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The Commoner's Assembly | Commoner's Vote Announcement


*lute music stops*
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score

From the cluttered desk of
chancellery advisor Lazarus Lupenzi
21 April 309AC

After a successful transition into chancellor Reinard's reign, and the war's end. I'm happy to announce that the Commoner's Assembly will be making its return this coming Saturday the 24th (5 PM EST) at the cosy arena within our city. (Arenacourt)

Though through this new climate we're living in, the assembly is not without its changes, for the better, that is.

First and foremost:

  • City-wide Commoner votes will be beginning with topics posed by the lord chancellor. With the floor opened up for debate before such votes are cast. Not to be confused with the upcoming district voting regarding nobility.
Multiple mandatory voter registration sessions will be taking place at the Reinard's Carounne estate in the days leading up to the assembly. Those interested in having their say need to take the initiative to show up for such sessions and will have ample opportunity to do so. No registration. No vote. It's your choice.

Who may vote?:
Anyone. As of right this moment, chancellor Reinard has allowed any citizen of Regalia to vote, so long as they register, those who do not will be ushered off to a spectatorial area at the event.


  • To make room for these new larger-scale public votes. The prior time for proposals wished to be raised to the lord chancellor and other relevant government officials will be moved to smaller impromptu sessions outside of the live assemblies, ran by myself. Same as before, the verdict upon granted proposals will be announced through published dictums, once I've reached a healthy quota of such to warrant it.
With all said and done. I won't waffle on. Be there at these upcoming registration sessions, and be there for the assemblies. Choose to believe or deny it, your say truly does matter. Thank you.
Lazarus Lupenzi,
Reinard Chancellery Advisor

of the Bloodcast Order


OOC rules regarding Commoner Votings:

  1. Only one commoner character will be allowed to register to vote per player at a given time, alt accounts included. For the sake of all-around fairness. Those caught not abiding by this will be barred on an OOC level from participating. I advise choosing your most prominently played commoner character for this if you have multiple.
  2. If it wasn't clear enough, noble characters will not be allowed votes at these assemblies, as it inherently defeats the overall purpose, though are welcome to spectate ICly.

    (After registration kicks off, I will begin the process of making a spreadsheet of registered voters, for OOC awareness.)

    Lastly, keep an eye on the OOC noticeboard and opening times in the RP Com discord for when voter registration is happening, and likewise whenever Lazarus is available to hear out individual proposals.
The event is Cancelled with Lazarus' exit from government. - Commoner's assemblies/ commoner votes if any are to happen won't be under me for the foreseeable future folks! Sorry to disappoint.