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- Sep 25, 2013
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Alms Ministry May Report:
It is the Alms Ministry's desire to promote trust and transparency with matters concerning state funds, public donations, and community projects. Therefore, at the end of each month, a publicly available report of the ministry's doings will be available for review.
It has been my pleasure this month to oversee the training and commitment of the Alms Ministry Brute Squad personally. What makes the Brute Squad so unlike any other security force in the city, is their makeup. You will find no polished uniform nor singular creed among them. This is because the Brutes represent something universal between all walks of life in the Jewel City; a belief in the right of safety. That right is something we aim to protect for citizens of all social level, and we do it in various ways. In the event of an emergency, the Alms Locations can be fortified. In the event of impending harm to any person, we can offer Sanctuary as per our rights in Regalian Law under "Alms Ministry Privilege". And in the event of a threat against our locations, our employees, or our charges, we can keep them safe by force as needed.
Due to an increased presence, members of the Brute Squad were able to assist with four arrests this month. They worked beside the Violet Order within the grounds of the Sanctuary, beside the Villiers-Eclaire Knights, and even with the Crookback Militia to drive these cowardly aggressors from their holes, and assure that they would face justice. The Brutes are not a guard force- but, they are a force. And if any among you wish to join us, I welcome you to arrange an interview, so that you can tell me why you are passionate about security and the defense of others. The Alms Sanctuary is neutral ground by Regalian law, and thus, occult and aberrant applicants are also welcome, on the understanding that their abilities be used within the walls of the Sanctuary only, unless they are registered for white-mage use. Knights whose orders otherwise bar guard-employment are also permitted to apply to the Brute Squad. For further employment opportunities within the Alms Ministry, please look to the end of this report for open positions. I hope to meet you soon.
Glory to the Empire and its people,
Her High Grace Sivrid Sorenvik
Grand Duchess of Irvainvik and Virrekstad
Grand Duchess of Irvainvik and Virrekstad
Alms Minister
Valsung and Jovrlov of the Velheim
Initiative 15: The Alms Sanctuary Library
Mission Statement: To construct a Library for public use, which will be overseen by Alms Librarians.
Status: Complete
Mission Statement: To construct a Library for public use, which will be overseen by Alms Librarians.
Status: Complete
- Construct the Library [Complete]
- Collect books to line the shelves for our opening weeks [Complete]
- Launch the Library with an Opening Night Party [Complete]
- Hire Librarians to manage the location, host events/clubs, collect books, and other such activities. [Complete - More positions available!]
Additional Efforts
- Host an inaugural Writing Contest to fill the shelves with books [Complete]
- Hire researchers who can be tasked with compiling information upon request. [Complete - More positions available!]
Special Thanks:
Grand Duchess Milena Cadieux - For providing wine for the opening night party.
Her Ladyship Roselyne Howlester, Miss Cazna Gahan - Our first Librarians.
Thank you to our Contest Applicants:
Grand Duchess Milena Cadieux - For providing wine for the opening night party.
Her Ladyship Roselyne Howlester, Miss Cazna Gahan - Our first Librarians.
Thank you to our Contest Applicants:
Herbal remedies - Winifred Marth
The Moon Devourer of Se'ha'ku - Grace Novellia Reinard (Winner: Most Culturally Informing)
The Troll of Griprede and the Three Brothers - Grace Novellia Reinard
Honest Hilpéric - Grace Novellia Reinard
Tales from the Rite #1 - Dr. Lily Janssen
A Thesis On Naval Doctrine - Lord Fabian-Kurt Harhold (Winner: Best Nonfiction)
The Legend of Teodane - Aldane Justyr
Allorn Empress List - Henric of Heeresveen
The Greatest Treasure Seeker - Henric of Heeresveen (Winner: Best Fiction)
The Moon Devourer of Se'ha'ku - Grace Novellia Reinard (Winner: Most Culturally Informing)
The Troll of Griprede and the Three Brothers - Grace Novellia Reinard
Honest Hilpéric - Grace Novellia Reinard
Tales from the Rite #1 - Dr. Lily Janssen
A Thesis On Naval Doctrine - Lord Fabian-Kurt Harhold (Winner: Best Nonfiction)
The Legend of Teodane - Aldane Justyr
Allorn Empress List - Henric of Heeresveen
The Greatest Treasure Seeker - Henric of Heeresveen (Winner: Best Fiction)
Thank you to all of the above who donated their time and expertise to supply the Library with books. All of these titles are available in the Library!
To learn how to use the Library, or apply to become a Librarian, please read more info here! The Library uses IG books submitted by players, and will host events and social hangouts!
The Alms Sanctuary Library - Forum Thread
To learn how to use the Library, or apply to become a Librarian, please read more info here! The Library uses IG books submitted by players, and will host events and social hangouts!
The Alms Sanctuary Library - Forum Thread
May Donations:
Leaping Ksai Trading Company: Weekly donations of leftover produce
The Tenth Penny: Donations of leftover food
The Golden Willow: Donations of leftover food
The Bronze Dragonet: Donations of leftover food
The Nature Society: Several baskets of fresh produce
Miss Elena: A personal donation of regals
An anonymous donor: Several pieces of exceptionally high-quality cookware, for use in the kitchens. Thank you, stranger!
House Cadieux: Leftover food from a house party, wine for the Library Opening Night Party
This Month's Events
Alms Decree 5/1/309 - For any who didn't read it, a list of various changes and clarifications about the Alms Ministry was published at the beginning of the month. The decree can be found here.Extra Brute Training! - The Brutes were put to work this month, with special note to one training day that doubled as a stake-out following a threatening note left by a group of vandals. Fortunately, the Brutes' presence must have been terrifying enough to dissuade the vandals, and no harm was done to the facility!
Serving the Hungry - Alasdair Douglas opened the kitchen this month to prepare and serve chili to the hungry. Thank you for your time and charity!
Chari-tea! - Quin brought a collection of exotic teas to the Alms Garrison this month, and dazzled visitors with gourmet blends and pleasant company.
Writing Contest and Wine Soiree - To welcome the opening of the new Library, talented writers and researchers submitted their best works to be judged! This also allowed the Library to open with ten fresh books in store, now available to the public.
First Commoners Assembly - Our Commoners Executive, Duchess Haeddi van Hal, hosted her first Commoners Assembly this month in the Regalian Courthouse. Her Grace is thanked for her time and commitment to the voices of the people, and for her wisdom in seeing their concerns properly delegated and discussed among Regalian State Officials.
Etiquette Lessons - Duchess Natharia Mac Conall hosted Etiquette lessons this month, focusing on feasting among the peerage and how to present oneself properly while eating at a table.
Bazaar Stall - Miss Elena assisted the Minister this month in running a stall at the mercantile bazaar. We accepted donations for flowers from the garden, and cups of honey mead brewed from the bee-boxes. This stall raised several hundred regals for the Alms Ministry! The generosity of the citizenry is greatly and humbly appreciated.
Nature Society Produce-Picking - Arch Duchess Tuija Viduggla led a small group from the Nature Society through her estate to collect produce to donate to the Alms, where it was later prepared in our kitchens and doled out to the needy.
Brute Appreciation Night - We enjoyed a lovely dinner together in the Alms Sanctuary dining hall this month, to thank the Brute Squad for their excellent service in protecting the Alms Ministry's locations and employees. While the dinner was punctuated by an unfortunate spat with a mage on the premises, the Brute Squad yet again proved themselves by holding the aggressor within the grounds of the Sanctuary, and assisting the Violet Order in their eventual arrest.
Ongoing Projects
These projects are more day-to-day activities, and are headed by our Supervisors. Seek them out if you are interested, or apply for a position with your own ideas!
Miss Abigail Tucker is our official Supervisor of Fun, so check our noticeboards for more spur-of-the-moment events!
These projects are more day-to-day activities, and are headed by our Supervisors. Seek them out if you are interested, or apply for a position with your own ideas!
Miss Abigail Tucker is our official Supervisor of Fun, so check our noticeboards for more spur-of-the-moment events!
Duchess Natharia Mac Conall: Hosts lessons in court honneurs and etiquette for all social levels
Sera Humaira Reinard: Forges and repairs weapons and tools/brews mead from bee boxes
Duchess Tuija Viduggla: Offers many lectures on various topics
Tour Guides: Are invited to sign up to show newcomers around the city!
Librarians and Researches wanted!
Find more info here: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/the-alms-sanctuary-library.93017/
Find more info here: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/the-alms-sanctuary-library.93017/
Anyone is free to jump in and stir up activity in the Alms Locations at any time. The Alms Garrison, located in Arena Court, has a garden that is always in need of tending! The Sanctuary in Rose Court (use /tp nest inn) hosts a Kitchen and Dining Hall where volunteers can get to work, or where passers-by can congregate. Anyone is welcome to volunteer, no sign ups necessary. ((Just ping the Discord listed below! Anyone is free to post a RP Call for activity in the Alms Locations.))
The Alms Ministry recognizes the following volunteers for particular efforts this month:
Brute of the Month: Triss Aduro - For committed presence and valor this month, in the face of multiple occult threats.
Brute of the Month: Triss Aduro - For committed presence and valor this month, in the face of multiple occult threats.
Special thanks as always to our Staff. We are available to any who wish to work with the alms Ministry!
High Grace Sivrid Sorenvik, Alms Minister
Serene Grace Tuija Viduggla, Events Manager
Grace Novellia Reinard, Human Resources Manager
High Grace Milena Cadieux, Outreach Manager
Serene Grace Tuija Viduggla, Events Manager
Grace Novellia Reinard, Human Resources Manager
High Grace Milena Cadieux, Outreach Manager
Interested in our current projects?
For those seeking to Volunteer, there is no application necessary. Simply engage with the Alms Ministry by showing up for day to day activities or events. (( Anyone can ping for RP in the Alms Discord - linked below))
Our ongoing projects are headed by Supervisors who bring ideas to us. The projects can have definitive goals or events, or they can be day to day activities. Supervisors should enjoy creating engaging activities for others to participate in. All are welcome to apply, with their ideas.
Currently seeking to hire:
Garden Supervisor - to tend the garden and host day to day gardening hangouts
Kitchen Supervisor - to manage food donations, prepare menus, and gather volunteers for cooking days
(Please only apply if you would enjoy coming up with fun ways to get people engaged with the Alms! Events don't need to be scheduled and can be spur-of-the-moment, but should be engaging beyond emote rp and vary from day to day. Our goal is always activity!)
Have a specific project idea in mind? The Alms Minister has the right to approve construction projects, and to assemble ad hoc committees for the purpose of achieving goals within the city, and across the archipelago. Meet with Grand Duchess Sivrid Sorenvik to discuss how to implement your ideas!
Stay up to date and be aware of activities in the Alms Ministry by joining our community!
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/xEmMq5aEkG