The Aristocratic Regalian Society Of Debate

Jul 31, 2017
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The Aristocratic Regalian Society of Debate


306 AC, State Councilor & Duke du Lioc and Kade Arcanist Estelluanar both expressed their displeasure at the recent seeming desolation of the casual noble conversational scene. Through the course of their meeting the groundwork for a new society designed to quite literally get the nobility talking took form.


General Info:

The Society is designed to get the nobles and associated commoners together on a weekly basis to informally and in-character to debate and discuss the events of the week (Prog posts, any weekly ic happenings etc) and to try and help noble characters get to know some of the others.

The hosting of the event rotates from week to week, travelling the Regalian countryside to visit noble estates or other hidden gems and inspiring venues.

Do note - any who turn up to a meeting of the Society without a membership or associate status will be turned away unless expressly given prior permission by Charles or Edward.


Speaker - This individual is chosen from the list of active members and rotates by invitation only, they are responsible for ensuring the debate moves actively and to ensure that associates eventually get a chance to speak.

As of the week commencing (04/06/18) - Speaker Cro-Zzhin Yaotl

Members - These are the core of the society and the only ones apart from the guest speaker to be able to openly discuss the current topic or suggest a new one. Any member of the nobility that applies is automatically granted a membership status. Recruitment is also offered by invitation which is an instant membership.

Edward Estellaunar - @Markisbeest
Charles du Lioc - @Morpheus_Dream
Kaya Sorenvik - @AlphaInsomnia
Marissa Morgann - @BleachForTheSoul
Aldrich Morgann - @MetalG00se
Augusto del Monte - @AntonVoron
Aelfric Harhold - @GoldWolfGaming
Alexander d'Vaud - @_Capri
Christopher Black - @Film_Noir
Reginald de Rieu - @dogbew
Claude-Henri du Pont - @Bagley_
Roland Everhardt - @jarebear24
Edouard Lambert - @R_O_B_E_rt
Robert Carwell - @Last_Link

Associates - An underclass of the truest form, Associates aren't allowed to speak unless at predetermined times and when called upon. Commoners when applying are sorted initially into Associates, however if one can prove themselves during the points they are called on they can be promoted to full members.


How to Join:

Fill in this easy application below or approach Edward Estelluanar @Markisbeest or Charles du Lioc @Morpheus_Dream IC, either by a joint forum pm or ingame.​


Character Name:
Nobility? (Yes/No):
Link to app:
IC Letter:
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IGN: AlphaInsomnia
Character Name: Kaya Sorenvik
Nobility? (Yes/No): Yes
Link to app: Boop
IC Letter:

To the Regalian Society of Debate,

As a former member of the philosophy department in the scholar ministry, my duty was to debate absolutely every topic proposed. I think my input will be valuable for even the smallest issue.

If you disagree, I'd be willing to debate it.

~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik
IGN: BleachForTheSoul
Character Name: Marissa Morgann
Nobility? (Yes/No): Yes
Link to app:
IC Letter:
To the Gentlemen of the Regalian Society of Debate,

I'd like to meet a few more folks here and there, and possibly get a good kick out of an argument. If you'll have me, I'd be glad.

Spirit's Blessings,
Lady Marissa Morgann of Locarnio,
Bellator Deputy of the Bellator Order,
Bloodcast Knight
IGN: MetalG00se (Zeros, not 'o's).
Character Name: Aldrich James Morgann.
Nobility? (Yes/No): Yes.
Link to app: Application Link.
IC Letter:
Addressed to The Aristocratic Regalian Society of Debate,

Sadly I haven't the time I would like to express my interest in joining this society due to other letters I must attend to, I do have a desire to join this society. I already often debate topics and feel I would fit in.

Spirit bless,
Aldrich J. Morgann.
Lesser Justicar,
Judicial Ministry Clerk.
@Morpheus_Dream @Markisbeest
@Markisbeest @Morpheus_Dream
IGN: AntonVoron.
Character Name: Augusto del Puente.
Nobility? (Yes/No): Yes.
Link to app: here.
IC Letter:


In The Year of Our Spirit:


Addressed to His Grace du Loic: RESPECTUS PERPETUALIS.

Addressed to the Honourable Estelluanar: RESPECTUS PERPETUALIS.

Sirs - you both deliver a much needed breath of fresh air into the withered lungs of Noble discussion.

In the spirit of revising the intelligentsia, I would be most pleased to join your society, and share my thoughts on the current climate of the realm. Not only as a peer, but, as a marshal theorist also.

If I might be so bold as to suggest a topic for discussion: Noble Republicanism. Given our recent transition from a single and glorious Emperor, to noble rule, I believe it relevant. In addition, I've an unpublished treatise on the matter I would be willing to share.

Be in wellness and Spirit keep.

By dictation: of lord Augusto Juan-Carlos del Puente.

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The first session will be called for tomorrow night (23/05/18) at 10PM GMT/BST to test the viability of a mid-week event.
I know it is short notice but if this works we're hoping it will at the same time weekly for easiness.
Character Name
Alexander d'Vaud.
Nobility Status
Link to Character Application
IC Letter


"To the esteemed Duke of the Lyons Fold, Charles du Lioc & the most respected Mister Edward Estelluanar,

I reach out to the both of you and hope this letter reaches you in the best of health. I would like to request membership into this such a society as the two of yours. I find that the state of Regalian intelligentsia rather lacking and furthermore applaud your respective selves on the founding of this organization at a time where the focus is all military oriented, and hope to be a part of your surely swelling societal ranks.
Spirit guide,
Alexander d'Vaud."
IGN: dogbew
Character Name: Reginald de Rieu
Nobility? (Yes/No): No
Link to app:
IC Letter:

To the Aristocratic Regalian Society of Debate,

Your organization is of great interest to me, I send this letter as a request to join. Hopefully it finds you well, and I look forward to participating in the next debates.​

Reverend Reginald re Rieu​
IGN: EternallyRobX
Character Name: Edouard Lambert
Nobility? (Yes/No): No
Link to app:
IC Letter:

To the honorable gentleman standing infront of me,

As someone of common sense and with a wealth of knowledge from experiences in the city, I do believe I would be a fine edition to this fine society as an associate. As I will be typically accompanying my liege during these debates, I see no reason as to not participate when called upon.

Edouard Lambert.
IGN: Last_Link
Character Name: Robert Carwell
Nobility?: Yes
Link to app: Robb
IC Letter:

To the society of debate,

I have heard of your group, and I if you would have the members of house Carwell we would be honored to join.

Robert Carwell
Lord of Norreck
IGN: Salier
Character Name: Paullus Tyrannian
Nobility?: Yes
Link to app:
IC Letter:

To whom it may concern,

For a while I have known of your society, but have been reluctant to make my attempt at joining. After much thought I have decided to make my attempt. I seek to learn more about the happenings around Regalia, additionally I would like to know and perhaps bond friendships with my own peers

Spirit Bless,
Paullus Tyrannian

IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Siselle Haagenvig
Nobility: Yes
Link to app: Link
IC Letter:

To Duke Charles du Lioc and Arcanist Edward Estellunaur,

I would be honored if you allowed me to join your society, I always loved a good debate. Not only would this allow me to add an opinion to up and coming topics, but also become more familiar to those in the noble court.

Best Wishes,
Lady Siselle Johansen Haagenvig