(Original art by @orangebubbly on twitter - I make no claims to their work)
Henri Nullm - The Nature Druid
Character Information
- Name: Hhelais "Henri" Burguk Nullm
- Nicknamed: Honour-Heart
- Race: Half-Eronidas (Half-Maraya)
- Age: 22
- Born Sex: Male
- Gender: Male (He/Him)
- Sexuality: Panicked Pansexual
- Occult (Optional): Nature Arkenborn
- Guild: Gloomfolk Order
Core Concept
- Idea: Middleborn of a gaggle of Arkenborn from different Arkens, Henri is a well travelled person who has strong beliefs. Having spent much of his life with his adventurer, and learning about his Arkenborn parent, he has seen a lot of the world, good and bad and it has allowed him to realise much about himself and his place in the world. Across the world civilisation grows, but with it's growth, nature is knocked away with little care. And while the growth of civilization has created marvels and changed much of life for the better, the cost has been just as high. As such, he sees himself and those like him a tool to balance out nature and civilization, both from his existence as an Arkenborn and his parents (one an adventurer, one an embodiment of nature).
- Religion: Henri exists in a relatively Agnostic life, subscribing more to the idea that multiple Gods exist and, despite some being more dangerous than others, they all have a part to play in the world and they do not need worship from everyone but still need to be respected in their own ways, or can be approached for guidance and help. Though of course this ideology is strained when thinking of Ordial and Void Gods, as they often go against nature, in terms of concepts like life, death and mutation. Henri does feel a lot more connections with Draconism and due to their connections with nature, keeping the balance and protecting life, and feels even more connected with a lot of Estelley due it's connections with him as an Arkenborn and their strong connections with life and nature as a whole.
Appearance Information
- Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features: Henri has Exist Arkenborn eyes (silver irises with a blue limbal ring) due to his Natureborn…nature. He also has the symbol of Nature across his chest and arms, which glows when he casts spells. In addition to this, he also has a number of scars from his general life in and around nature.
- General Appearance: While Henri looks mostly like his Arken parent due to his Eronidas features, including good muscle mass, standing tall at 6'4, having tusks and green skin, his relation back to his Maraya parentage is also visible. He has pastel coloured skin and red hair, as well as forehead ridges relating back to his father. His ears also have some minor relation back to his Maraya side, with little ring shapes at the tips and with the ears being longer than your average Eronidas. In terms of clothing, Henri is a simple man. He wears warm and bundled travelling clothes in the winter, and open and flowing clothes in the summer. Often the winter clothes have wools and furs in them and are natural colours, and it is the same for the ones in summer though they are more revealing (though he often doesn't realise how revealing they are).
- Alternative Forms: When taking on his Yanar form little changes about him, but his teeth become bark, his hair becomes red, thorny and ivy-covered vines and his skin takes on a barky texture. His colour scheme also follows along into his transformations, taking on a number of animalistic forms when fighting or getting around like elephants, hawks, wolves, horses, goats and more, with tufts of red and green across them.
Combat Style:
- True Mage
- Common
- Shalota
- Sofaal
- Vaman
Hobbies and Talents:
- Medical
- Alchemical
- Magical
Strength: 0
- Oceanic Pack (Eronidas)
Constitution: 0
- Rebound (Eronidas)
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 1
- Chem Revive
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 13
- Shapeshift Adaptation (Magical)
- Safeguard Adaptation (Magical)
- Magic Bolts
- Magic Push
- Magic Trip
- Magic Bolster
- Magic Summon
- Magic Revive
- Magic Feather
- Magic Warp
- Magic Smog
- Magic Snare
- Magic Barrier
- Henri was born in Anglia to his Nature Arken parent and his father, Thillathan in the middle of a glade. The Arken had surprised his father, and there was initially trepidation upon the surprise visit from the woman he believed initially to be some Eronidas shaman, but actually was the Nature Arken. But, with the truth revealed, and their brief night of unity and passion having made a child, Thillathan had little choice but to take Henri with him as the wilds were no place for him…yet. He was not safe with her, and so she was giving him to Thillathan. So, once Thillathan's writing and exploring was done there he planned to take Henri home to meet his sister in Sikassaro. Before he left, he briefly met the Nature Arken, who left him with a promise that she would keep an eye on the child and they would one day all see each other again. With that, and a final kiss on the forehead, his Arkenborn nature was revealed even at that young age.
- Growing up, Henri was an explorative sort, especially with his father being off most of the time. No one could tell him no before he rushed off out to the door to adventure. He loved going around and exploring as much of the city as he could, but most of all he loved looking out at the ocean. The diverse biosphere intrigued him to no end. And, being blessed with his Arken parents powers and general skill with magic even at this young age, he could explore it with the Allar children nearby too, seeing its wonders and giving him a lust to see beyond. The purity of nature would never fail to not draw him in again. During this time, his relationship with Vinny was tenuous, as often he wanted to be alone but his meddling sister would constantly try and be with him, experience joy with him or play pranks on him which annoyed him to no end. His relationship with Listariance.
- By his teenage years and after his sister burned down another house things changed for their family. People looked at them with suspicion and hatred, and Thillathan often was forced to stay around away from his adventures to keep them safe. This only pushed Henri to want to see more of the world even more, especially his homeland. And, when his sister had somewhat settled in Regalia, despite their differences, he was the one who urged his sibling to go with him to the isle. There, the trio went and met with Vinny, settling into New Town in a safer neighbourhood. Even if Vinny didn't live with them, they could still be together. But besides that, Henri then could go off with his father adventuring again. And together they did just that, exploring the Archipelago, and beyond, including visiting the place where he was born to see if the Arken was still there. And, even when they weren't, Henri still felt their presence. At this time Vinny and Henri had grown closer. Listariance and Henri.
- As he aged and saw more of the Archipelago, and beyond. And while he adventures and became known from the books his father wrote, he was always more interested in the flora and fauna of the lands he explored. And oftentimes, it disturbed him. In places like Drowda, Old Ceardia and some of Jadeheart, it was tainted by the corruption of other dimensions. And in some other places it was cut down purposely, like in Ithania where a noble once cut down a forest for a better view. The ideology he would be known for only grew. The purest part of the world (nature) being caught in the crossfire, unprotected for the most part from both the natural and unnatural. And while all had its place, in the grand scheme of things, he realised sometimes it needed a little push. This eventually led him to be visited one night during his and his fathers return to Regalia after their long travels by the Nature Arken in the form of his mother, who seemed to approve of his new state of mind, bringing him a staff. This staff, while mundane, held green gems from each of the lands he had travelled, as well as charms too, and without a word, it cemented him as the Druid he would become.
- After his father went on his next adventure, Henri decided to remain in Regalia this time, seeing it as the epicentre of civilization as well as disasters (both natural and occult). If anywhere was key to the balance of things, it was here. While in the city, he joined up with the Gloomfolk Order to help out in and around the forests as a tender, but also helped out with the patrol once in a while. He respects the simplicity and nature leaning ways of the order and the people that live out there, even if they don't entirely respect his nature as an Arkenborn or his magic. In the woods he also works at his magic via his staff and general being, becoming skilled very quickly. While in Regalia he additionally has met back up with Vinny and Listariance. With Vinny. With Listariance. But nonetheless, their family remains strong, and he constantly keeps up to date with his father when he is in the city to do so, and not sleeping in some tree.
(art by @M.T Black on Twitter - I make no claims to their work)

Henri Nullm - The Nature Druid

Character Information
- Name: Hhelais "Henri" Burguk Nullm
- Nicknamed: Honour-Heart
- Race: Half-Eronidas (Half-Maraya)
- Age: 22
- Born Sex: Male
- Gender: Male (He/Him)
- Sexuality: Panicked Pansexual
- Occult (Optional): Nature Arkenborn
- Guild: Gloomfolk Order
Core Concept
- Idea: Middleborn of a gaggle of Arkenborn from different Arkens, Henri is a well travelled person who has strong beliefs. Having spent much of his life with his adventurer, and learning about his Arkenborn parent, he has seen a lot of the world, good and bad and it has allowed him to realise much about himself and his place in the world. Across the world civilisation grows, but with it's growth, nature is knocked away with little care. And while the growth of civilization has created marvels and changed much of life for the better, the cost has been just as high. As such, he sees himself and those like him a tool to balance out nature and civilization, both from his existence as an Arkenborn and his parents (one an adventurer, one an embodiment of nature).
- Religion: Henri exists in a relatively Agnostic life, subscribing more to the idea that multiple Gods exist and, despite some being more dangerous than others, they all have a part to play in the world and they do not need worship from everyone but still need to be respected in their own ways, or can be approached for guidance and help. Though of course this ideology is strained when thinking of Ordial and Void Gods, as they often go against nature, in terms of concepts like life, death and mutation. Henri does feel a lot more connections with Draconism and due to their connections with nature, keeping the balance and protecting life, and feels even more connected with a lot of Estelley due it's connections with him as an Arkenborn and their strong connections with life and nature as a whole.
Appearance Information
- Mutations, Scars, Tattoos and Unique Features: Henri has Exist Arkenborn eyes (silver irises with a blue limbal ring) due to his Natureborn…nature. He also has the symbol of Nature across his chest and arms, which glows when he casts spells. In addition to this, he also has a number of scars from his general life in and around nature.
- General Appearance: While Henri looks mostly like his Arken parent due to his Eronidas features, including good muscle mass, standing tall at 6'4, having tusks and green skin, his relation back to his Maraya parentage is also visible. He has pastel coloured skin and red hair, as well as forehead ridges relating back to his father. His ears also have some minor relation back to his Maraya side, with little ring shapes at the tips and with the ears being longer than your average Eronidas. In terms of clothing, Henri is a simple man. He wears warm and bundled travelling clothes in the winter, and open and flowing clothes in the summer. Often the winter clothes have wools and furs in them and are natural colours, and it is the same for the ones in summer though they are more revealing (though he often doesn't realise how revealing they are).
- Alternative Forms: When taking on his Yanar form little changes about him, but his teeth become bark, his hair becomes red, thorny and ivy-covered vines and his skin takes on a barky texture. His colour scheme also follows along into his transformations, taking on a number of animalistic forms when fighting or getting around like elephants, hawks, wolves, horses, goats and more, with tufts of red and green across them.
Combat Style:
- True Mage
- Common
- Shalota
- Sofaal
- Vaman
Hobbies and Talents:
- Medical
- Alchemical
- Magical
Strength: 0
- Oceanic Pack (Eronidas)
Constitution: 0
- Rebound (Eronidas)
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 1
- Chem Revive
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 13
- Shapeshift Adaptation (Magical)
- Safeguard Adaptation (Magical)
- Magic Bolts
- Magic Push
- Magic Trip
- Magic Bolster
- Magic Summon
- Magic Revive
- Magic Feather
- Magic Warp
- Magic Smog
- Magic Snare
- Magic Barrier
- Henri was born in Anglia to his Nature Arken parent and his father, Thillathan in the middle of a glade. The Arken had surprised his father, and there was initially trepidation upon the surprise visit from the woman he believed initially to be some Eronidas shaman, but actually was the Nature Arken. But, with the truth revealed, and their brief night of unity and passion having made a child, Thillathan had little choice but to take Henri with him as the wilds were no place for him…yet. He was not safe with her, and so she was giving him to Thillathan. So, once Thillathan's writing and exploring was done there he planned to take Henri home to meet his sister in Sikassaro. Before he left, he briefly met the Nature Arken, who left him with a promise that she would keep an eye on the child and they would one day all see each other again. With that, and a final kiss on the forehead, his Arkenborn nature was revealed even at that young age.
- Growing up, Henri was an explorative sort, especially with his father being off most of the time. No one could tell him no before he rushed off out to the door to adventure. He loved going around and exploring as much of the city as he could, but most of all he loved looking out at the ocean. The diverse biosphere intrigued him to no end. And, being blessed with his Arken parents powers and general skill with magic even at this young age, he could explore it with the Allar children nearby too, seeing its wonders and giving him a lust to see beyond. The purity of nature would never fail to not draw him in again. During this time, his relationship with Vinny was tenuous, as often he wanted to be alone but his meddling sister would constantly try and be with him, experience joy with him or play pranks on him which annoyed him to no end. His relationship with Listariance.
- By his teenage years and after his sister burned down another house things changed for their family. People looked at them with suspicion and hatred, and Thillathan often was forced to stay around away from his adventures to keep them safe. This only pushed Henri to want to see more of the world even more, especially his homeland. And, when his sister had somewhat settled in Regalia, despite their differences, he was the one who urged his sibling to go with him to the isle. There, the trio went and met with Vinny, settling into New Town in a safer neighbourhood. Even if Vinny didn't live with them, they could still be together. But besides that, Henri then could go off with his father adventuring again. And together they did just that, exploring the Archipelago, and beyond, including visiting the place where he was born to see if the Arken was still there. And, even when they weren't, Henri still felt their presence. At this time Vinny and Henri had grown closer. Listariance and Henri.
- As he aged and saw more of the Archipelago, and beyond. And while he adventures and became known from the books his father wrote, he was always more interested in the flora and fauna of the lands he explored. And oftentimes, it disturbed him. In places like Drowda, Old Ceardia and some of Jadeheart, it was tainted by the corruption of other dimensions. And in some other places it was cut down purposely, like in Ithania where a noble once cut down a forest for a better view. The ideology he would be known for only grew. The purest part of the world (nature) being caught in the crossfire, unprotected for the most part from both the natural and unnatural. And while all had its place, in the grand scheme of things, he realised sometimes it needed a little push. This eventually led him to be visited one night during his and his fathers return to Regalia after their long travels by the Nature Arken in the form of his mother, who seemed to approve of his new state of mind, bringing him a staff. This staff, while mundane, held green gems from each of the lands he had travelled, as well as charms too, and without a word, it cemented him as the Druid he would become.
- After his father went on his next adventure, Henri decided to remain in Regalia this time, seeing it as the epicentre of civilization as well as disasters (both natural and occult). If anywhere was key to the balance of things, it was here. While in the city, he joined up with the Gloomfolk Order to help out in and around the forests as a tender, but also helped out with the patrol once in a while. He respects the simplicity and nature leaning ways of the order and the people that live out there, even if they don't entirely respect his nature as an Arkenborn or his magic. In the woods he also works at his magic via his staff and general being, becoming skilled very quickly. While in Regalia he additionally has met back up with Vinny and Listariance. With Vinny. With Listariance. But nonetheless, their family remains strong, and he constantly keeps up to date with his father when he is in the city to do so, and not sleeping in some tree.
(art by @M.T Black on Twitter - I make no claims to their work)
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