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An Expose Of Corruption: Trent Nathamlannë


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score

} The Tree of Order must keep its roots healthy {
gothic page divider 1.webp

I write the first of what will likely be multiple exposes out of a fierce love for our Empire, which I believe must have the most qualified and diligent people in positions of responsibility. These people are entrusted by his Imperial Holiness Alexander I, and by the Crown Regent Reynaud, to manage part of the empire's daily workings on their behalf. It is the responsibility of bureaucrats, commanders, and Ministers to not betray or degrade that trust with corruption.

Trent Nathamlannë, Lord Commissioner of the City Metropolitan, has failed in his duties and has proven to be a corrupt individual unworthy of the post. He admitted to my face that he used the office to protect his fiancée Aylin Rilynnlues from the extent of the consequences of her actions, which were often deviant at best and violent at worst. Citizens of the Empire have been hurt because the Lord Commissioner not only failed in the office he was trusted with, but actively abused it for personal gain.

When I verbally confronted the Lord Commissioner for his corruption, he proceeded to attack me in a drunken rage, not only bringing violence against an aristocrat without legal grounds, but further degrading his office with indecency.

I call upon Trent Nathamlannë to resign from his post, so that a more qualified candidate may be entrusted with the office of Lord Commissioner without harming it with a corrupt soul. The Empire is a tree, and every person who abuses their position of responsibility is another sickened root that brings the tree closer to death.

Selthuriel Aredeth
Sol-Maëss of House Aredethylla
Scion of Diligence

Selthuriel is making a callout post on his Twitter.com about Trent's corruption.
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A young Baron would sit in the Abansaddi estate, reading over the missive. A smile formed on his tusky face, as he announced to no one in particular,
"Good on this Sol-Maess Aredeth for speaking the truth. It was about time /someone/ called out this Trent figure for all that he's done.. or rather what he hasn't done. He's nothing short of a doormat and a pushover, and can't even control his own fiance. Disgraceful, I say!"
A swift reply seemed to be posted.

" I will dignify this farce with a response only once, as you seem to wish to misconstrued the words of a man who was annoyed in the privacy of one of the homes that he is a honoured guest at, and thus allowed the degree of privacy, as well as the ability to defend himself from the words and actions of another who clearly sought and continues to seek difficulties and drama."

"I spoke of wanting the best for her, as any reasonable fiancé would, I myself have arrested her or ordered her arrest when she has committed a crime, of that you could ask any of the state metropolitan, frankly, I do not need to defend myself to a Teledden racist who not only insisted that he was superior to any Ailor, but that I was somehow unworthy of my own bloodline, came into a private estate and not only sought a fight, but complained when they received one and has attempted not once, but twice now to make some pathetic power play to convince me to step down."

"I will not, I will continue to do my best to make improvements within the metropolitan, to do everything within my power to ensure the city's laws are upheld to the degree worthy of those laws, ask any within that order if I have instructed them to 'take it easy' on her as you claim. Just because you wish to make some kind of mockery of all this, does not mean I do."

Trent Nathamlanne, Lord Commissioner of The Regalian State Metropolitan.
A reply was swiftly tacked onto Selthuriel's; right beside it for everyone to see.
Within it lay a crimson circle with two swords piercing it; the sigil of Carraq.
Passerbys state seeing an odd red-stained Kathar with an infernal eye violently smacking the notice onto the board.​




"What is this... ?"

Emile leaned uncomfortable close to the board upon seeing their best friend's name. Their eye would visibly twitch as they read over the notice and chewed irritably on the inside of their cheek.

"... 'Selthuriel Aredeth' ... Alright. I'll write that one down." They bitterly murmured under their breath as they walked away, cracking their knuckles.
A certain wallflower glances around after reading the posters and notices.

Calinwe doesn't dare make a comment of her own, but she does wonder what led Kathar and Death-mages to make threats and side with the Lord Commissioner.
The cold baroness was witnessed putting up her own statement.

These claims aimed at the Lord Commissioner are out of touch with reality, and a cheaply crafted shot with the attempt to make a smear on his name. I aspire for the reading public to reject conclusions that are forced upon them, and I suggest that the author immediately retract his manic statements.

No soul is truly rid from bias, that much I think we can all admit. Our loved ones are an important motivator to further our Empire. Using the Lord Commissioner's fiancée to plant public doubt in this manner is crass, and highly illegal.

Regurgitating your unpleasant experiences is not enough. My kind advice is to send a letter compiled with concrete evidence to the throne, and if They find it legitimate, he can be replaced.

Don't tack up written nonsense to win over the commoners' approval. It means nothing. Do something about it.





The Lord Commissioner Trent Nathamlanne has been of great service to the state, and for that matter, the operations of the Truth Ministry. For a considerable time (prior to the swift graces of the Crown Regent's punishment), Lady Aylin Rilynnlues had been a violently uncooperative patient for correctional treatment, and consistently evaded the eye of Reality Enforcers and Constables by remaining deep within the underground sewage canals.

However, for the few times her ladyship Aylin was successfully roped into any government building to face appropriate consequences, it had been thanks to the direct hand of her fiancé: Trent Nathamlanne. I cannot help but recall a recent conversation he and I shared together over my office desk, where in the midst of this relationship-threatening legal drama, I asked the Lord Commissioner, "Which do you hold in greater priority? This position, or your lover?" To which he responded, "This job. Though I care for Aylin and will always seek to help her in reasonable ways, I am the Lord Commissioner above everything else."

There is also something vital to be said about the citizens, aristocrats, and state officials alike who rally to Trent Nathamlanne's defense. We are each vastly different individuals, trodden from all walks of life. It is rare to find a Lord Commissioner who can appeal to every nook and cranny of the Regalian Archipelago, which is certain proof that he exists as a leader of justice free of corruption or bias. As it stands, his one publicly spoken enemy appears to be an Allorn whose first introduction to the polite Regalian eye would be a slanderous post, one not shy of twisting the reality of important events.

I bid thee, reader, to consider the stability and quiet peace of the city as of late, and nod credit to where credit is due. Join the ranks of the Metropolitan, proudly serve beneath our honorable Lord Commissioner, and have a responsible hand in the continued protection of our streets.​

Eminent to the Ministry of Truth,
- Dr. Therese Braunschweiger.
An Aelriggan simply chuckled as he read the exposé, leaning against a summoned sword of silver flame atop one of Regalia's particularly tall buildings.

"Yeah. Not the first guardsman to do that, when it comes to Aylin. Shame there's no proof, and no mention of the other nonsense he's found himself involved in."
A followup message has been posted beneath Selthuriel's original:
Sol-Maess Aredeth refused to recant the statements in this unpatriotic pamphlet circulated across the Holy City before three Viridian Knights and a crowd of citizens. Sol-Maess Aredeth has been duly punished for debasing and humiliating a government official in the public sphere.

The Emperor uses his apparatuses to funnel his love and security unto Regalians. Lord-Commissioner Trent Nathamlanne is an honorable man who has placed his life on the line countless times to protect the innocent and weak of this city, and to expulse the unjust. Defame him not; for he places duty to you above selfish desire.

There is no corruption in the State Metropolitan.

Lord-Protector Heinrich von Moritz
Viridian Knight