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Played Character Talven Nathamlannë

This character is actively played.


That Red Haired Nerd.
Oct 18, 2014
Reaction score

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Talven Nathamlanne

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"I care too much."




TRENT_CARD Newprofs8.webp
Art Album |
  • Free Mechanics (Aulaya)
    • Lanlath Mechanics 1,3 and 4
  • Free Packs (Aulaya)
    • Ranger Shower
      Ranger Evade
    • Ranger Entrapment


  • 《 ঌ || LIFE STORY || to note one's history. .ೃ࿐ 》​
    • CHILDHOOD: Talven was born into a small family, only having ever known his father, growing in a small village outside of L'Elvellen.​
    • ADOLESCENCE: His adolescence was mostly spent traveling to the larger towns and communities with his father, who sold what wares he could, giving the young boy time to read what books he could, His father actively encouraging the boy to read tomes of a magical nature, doing his best to provide growing lad some way to connect with his mothers heritage, he would practice whenever he could, latching onto something that wasn't there.​
    • EARLY ADULTHOOD: Traveling to Regalia aiming to find purpose, He joined the Vigliants, found love and friendship in a variety of what could be seen as some of the strangest places, unfortunately losing it all through his own mistakes and the actions of others, choosing the cowards way of dealing with his problems and leaving the city and all its grief behind him in the year 304 AC.​
    • ADULTHOOD: The Solvaan spent many years alongside the road after that, honing his skills with both sword and shield, alongside magical arts, learning how to channel the power of his faith over time, and becoming 'Estelley Blessed'.​
    • PRESENT: After returning to the city, Talven elected to do what he did best, fight, and joined up with the state metropolitan to do so for a cause that he believed in, rising through the ranks to both Sergeant and then Lord Commissioner, his life began to be filled with oppertunities, even meeting and falling for another half Solvaan who often went by Aylin. Though he eventually lost that title, and gained another, serving briefly as the mayor of crookback before eventually resigning.​
    • RECENT EVENTS: The Solvaan's relationship with his wife ended after the birth of their child, Aylin departing to regions unknown to him, his life is upended and his purpose unclear, Talven seeks to leave his mark distract himself from such grief.​
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  • 《 ঌ || Relationships || to note one's history. .ೃ࿐ 》
  • Aylin: (Wife) 10/10 "Through it all, you are the one that makes me feel alive, I promise you this is forever, All of me, All of you. You are my life, and you always will be."
  • Llewyn/Mok: (Distant Family) 7/10 "You've changed into something entirely unique, but you're still my friend, and I hope to help you."
  • Emile: (Friend) 6/10 "I wonder, how much you will change, and how far you will go?"
  • Harlow: (Best Friend/Trusted advisor) 9/10 "I've seen you pained, on the brink and you've pulled me from some of my worst, I'm alive because of you, I just wish I didn't have to watch you both tear each other apart."
  • Leila: (Friend) 6/10 "Someone who hadn't been given a chance before, and has more then earned the one they've been given now."
  • Bernadette Beckett: (Close Friend) 8/10 "Ah Bern, Once I hoped for more between us, now I'm just so glad to have you around, you deserve everything you've gained, you have more then earned it."
  • Petra Von Schwarzkrau: (Friend) 6/10 "You will always have a place in my heart, and i hope we can be as close as we were, yet--I fear you're pulling away."
  • Lizzie: (Friend) 6/10 "A crook, Someone I'd call a little shit, Someone who's clearly been let down before, I trust you and choose to be a friend for as long as you will have me."
  • Morrigan: (Friend) 6/10 "The Sister of someone who I truly care for, yet it isn't fair to call you just that anymore is it? I believe you'll find your way, and I'll gladly help"
  • Faust: (Friend) 6/10 "When was the last time you were given a chance to be yourself?"
  • Astrid: (Friend) 6/10 "You have gone far, and I believe you've earnt that, I'll aim to keep my word and be there for you."
  • Rodrigo Peirgarten: (Mentor) 6.5/10 "You believe in me, you've helped me onto a path and think there is a future where I become...more, I hope to one day prove you right."
  • Pipa: (Friend) 6/10 "You're full of energy, and have a view of the world that is always refreshing, you've also saved my life before, thank you"
  • Stoloc: (Friend) 4.5/10 "Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your mind anymore."
  • Camilla: (Mother in Law) 6/10 "You are one who I never doubt cares for her, and perhaps are what they both need to see a way forward."
  • Sabina: (Friend?) 5.5/10 "You are someone who never gives themselves enough credit, yet can also fall into the darkest pits of cruelty, I wonder if you will ever find peace?"
  • 'Sabine': (???) 5.5/10 "I know there is a good person behind all the hurt, behind the chances not given, so I'm going to do what I can to help you, Simply because I choose to."
  • Terrence Braunschweiger: (Lost Soul) 3.5/10 "You've fallen further then I thought."
  • Aeda: (Suop) 5.5/10 "A gesture of kindness for someone you barely know, Always someone who's easy to talk to, I think we'll be friends"
  • Narla: (Someone I tried for) 4.5/10 "You hurt me, yet with you I struggle to tell if you truly meant it, I don't know what's real with you, and that is what makes you dangerous"
  • 'Justice': (The Past?) ?/10 "One of the true things to work, to keep her safe, Just how far will I be willing to go with you?"
  • Drulailmon: (?) 3/10 "You seem to be someone that seeks peace, self betterment, but you pay a twisted price, you are the reason she no longer cares."
  • Raoul: (Monster) -9/10 "You are the cause of so much pain, one of the few I without a doubt would end if I had the chance."
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@Lizmun Tagging for rereview with point allocations changed! (also thread was clear so thats why you arent here anymore)
@Scribbe Updated proficiency's to reflect a change in backstory, recently having been convinced that draconic healing didnt really suit the character and more so seemed just to be an add on for "better healing", so took that advice and focused more on a spell sword concept, leaning into the Solvaan aspect of his heritage to be use magic to be discount Solvaan in regards to racial ability's, to reflect the minimal understanding of that side of himself

Cahal drop down added for points of infection, kept as a completely separate section so the app need not be put into rereview each time it gets activated or deactivated (if it does)
Here is my review:
  • Fix your magic section under your abilities to reflect the change from Primal or Exist.
Tag me when you are done with edits.
Did le slight change for age on character sheet, and the ? to accurately represent the distance from that faith (aka your parents raise you in a faith, so you know it best, but dont necessarily believe in it)