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The Alms Ministry Of Regalia - July Report

What events would you like to see more focus on? (pick any number)

  • Commoner based (handouts, job fairs)

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Nobility and commoner based (parties, volunteer work)

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • Nobility only (galas, charity drives)

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters


Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score

Alms Ministry July Report:

It is the Alms Ministry's desire to promote trust and transparency with matters concerning state funds, public donations, and community projects. Therefore, at the end of each month, a publicly available report of the ministry's doings will be available for review.
A letter from the Minister,

This month has seen a return to form, as the Alms once again is able to focus on Initiatives (larger scale projects) with the ardent support of the peerage. Our current initiatives are city-based, and inexpensive. However, should a need arise for more outreach, I am only ever a letter away.

We have seen a surge of events this month, both impromptu and scheduled, by the peerage and by the common people alike. As always it is my honor and my pleasure to have the best job in the city, and work alongside people who wish to see good things done. I would like to specifically thank our volunteers this month, for their consistent presence, and devotion to this Ministry. Not to mention, their creativity! Truly there is no limit to what we can do, with proper organization and devoted hands.

Glory to the Empire and its People,

Her Serene Grace Sivrid Sorenvik
Arch Duchess of Irvainvik, Upplanda, and Litoriën
Alms Minister
Valsung and Jovrlov of the Velheim

Initiative 16: Garrison Well
Mission statement: Build a well in the Alms Garrison, to supply safe drinking water to the city's poorest.
Status: In Progress

  • Meet with potential fundraising families. [Complete]
  • Contact the Bureaucracy to determine cost and legality [In progress]
  • Hire contractors to build.
  • Formalize announcements on Alms informational ledgers.

Special Thanks:
To those who brought up the issue of safe drinking water in the assembly, and showed support. Lady Valorie Castley, Grand Duchess Tuija Viduggla, for financial support.

OOC Note: This is an IC transaction for RP purposes and will have no effect on the Financial Spreadsheet.


Initiative 17: Academic Outreach
Mission statement: Enrich the lives of the commonfolk by establishing an active, staffed library.
Status: Complete
  • Hire Librarians and Researchers to volunteer their time to the facility. [Complete]
  • Hire a Manager to oversee Library staff, and come up with research topics or events. [Complete]
  • Establish a plan with Sol Laeroth Minarith (Manager) to further the city's academic pursuits. [Scheduled]

Special Thanks:
Our Librarians, Mrs. Cazna Gahan, Ladyship Roselyn Howlester, Lady F'relene Kassambara
Our Manager, Sol Laeroth Minarith
All those who donated books to the Library


Initiative 18: Support for the Bereaved
Mission statement: Establish a support network for veterans or other such bereaved citizens to find solace in the Alms Chapel.
Status: Complete
  • Spread the word of the non-denominational Alms Chapel in the Sanctuary. [Complete]
  • Welcome individuals who wish to offer support. [Complete]
  • Establish a routine of both scheduled and impromptu support times in the Chapel. [Complete]

Special Thanks:
Celate Amdilin
Lord Celate Atum Morathes
For offering care and support to the people of the Empire.


Initiative 19: Patron Galas
Mission statement: Encourage donations and thank our regular patrons through exclusive parties and gifts.
Status: In Progress

  • Put out the word for unique crafters of luxury items, who would like to support the Alms by crafting exclusive patron-gifts.
  • Find businesses to cater events.
  • Advertise the perks of Patronage to the Nobility.
  • Plan and host regular Patron Galas, where exclusive gifts will be given and raffled off to our supporters.

OOC Note:
Funny money only. Donating IC regals (not wealth tokens) to the Alms Ministry will NOT affect the financial spreadsheet. This is an IC interaction, wherein your family gives IC regals, to attend a fancy party. It's also how I want to show off characters with high artisan skills and give nobility a chance to engage with the Alms in a way that doesn't feel like taking food from poor people. It's a chance for the Volunteers to work somewhere, and everyone to virtue signal and talk about Archipelago ideas. Since this is all entirely for the benefit of rp, absolutely no change to the financial spreadsheet will come from promising high donations. Assume that a modest donation is the price of entry, and part of the profit of these donations goes to funding the party itself, like any other Charity Gala.

If you want to affect the Alms Financial Spreadsheet, see this link on how to do so using wealth tokens in Archipelago progs, and ask Siv for a meeting. Only wealth tokens can affect the spreadsheet.


July Donations:

Several of our previous weekly donors of food and produce have seemingly gone out of business, or fallen out of contact. If you operate a restaurant, please seek us out to set up a recurring donation! Waste not, want not. We are also happy to accept leftover food from galas and events.
Leaping Ksai Trading Company : Weekly donations of leftover produce.
Lynmar Lomstedt: A personal donation of regals.
Mary Jameson: Baskets of cookies and some loaves of milkbread.
House Cadieux du Lierre: An assortment of lower grade wines.
Anpuankhses, Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth, Silver Gilphyra, Aljamr, Imira Delaianur, Dathil: Vegetables harvested and pickled from the Alms Garrison Garden.
Yisha, Mary Jameson, Mircea Bellrose: Two buckets of fresh strawberries
Grand Duchess Tuija Viduggla, Philippe du Langelier: Fresh bouquet centerpieces, a box of tea bags, two trays of cinnamon muffins, macarons, smoked salmon and finger sandwiches - Leftover goods made my the Rosemary Swan for a Nature Society Tea Party.


This Month's Events
Fire Brigade! - Again this month the Fire Brigade proves a worthwhile investment, as fires in the Nook Inn and Golden Obscura were swiftly doused by our fast-acting volunteers. In total, three fires were fought by the brigade this month!

Open Hours - The Alms Minister held open hours to discuss future plans, concerns, and comments from the citizenry. This even resulted in one of our monthly initiatives! We look forward to hearing all feedback, and are only a letter away.

Community Service - We saw a few more community service sentences carried out with us this month, mostly coming in the form of preparing food and baking bread for the poor. While only time will tell if a life of crime can be staved off, we can be glad to see a debt to society paid in full!

Books for the Quarantined - With some citizens confined to quarantine during their sickness, the Alms Library was able to supply the locked-downers with reading material, delivered right to the door.

Kitchen Fires Lit - Lady Eponia Reinard was seen offering her time to cook meals to hand out to the poor. How kind! Not to mention, our ever-busy Kitchen Managar, Mr. Lee Ming-Qie, and supportive volunteer Cazna Gahan each lit the fires themselves throughout the month.

Poetry Night - Lady F'relene Kassambara, our most recent Librarian hired, hosting a lovely afternoon of poetry reading and discussion.

Religious Show and Tell - The Regalian Theological Society made use of the Public Auditorium in the Alms Sanctuary, where religious leaders and devotees were able to share small pieces of their faith through the items used in their worship. As always, we thank the Brute Squad and Violet Order for showing up to keep an eye on things!

Commoner Assembly - As always, our Commoner's Executive, Grace Haeddi Van Hal, has been ever consistent in her work. See her notes for the latest Commoner's Assemblies here.

Picking and Pickling - A group of volunteers tended the Alms Gardens this month to harvest and preserve our summer vegetables!

A Hunt and a Feast! - Members of the peerage and commonfolk alike were led by the Imperial Mistress of Prowess, Duchess Natharia Mac Conall, on a hunt! Following this, game was butchered and stored for use in the Alms kitchens. But, not before a sampling was kept and cooked by our own Cazna Gahan for friends to enjoy in a barbecue beside the trail. Grand Duke Florien Peirgarten entertained the nobility with talks of the upcoming Melepele, and good company was enjoyed. Thank you to Ledy Eponia Reinard for managing and planning this event!

Support and Care - Celate Amdilin and Lord Celate Atum Morathes both donated their time to the emotionally distraught this month, by volunteering to sit with people in the Alms Sanctuary Chapel and hear their woes. Both of the Celates are sincerely thanked for their kindness.

Tour Guides - Our volunteers were seen this month assisting newcomers to the city, showing them around and being a friendly face in a big city. Thank you to Alasdair Douglas and others. ((Like Mippymoo!))

July Job Fair! - A dozen businesses, noble families, craftsmen, and even the Violet Order were in attendance of a Job Fair this month, seeking to do their part in offering opportunities to the commonfolk who wish to raise themselves out of poverty. Hands were shaken, connections were made, and all who attended were added to our Alms Human Resources ledger for future reference, when anyone comes to us seeking work in the future. Those who still seek work or employees are encouraged to reach out to the Minister, or to our Human Resources Manager, Countess Novellia Reinard.


Ongoing Projects
These projects are more day-to-day activities, and are headed by our Supervisors. Seek them out if you are interested, or apply for a position with your own ideas!

Sera Humaira Reinard: Forges and repairs weapons and tools/brews mead from bee boxes
Tour Guides: Are invited to sign up to show newcomers around the city!
Mr. Lee Ming-Qie: Works in the kitchens to prepare food for the needy
Librarians: Open the library, curate the collection, and host events for lovers of literacy!
Researchers: Can be hired to look into specific information, and compile an IC document for RP use
The Brute Squad: Is a volunteer security force devoted to safekeeping the Alms and its staff. Knights are welcome.

Librarians and Researches wanted!
Find more info here: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/the-alms-sanctuary-library.93017/

Anyone is free to jump in and stir up activity in the Alms Locations at any time. The Alms Garrison, located in Arena Court, has a garden that is always in need of tending! The Sanctuary in Rose Court (use /tp nest inn) hosts a Kitchen and Dining Hall where volunteers can get to work, or where passers-by can congregate. Anyone is welcome to volunteer, no sign ups necessary. ((Just ping the Discord listed below! Anyone is free to post a RP Call for activity in the Alms Locations.))


The Alms Ministry recognizes the following volunteers for particular efforts this month:

Mrs. Cazna Gahan: For a consistent presence and devotion to Volunteer work

Special thanks as always to our Staff. We are available to any who wish to work with the Alms Ministry!

Serene Grace Sivrid Sorenvik, Alms Minister
High Grace Tuija Viduggla, Events Manager
Lady Novellia Reinard, Human Resources Manager
High Grace Milena Cadieux, Outreach Manager
Sol Laerith Minarith, Academics Manager


Interested in our current projects?

For those seeking to Volunteer, there is no application necessary. Simply engage with the Alms Ministry by showing up for day to day activities or events. (( Anyone can ping for RP in the Alms Discord - linked below))

Our ongoing projects are headed by Supervisors who bring ideas to us. The projects can have definitive goals or events, or they can be day to day activities. Supervisors should enjoy creating engaging activities for others to participate in. All are welcome to apply, with their ideas.

Currently seeking to hire:
Garden Supervisor
- to tend the garden and host day to day gardening hangouts
Librarians - to host events in the library, and open it to the public
(Please only apply if you would enjoy coming up with fun ways to get people engaged with the Alms! Events don't need to be scheduled and can be spur-of-the-moment, but should be engaging beyond emote rp and vary from day to day. Our goal is always activity!)
Brutes - To be pinged to guard Alms Events, and handle trouble in Alms Locations

Have a specific project idea in mind? The Alms Minister has the right to approve construction projects, and to assemble ad hoc committees for the purpose of achieving goals within the city, and across the archipelago. Meet with Arch Duchess Sivrid Sorenvik to discuss how to implement your ideas!

Stay up to date and be aware of activities in the Alms Ministry by joining our community!

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/xEmMq5aEkG
