show weakness or any sign of faltering. She wanted to inspire her kin to keep up the fight. It was likely because of this willpower she was chosen to be in a secret fighting ring. A place where masters could have their strongest fight while betting, offering great rewards to their champions as well…if they were inclined. It was lucky that Patia's master, Lord Blanche, was the rewarding type, though he noted her strength of character too, and did it also to pay her off.
- Already being strong and having grown massive in comparison to her previously small size, Patia excelled early on, and learned she had a love for spectacle which she was offered in droves from her acts in the ring and rewards for her work. Additionally, she even got gifted some of the very finery she had been curious about in her childhood, able to (at least somewhat) give herself the look she desired, even if it was toned down a tad from what she truly wanted. Despite her despising who she was fighting for and earning a name for (and the fact she was in bondage to begin with), everything she received, be it admiration, a chance to fight or material goods, felt helpful for her in terms of training and growing as a presence. And her actions and performances hopefully empowered the other slaves too. But of course, Lord Blanche continued to keep her from her kin, going as far as to move her to his own house to serve him personally in between her fights. His plans finally began to catch on in her mind by this point and dread set in.
- But as all felt doomed, luck found her, as Lord Blanche was summoned to a party in Regalia. It was a noble event he was tied to due to his family owning businesses in the Crown City and having connections to some of the families there as well. Wanting to show off his prized slave to prospective masters of the fighting pits, Lord Blanche took her with him. Upon arriving and seeing all the non-Ithanian nobles in attendance however, he changed his tactics to straight business talk and politicking to keep himself out of Regalian judgement and scrutiny. Only when the "uncultured" had left would he get to real business. As for Patia, she had to remain with the carriage in the meantime. But being 8'0 tall makes one easy to spot, and members of the Monterrosa family were present that night. After all, all nobles were invited, and they had arrived at the party to take note of the Ithanian nobility there, especially the slave trading kind. But realising who she was, and learning of her masters connections to the slave trade gave them all they needed to know going forward, and got them planning post-party.
- A short time after the party the corsairs arrived in hordes with cannons and Living Metal machines, attacking the port town which Lord Blanche ruled. After taking the town, they then made their way up to his estate. There they freed countless slaves and maimed Lord Blanche and his brood, while dealing with many of his Nelfin allies in the attack too. Patia freed from her bindings was taken alongside the others to the boats, where she was then told that the Monterrosa had called for her, and they would take her to a port where she could then take her on south to wait for their arrival. Thankful for their help and praising the Gods, she then ventured toward her new home, finally able to be herself and offer something to the world rather than just some cruel master.
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