The Inquisition Of Holy Leomar

IC Name: Robert Carwell

MC Name: Last_Link

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor:

I find the amount of rouge mages and demon worshipers freely roaming these streets an insult to the legacy of this empire. The fact that those who would freely give themselves to these unholy arts aren't in chains is something foul. I've heard good things of your inquisition, and would like to lend a hand if possible. My house has a long line of great knights, and I won't lie, i'm not one of them. But I can hold my own in a fight although i'm more qualified to lead, having done so in the Chrysant war and the current war against the elves. I await your response Lord Inquisitor.

Robert Carwell
IC Name: Hie'jja de Catlonia.

MC Name: Goldifish.

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition,
I, Hie'jja de Catlonia, wish to make better of my cursed abilities as a phantasma and submit myself to the Inquisition. I have skills in axes and the many other abilities that phantasma come with. I am rather agile as well, and have worked in various charters beforehand- most notably the Wardens and the Hammers. If you consider me a good fit for the Inquisition, please do respond. I live at 2041 Birch Lane in the bricked house.
Yours truly,
Hie'jja de Catlonia, Phantasma.
P.S. Leufred helped write this letter. Hi!
IC Name: William Alexander

MC Name: Geekfoe51

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition,

I am William Alexander and I wish to serve the Inquisition to help destroy or contain the unholy creatures within the city. I use to work for the Black Regiment, but I left due to their angry ways against normal citizens. I graduated from the School of Bloodcast and I hold skill with smithing to pass time.

Sprits Bless,
William Alexander
IC Name: Victor Decius ( )

MC Name: ChapterDeath

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
Lord Inquisitor,

I am a devout Unionist whom has been inducted into the Order of Talent. I write this letter in hopes that I may one day be a member of your most prestigious ranks and may aid in your most holy mission. I offer my skill in battle with Greatsword and Polesword, in hopes that it may aid your cause. Spirit's Blessing to you Lord Inquistor.

Victor Decius
IC Name: Wade Asterisk

MC Name: Airrail

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I have been shown The Great Way of the Spirit and would like to join the Inquisition. I have a background in medicine and combat, as I have gone to the school of Battlemed, and would be a great asset to you in many ways with my knowledge and dedication.

Spirit Bless,
Wade Asterisk
IC Name: Robert Carwell

MC Name: Last_Link

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor:

I find the amount of rouge mages and demon worshipers freely roaming these streets an insult to the legacy of this empire. The fact that those who would freely give themselves to these unholy arts aren't in chains is something foul. I've heard good things of your inquisition, and would like to lend a hand if possible. My house has a long line of great knights, and I won't lie, i'm not one of them. But I can hold my own in a fight although i'm more qualified to lead, having done so in the Chrysant war and the current war against the elves. I await your response Lord Inquisitor.

Robert Carwell
IC Name: Victor Decius ( )

MC Name: ChapterDeath

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
Lord Inquisitor,

I am a devout Unionist whom has been inducted into the Order of Talent. I write this letter in hopes that I may one day be a member of your most prestigious ranks and may aid in your most holy mission. I offer my skill in battle with Greatsword and Polesword, in hopes that it may aid your cause. Spirit's Blessing to you Lord Inquistor.

Victor Decius

Contact me on Discord (SocialDarwinist#9079) to arrange an interview.

IC Name: Hie'jja de Catlonia.

MC Name: Goldifish.

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition,
I, Hie'jja de Catlonia, wish to make better of my cursed abilities as a phantasma and submit myself to the Inquisition. I have skills in axes and the many other abilities that phantasma come with. I am rather agile as well, and have worked in various charters beforehand- most notably the Wardens and the Hammers. If you consider me a good fit for the Inquisition, please do respond. I live at 2041 Birch Lane in the bricked house.
Yours truly,
Hie'jja de Catlonia, Phantasma.
P.S. Leufred helped write this letter. Hi!

A reply is sent; "As Martial Law dictates, witchbloods are not to be employed in service to any charter. You may apply again once such is lifted."

IC Name: William Alexander

MC Name: Geekfoe51

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition,

I am William Alexander and I wish to serve the Inquisition to help destroy or contain the unholy creatures within the city. I use to work for the Black Regiment, but I left due to their angry ways against normal citizens. I graduated from the School of Bloodcast and I hold skill with smithing to pass time.

Sprits Bless,
William Alexander

A reply is sent; "The Inquisition highly values an ammount of virtues in their recruits, some of such being: Loyalty, reliability, competence. With this reasoning, I do not see a reckless yound lad, discarded from the Black Regiment for the lack of such virtues, as fit to join the Inquisition. Denied."

- Inquisitor Prefect Gustavo Maximiliano d'Goss
IC Name: Marvin Mayrhofer

MC Name: Geekfoe51

Do you have Discord: Nick_Valentine#4364

Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor,

I was born a Vampire Brood, Half Vampire and Half Alior. I write to you today in hopes of joining the Inquisition to stop help stop the Sanguine Curse from spreading and too make sure that nobody else suffers from their wrath anymore. They have been growing in numbers and I want to help stop those numbers from growing. I will understand if you wish not to accept me since I'm a Brood, but I want to help as many as I can.

Spirits Bless
Signed, Marvin Mayrhofer
IC Name: Julius Peirgarten

MC Name: Anarchizm

Do you have Discord: You have it.

Resume Letter:
To the esteemed Lord Inquisitor,
I, Ser Julius Odin Cormac Peirgarten wish to take up arms during this time of crisis. I wish to serve with the esteemed Inquisition and it's brave guardsmen and women. To serve Regalia alongside those of you who seek to destroy the growing menace of vampires. I swear to do my job to the best of my abilities.
Sincerely, Ser Julius Peirgarten
The Relentless Knight
Discussed privately. Rejected.

Discussed privately. Rejected.

Accepted for an IC interview to discuss role.

To Ser Julius Peirgarten,

It is comforting to know some of those from the upper echelons of society can see the dangers in front of us. I shall arrange a meeting with you to discuss a position for yourself.

May the Spirit guide your fist,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote
Lord Inquisitor
IC Name: Audrick Richter

MC Name: Skylez1

Do you have Discord: Skylez#7187

Resume Letter:
To the Lord of Inquisitors,
Times are uncertain within these years; the sanguines congregate within the Dragon District, displacing citizens of the Empire as well infecting them with their vile curse o' blood. I was originally drawn to the crown isle from the island of Tirguun upon hearing news of the spreading curse, having been brought up upon the island and schooled within the walls of castle Virgadulvlas: School of Darkwald. The majority of Darkwald knight operate alone, yet this problem is not one to be taken by a single sword-arm alone, but by several, brothers and sisters united under a common cause. Earlier this day I was referred by Ser Julius Peirgarten and instructed to write a letter. I wish to join the ranks of your Inquisitors and aid this cause to the highest of my capabilities, for the spirit, for the crown isle, for all of those who bear blood.
-Audrick III Karsten Richter
IC Name: Audrick Richter

MC Name: Skylez1

Do you have Discord: Skylez#7187

Resume Letter:
To the Lord of Inquisitors,
Times are uncertain within these years; the sanguines congregate within the Dragon District, displacing citizens of the Empire as well infecting them with their vile curse o' blood. I was originally drawn to the crown isle from the island of Tirguun upon hearing news of the spreading curse, having been brought up upon the island and schooled within the walls of castle Virgadulvlas: School of Darkwald. The majority of Darkwald knight operate alone, yet this problem is not one to be taken by a single sword-arm alone, but by several, brothers and sisters united under a common cause. Earlier this day I was referred by Ser Julius Peirgarten and instructed to write a letter. I wish to join the ranks of your Inquisitors and aid this cause to the highest of my capabilities, for the spirit, for the crown isle, for all of those who bear blood.
-Audrick III Karsten Richter

Dear Audrick Richter,

It is good to hear another of your reclusive and isolationist sort are joining the fold in this time of crisis. I hope that this will not be a short arrangement, however, but we shall discuss this more in person. I shall arrange a time and place for an interview between us.

Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote
❂ IC Name: Klaus Stephan von Leitner.
❂ MC Name: Yigit.
❂ Do you have Discord?: You have me added.
❂ Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I write this letter with a heavy heart, for I know that with every word I put down on this sheet of paper, I waste another second of my life that could have been spent putting the head of a heretical infidel to the pike. My hatred for the non-believers and non-humans burns with a passionate flame, one that only grows wilder with the passing of every single day. We experience the grounds of our Crown City growing stained by the scourge of the filth, cursed by the unholy machinations that defy the laws of the Holy Spirit. To witness this terrible and unacceptable sight and to feel my hands tied is a torturous emotion which I must banish from my mind. For that matter, I wish to serve myself and my ability with the blade, for it is only by the blade that one can cleanse our city of it's unwelcome inhabitants who are undeserving of mercy. Their worthless existence is a bane in our hearts, every aberrant that walks the streets of our Holy City is another thorn in our side. Allow me to serve you fair and just, with honor and glory, and with the Spirit by my side, as we bring the judgement of the Unionism upon these unwanted life forms.
Yours sincerely,
Ser Klaus Stephan von Leitner
Knight of Villiers-Eclaire
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IC Name: Klaus Stephan von Leitner.
MC Name: Yigit.
Do you have Discord?: You have me added.
Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I write this letter with a heavy heart, for I know that with every word I put down on this sheet of paper, I waste another second of my life that could have been spent putting the head of a heretical infidel to the pike. My hatred for the non-believers and non-humans burns with a passionate flame, one that only grows wilder with the passing of every single day. We experience the grounds of our Crown City growing stained by the scourge of the filth, cursed by the unholy machinations that defy the laws of the Holy Spirit. To witness this terrible and unacceptable sight and to feel my hands tied is a torturous emotion which I must banish from my mind. For that matter, I wish to serve myself and my ability with the blade, for it is only by the blade that one can cleanse our city of it's unwelcome inhabitants who are undeserving of mercy. Their worthless existence is a bane in our hearts, every aberrant that walks the streets of our Holy City is another thorn in our side. Allow me to serve you fair and just, with honor and glory, and with the Spirit by my side, as we bring the judgement of the Unionism upon these unwanted life forms.
Yours sincerely,
Ser Klaus Stephan von Leitner
Knight of Villiers-Eclaire

To Ser Klaus Stephan von Leitner, Knight of Villiers-Eclaire

I graciously accept you into the Inquisition of Holy Leomar, for you to fight the seemingly constant battle against the heretical in our city. Your fervent passion, zealous mindset and powerful words will hopefully translate into the action those of our order need to enact. I hope to see you, in good health and on good form, in an interview to assess your knowledge of the unholy and understanding of the protocol we use, in order to decide whether you are suitable for immediate positioning as Inquisitor, or whether you enter from the bottom as an Acolyte. See that you send a courier to arrange a time, and a meeting shall be made.

Spirit guide our fist,
Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote
Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition of Holy Leomar
IC Name: Dimitri Decius ( )
MC Name: Pellaeon
Do you have Discord?: Yes.
Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor,

I am the cousin of one of your Inquisitors, Victor Decius. Upon meeting with him, he suggested the Inquisition to me. So here I am, writing to you. Born and raised in Anglia, I am a knight of the School of Thousand Blades, a devout Unionist as well as a skilled warrior. I have great skill with the flail due to my training, as well as decent skill with a longsword. I should also say, I have unfortunately been afflicted with the Phantasma curse. It is my hope to turn this around and achieve Hallowblood status, not only to redeem myself, but to further my service to the Synod and Empire.

Dimitri Decius
Thousand Blade Monastery Knight
IC Name: Yorin of Tirgunn

MC Name: RollForWitches

Do you have Discord: I do! Bokratzia#8909

Resume Letter:
Vile aberrations roam the city, violating faithful Regalia -- and the spirit of the empire -- with their foul presence. I dealt with these types before in my homeland, of Tirgunn; my mettle tested in the School of Darkwald, where I graduated and found fit to operate on my lonesome for ten years. They spread here, far more than one man can handle; while I was mainly operating alone, I know and yearn for brotherhood again -- to fight along fellow brothers-in-arms and purge this great land of these beasts who deserve nothing but the blade. To join the inquisition. Not only do I have martial skills, but I too have the means to forge tools, and hold knowledge on these vermin. I will do what needs to be done to preserve the spirit, to aid the crown isle; to aid man. I was referred to apply through one of my old brothers, Audrick Richter; the man who asked for my aid here.

-Yorin of Tirgunn​
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IC Name: Jonatan af Fenikstörn

MC Name: sadsoda

Do you have Discord: you got it!

Resume Letter
To the Prefect Alfred Rolfe,

As we have spoken in person before and going off your word, I am doing this simply as a formality. I look forward to offering my skills as a Darkwald Knight to the Inquisition. Your report will be coming shortly.

Spirit Bless,
Ser Jonatan af Fenikstörn
IC Name: Yorin of Tirgunn

MC Name: RollForWitches

Do you have Discord: I do! Bokratzia#8909

Resume Letter:
Vile aberrations roam the city, violating faithful Regalia -- and the spirit of the empire -- with their foul presence. I dealt with these types before in my homeland, of Tirgunn; my mettle tested in the School of Darkwald, where I graduated and found fit to operate on my lonesome for ten years. They spread here, far more than one man can handle; while I was mainly operating alone, I know and yearn for brotherhood again -- to fight along fellow brothers-in-arms and purge this great land of these beasts who deserve nothing but the blade. To join the inquisition. Not only do I have martial skills, but I too have the means to forge tools, and hold knowledge on these vermin. I will do what needs to be done to preserve the spirit, to aid the crown isle; to aid man. I was referred to apply through one of my old brothers, Audrick Richter; the man who asked for my aid here.

-Yorin of Tirgunn​

How glorious it is to read the words of a fervent Darkwald, I shall see that an appointment for you is set up immediately, and an interview with my prefect arranged. Inquisitor Richter was a welcome addition, as I'm sure you shall be also.

Spirit bless,
Lord Inquisitor Rote
IC Name: Lea Katrien Aalders

MC Name: katieisdecent

Do you have Discord: Vitamin C is Spanish for Vitamin Yes

Resume Letter:

To The Lord Inquisitor Rote,

I write this to you, hoping that it finds you in the best of health. I am Lea Aalders, trained in Battlemed, and also the studies of Seminary. Nearly every day, I'm pleased to hear the news of your fine soldiers slaying yet another heretic from this holy city, however some return injured, having a battle well fought. I seek the position of a medic in the Inquisition of Holy Leomar, purely wanting to aid those who clear our streets of foul beasts. If I have the honor of being chosen for this role of support, I swear by it that I will mend, stitch, and aid to the best of my abilities, for I'm driven with motivation by the mere idea of serving the Holy Synod in such a way.

- Sincerely written,
Lea Aalders
IC Name: Apollyon Trihondia
MC Name: Jackalop3
Do you have Discord?: Yea
Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

I have seen unfaithful scum of all sorts roam the crime redden streets of Regalia everyday. After observing these atrocities I soon signed myself up for many guard charters in hopes of clearing the filth and gunk from our mighty empire. But unfortunately my thoughts had deceived me as I saw that many charters were filled with the same corruption that haunted Regalia frequently. I left many charters in search of a a fresh start. I soon vacated my plans of joining a group willing to civilly cleanse Regalia. After attempting jobs at many noble houses, I stumbled across the Inquisition. A organization of people who seem to care about cleansing Regalia without the massive waves of corruption radiating off of them.

Now more than ever we need to raise our arms and fight the oncoming crisis before it soon takes over our beloved empire. I am willing to give all I have to restore Regalia to its former glory, with the helping hand of the Inquisition at my side. I hope you too see that I would be a perfect fit for the Inquisition.

Apollyon Trihondia
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Dear sir,

I shall see that you are met with an interview, and a time arranged for us to meet. Though the fact that the nobility wouldn't take you on makes me question how truly dutiful and spirit-serving you must be. I hope you can set my paranoia to bed.

Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition of Holy Leomar
Dear sir,

I shall see that you are met with an interview, and a time arranged for us to meet. Though the fact that the nobility wouldn't take you on makes me question how truly dutiful and spirit-serving you must be. I hope you can set my paranoia to bed.

Abelhard Konstantin Nikolas Ottmar Rote,
Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition of Holy Leomar

Ahh yes of course I can assure you that my spirit is indeed put towards the good of the empire. I do feel though that an interview will straighten out your worry. Just message me via discord (Jackalop3#4712) and we can set up a time to get everything sorted out
IC Name: Jaran Cain
MC Name: Josiah_thepriest
Do you have discord: Yes I do
Resume: Great lord of the inquisition: I seek to join your great and holy order to purge the land of the heretics. I am a young man but I have much knowledge of unionism and I am a skilled fighter. I hope you accept me as your knew soldier of this great holy quest.
But plsss?! I really want to help you guys!
Oh wait you were telling someone else they can;t join kay
IC Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau

MC Name: Ringo0310

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor. I Sinclair de Letoirneau write you this letter for requestense of entering among your ranks. I wish to join this Holy Sanctum in order to help bring Heretics and other Criminals to Justice. I am skilled in the Medical Field as well as the Combat field, for I have been to the school of Battlemed.
May the Spirit Guide us.
IC Name: Adam Patrova

MC Name: Nano_Kay

Do you have Discord: TheyCalledMeKiko has it.

Resume Letter:

Dear Lord Inquisitor,

I write this letter to joins your ranks and assist the rest of inquisitors with the duties put their way. I can and will swear loyalty to my superiors and hope I am not declined to join. My prior work to the city was Hightower, though after seeing friends of mine such as Alfred Rolfe from Hightower and others help with things Holy, I wish to join and serve you and Regalia as a whole.

Adam Patrova​
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IC Name: Jaran Cain
MC Name: Josiah_thepriest
Do you have discord: Yes I do
Resume: Great lord of the inquisition: I seek to join your great and holy order to purge the land of the heretics. I am a young man but I have much knowledge of unionism and I am a skilled fighter. I hope you accept me as your knew soldier of this great holy quest.
Thanks for your application. I am however going to have to deny the application. You lack an accepted character application and your letter is also somewhat lacking. You're free to try again in about a week.

IC Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau

MC Name: Ringo0310

Do you have Discord: Yes.

Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor. I Sinclair de Letoirneau write you this letter for requestense of entering among your ranks. I wish to join this Holy Sanctum in order to help bring Heretics and other Criminals to Justice. I am skilled in the Medical Field as well as the Combat field, for I have been to the school of Battlemed.
May the Spirit Guide us.
IC Name: Adam Patrova

MC Name: Nano_Kay

Do you have Discord: TheyCalledMeKiko has it.

Resume Letter:

Dear Lord Inquisitor,

I write this letter to joins your ranks and assist the rest of inquisitors with the duties put their way. I can and will swear loyalty to my superiors and hope I am not declined to join. My prior work to the city was Hightower, though after seeing friends of mine such as Alfred Rolfe from Hightower and others help with things Holy, I wish to join and serve you and Regalia as a whole.

Adam Patrova​

Accepted for an interview. Add me on discord; balthy#6909. From there we can discuss a time for an interview

A letter is returned to both applicants

First allow me to apologise for the Lord Inquisitor not replying himself, he is unavailable currently.

After much deliberation, you have been accepted for an interview, where I might learn more about you, which will allow me to decide upon a proper verdict. Another letter shall find you in the near future

Reverend-Minister of War Jakob Ludevar​
IC Name: Ophelia von Hauger

MC Name: JoanOfArc

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
To the Holy Inquisitor,

I wish to serve the will of Spirit and to cast down all that would oppose it. I have spent many years learning how to be a good Bloodcast knight and I wish to put this skill to use to stop the heretics that roam freely through these holy streets. If you would have me I will faithfully serve this order with all my heart.

Ophelia von Hauger
IC Name: Ophelia von Hauger

MC Name: JoanOfArc

Do you have Discord: Yes

Resume Letter:
To the Holy Inquisitor,

I wish to serve the will of Spirit and to cast down all that would oppose it. I have spent many years learning how to be a good Bloodcast knight and I wish to put this skill to use to stop the heretics that roam freely through these holy streets. If you would have me I will faithfully serve this order with all my heart.

Ophelia von Hauger

Chat with me on discord (Lowry#4601)

You shall be interviewed by myself sometime this week. I shall page you at that time.

Spirit's blessings,
Lord Inquisitor A.R.
IC Name: Iona of Basta

MC Name: Jack_Castle

Do you have Discord: Jack_Castle#9104

Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor,

Upon my return to the holy capital city of Regalia, the seat of humanity, I met with a man of the cloth. I told him of my resent pilgrimage to my home in Basta in search of myself and my purpose. I rediscovered the love of the sacred Spirit, blessed be his name, and with it I was resolved to return here to the Capital. I had left in self exile after my entanglement with the Krupp Betrayal of which, while for my part I was pardoned, I feel that I have yet to find penitence for it. For you see I was once the personal vessel of High Consul Krupp, I've many years spent in the arts of the Lancyon Order as a Helenian Guard. The man of the cloth I encountered earged me to pen you and seek membership in the Inquisition as you where in pursuit of truly pious followers. I trust his judgement and so I have seen fit to follow through to that end. Spirits Blessings....

Iona of Basta
IC Name: Iona of Basta

MC Name: Jack_Castle

Do you have Discord: Jack_Castle#9104

Resume Letter:

Lord Inquisitor,

Upon my return to the holy capital city of Regalia, the seat of humanity, I met with a man of the cloth. I told him of my resent pilgrimage to my home in Basta in search of myself and my purpose. I rediscovered the love of the sacred Spirit, blessed be his name, and with it I was resolved to return here to the Capital. I had left in self exile after my entanglement with the Krupp Betrayal of which, while for my part I was pardoned, I feel that I have yet to find penitence for it. For you see I was once the personal vessel of High Consul Krupp, I've many years spent in the arts of the Lancyon Order as a Helenian Guard. The man of the cloth I encountered earged me to pen you and seek membership in the Inquisition as you where in pursuit of truly pious followers. I trust his judgement and so I have seen fit to follow through to that end. Spirits Blessings....

Iona of Basta
To Iona of Basta,

It would be wise for us to meet and discuss how you can further serve your faith. We shall discuss a place of service within the Inquisition as one of the mighty of the faith.

Spirit guide your path,
Abelhard Rote

Add Lowry#4601 on Discord to arrange a date and time.
IC Name: Emilio of Hallonq.

MC Name: meep999

Do you have Discord: Yes, in Synod chat.

Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote,

I'd like to introduce myself as Emilio of Hallonq, newborn Witchblood on my way to getting collared. I've been pressed to work under this system and I'm a devout Unionist. Worth mentioning I've worked under some Houses as a guard and feel an urge to change my old heretical ways. Hopefully you'll allow me a chance.

Emilio of Hallonq
IC Name: Faaron Arwyndaar

MC Name: Ekizu

Do you have Discord: Yes, you have it

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

It would provide to me the greatest pleasure to once more find myself in service to the Holy Inquisition. It has been but ten years since I have last been known as a member of this origination, as I had served back home in Basta. There I was a member of the Inquisition nearest my city for just shy of a decade before I was permitted to resign due to a physical inability to continue my service after some grievous injuries while purging heretics in the countryside. As of today I have made a near-complete recovery and have refined my skills to a degree which I believe you will find acceptable. I look forward to working with you and the men of your Inquisition in the time ahead.

I hope this letter has found you well,
Spirit protect,

IC Name: Faaron Arwyndaar

MC Name: Ekizu

Do you have Discord: Yes, you have it

Resume Letter:

To the Lord Inquisitor,

It would provide to me the greatest pleasure to once more find myself in service to the Holy Inquisition. It has been but ten years since I have last been known as a member of this origination, as I had served back home in Basta. There I was a member of the Inquisition nearest my city for just shy of a decade before I was permitted to resign due to a physical inability to continue my service after some grievous injuries while purging heretics in the countryside. As of today I have made a near-complete recovery and have refined my skills to a degree which I believe you will find acceptable. I look forward to working with you and the men of your Inquisition in the time ahead.

I hope this letter has found you well,
Spirit protect,

To Mr Faaron Arwyndaar,

A pleasure to hear from someone so close to the Inquisition from such young times in their youth. I am glad to hear of better health and circumstance that once again allows you to valiantly serve our ever graceful faith as one of its Inquisitors. I shall write to you a time and place for your interview, to determine your selection as Acolyte or Inquisitor.

Spirit Bless,
Lord Inquisitor​
IC Name: Hansen Peirgarten.
IGN: @WrongChat
Discord: You have it.

Dear Lord Inquisitor Rote,
During the whole crysis within the Synod earlier this month, I demoted myself, and left the Divine Milita. After the dust settled, and my knighthood was stripped from me, I've realized it is in my heart to not only fight for this Empire, but fight for the Spirit. I plea to you to let me rejoin the Divine Milita under your command. I'm sure there is someone in the Inquision that can vouch for me, and if not you know of my talents, and my loyalty.
With Highest Regards,
Hansen Peirgarten.
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IC Name: Beau Kra'zzla (z Morze Czarne)
MC Name: Pugsly10
Do you have Discord: Yeppers
Resume Letter:
Dear Lord Inquisitor,

After consideration from multiple Guard charters I have decided with the input of others that the Inquisition is a place I should seek to become a part of. As a guard who has gone from the Hammers of Holmganga to the Wardens I am experienced in my field whether that be tracking down criminals and detective work, or checking papers and searching people at a gate. I also have experience in more delicate guarding such as keeping Nobility safe. (enterschoolwhenprofscomeout), and learned a good amount from my tutors, though never officially went to any school. As a sailor I went all around, never really stopping anywhere to have a break, so coming back to Regalia I hope to find a place to settle down with this Charter. I wish to help upkeep the laws of the city, and find myself noticing individuals who do not, but lack any ability to help without being in a Guard force. I am Beau Kra'zzla, and I am skilled primarily with unarmed combat and on the spot improvisation, so I ask you Lord Inquisitor, please allow me to serve you and the City once again.

With many thanks, Beau Kra'zzla.​
IC Name: Wesley Crawford.
MC Name: Icaruscien.
Do you have Discord: Yes.
Resume Letter:

The parchment is in such a scrappy mess that even without the misspellings, it is only barely legible. The edges are crinkled and it looks haphazardly stored and delivered.

To Lord Inquizitur Cuerate Abelhard Wrote,

I am writin to express my interest in joinin your holy Inquizition. I should note my Silven hairitige, and my ability to cast spells, as well as my Half-Elfen oregins. Loofred Reginar encouraged me to apply, as I am a Unionist and willin to serve the Empire to the best of my skills. I am trained in qwarterstaff, armin sword, dagger, and hand to hand. I hope to hear from yew soon,

Wesley Crawford.

@TheyCalledMeKiko @Anakyrivo