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The Great Way And The Magi


Desert Creatures go brrr
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Not here thats for damn sure
Roleplay Guilds
Coven, Lightfinger lads.
The following letter was posted openly around the city

My fellow Imperial Subjects,

Blood, carnage, and destruction in service to Demonic Entities are not the calling card of the Regalian Magi. When the common man, woman and child tend to draw a mental picture of a wizard or witch they see an old decrepit figure wearing rags, with a bone necklace and a bubbling cauldron intent on placing hex on the unfortunate and loyal servants of the Imperium. For the Regalian Mage this can not be further from the truth, these people wake up in the morning and share comfort in the kin around them. They pray in their faith before going to perform their due diligence to the Empire. The Regalian Mage pays taxes, shares a tankard amongst friends in a tavern and serves on the battlefield in service fighting under Imperial Banner's the same as Tenpenny soldiers. The Regalian Mage is a loyal servant of the Prophet Theomar's vision.

This August will mark the eight year anniversary of the Battle of Curag Fields. From those brave veteran's own account of the day, mages were led out in chains in what would seem to be bait for the barbaric Fogmen but once they were placed into position the chains were released and the battle magisters took position along with the soldiers. This key engagement saw mages under the Imperial banner fighting for its survival against the demonic Fogmen. A battle in which casualties were high and the ruthlessness of the Fogmen was blood curling, yet for one of the first times in the Empire's history magisters stepped onto the front line and carried the standard alongside everyday soldiers. If the Regalian Mages are the devil bent on the ruin of the Empire and to lead us astray from the Great Way then why did they fight the Fogmen? When one is truly a brother in arms, they stand aside of you in the eye of Allest and defend the sovereign with Elia as witness.

The year 305 After Cataclysm saw the Dragon, Rikkira arriving in the Holy City, causing damage and corrupting the minds of the Empire's people in order to subvert our great destiny. Along with her she brought Arken who wrecked untold havoc and destruction in their bid to destroy us. Militias formed, skirmishes were fought and multiple sieges took place. Of course the Arken and their foul demonic casting claimed so much harm, yet when a Knight was stricken with a debilitating curse was it not a mage who sealed his wound so that he may continue on. Did a wizard not cast a shielding charm in order to shield a movement of Regalian Guardsmen from an incoming volley of arrows fired by cultists. Did magisters not work tirelessly with captured citizens held under the influence of Rikkira to break the hex. Victory was assured against the Arken the moment they attacked us of course, but how many loyal subjects of the Empire returned home to their families because a Regalian Mage stood with them in their ranks? To break the chains of the enemy's enslavement, as Vess would command.

In more recent memory to the occupants of the Holy City, a vampiric dread castle flew over the city raining fire and blood onto its innocent inhabitants. The fighting took months of sieges, skirmishes, ambushes and rescue operations in the Empire's capital before the Regime could fully retake the city. For those present, I ask of you how your wounds were tended if not by the mages who worked alongside healers in the castles and fortifications. To those who accompanied Knights into the field to rid the vile, corrupting blemish known as Vampirism from the afflicted, how often was a Sera of the Aelrrigan Order fighting alongside of you. How many lives were spared, exorcized and retained simply because a Regalian Mage was present where the Empire needed them? Ness' mercy cast upon the afflicted, those whose heart was tainted but soul remained.

Blood, carnage, and destruction in service to Demonic Entities are not the calling card of the Regalian Magi. Those that exist to undue us will use whatever tools necessary to do so, and we under the banner of the Empire carry out our duties in service of this Great Destiny we have been prescribed. I will not force my thoughts onto you, my fellow citizens. I give this open letter as a reminder of the past so that we can continue our grace into the future.

May he watch over you all, until our destiny is realized.

Signed and Sealed,
Paris Tychon of House Petrou
Evintarian Celate
Loyal Subject of the Empire​
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