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The Mac Conall Chancellory Gala


Lanky Leg Extraordinaire
Mar 28, 2020
Reaction score
Dublin - Ireland
Basic Information:
Chancellory Candidate Alastair mac Conall invites his voters and those interested in his campaign to a night of dancing, conversation, drinking, eating, politicking and rousing speeches. To be held in Typhonburg on the evening of Wednesday the Tenth. All members of the peerage and politically active/interested citizens of the empire are invited to attend.

After the Gala principal campaign supporters shall retire to a lounge to discuss the future chancellery. Debating upon future policy and agendas. The list of invitees to this backroom talk can be found below.

Guests of Honour
Grand Marshal, Duke Reimar von Falkenreich.( @ChapterDeath )
Former Secretary of the Whip, Duke Klaus von Falkenreich.( @Battlebrawn )
Minister of Finance, Duchess Maydelyn de Azcoissia.( @Birdsfoot_Violet )
Field Marshal, Duchess Valarosta Ino-Femunn.( @Athelois )
Duchess Violante de Azcoissia.( @Finlaggan )
Mistress of Ceremonies, Countess Amelina Peirgarten.( @seoulmate
Lord Florian Peirgarten( @kirishark )
Alms Minister, Duchess Sivrid Sorenvick.( @MrsCripple )
Lord Commander, Duke Viggo Sorenvick.( @SupremeCripple )
Velheim Development Fund Manager, Duchess Kaya Sorenvick. (@AlphaInsomnia )
Wing Admiral, Duke Abelhard Latimer.( @festiveCorvid )
Logistics Minister, Duke Ardige Viduggla.( @HydraLana )
Duchess Haeddi van Hal.( @AtticCat )
Duchess Tuija Viduggla.( @Annie_Short )
Duke Cro-Maarx al Vyzal.( @Ghirko )
Duchess Violeta de Piedmont.( @Audianna )
Duchess Milena Cadieux.( @canaaa )
Occult Commissioner Leufred du Triege.( @fantuinn )
Mercenary Commissioner Theopold Kreiburg.( @Nathan )
Lifeguard Commissionerx` Duke Cillian Mac Conall.( @Northern_Ireland )
The Event
The evening shall start with socialising in the ballroom of typhonburg with the middle of the floor being open for those who wish to dance. As the evening continues food will be brought out to the side of the ballroom, guests are encouraged to indulge in the cuisine kindly provided by the von Falkenreich cooks. The dancing will than be called to an end, so that Alastair Mac Conall may take the center floor for a speech regarding his chancellery. Afterwards there will be some more time allowed for socialising before the principal supporters and the candidate go to the backroom for their talk. Guests not invited are encouraged to stick around to discuss and theorize what may be being discussed or to just socialise.
What: A Political Gala
When: Wednesday 10th 7est
Who: The Peerage and those invited
Why: Politics
Note: If you wish to crash this event. No its in a literal fortress.
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