
yeah mostly just this and occasionally other stuff if its interesting, which it usually isn't tbh
if stuff ever end's i'll probably just start another thread and see what happens with that, or just quit the forums entirely and maybe name a successor
I've kind dropped out of playing massive at this point. Everyone I rp'd with moved on to other characters or severs, quit or disappeared. Sometimes a combo.

Once you get to the point where you're no longer a noob, but have fallen out of the groove, it's really, really hard to get back in. I don't really know how I came to be part of the cliques that I did, but they fell apart faster than new ones formed.

I've already unsubbed from most subforums on here. This is pretty much all I come back for, but I have to admit it's growing stale. Will I stop posting here? Probably not for a long time. Is it nearly the same as in the golden days? ...No. And I don't think it will be again.
My computer just straight up stopped running minecraft and nothing I do fixes it so I'm considering making a new account all together I really miss massivecraft it was nice
QUOTE="Q1ntum_shot, post: 941562, member: 15507"]My computer just straight up stopped running minecraft and nothing I do fixes it so I'm considering making a new account all together I really miss massivecraft it was nice[/QUOTE]
RIP, that's really weird.
QUOTE="Q1ntum_shot, post: 941562, member: 15507"]My computer just straight up stopped running minecraft and nothing I do fixes it so I'm considering making a new account all together I really miss massivecraft it was nice
RIP, that's really weird.[/QUOTE]
Fail but yea i think I need a new computer altogether tho
Dang forums and Android, I hit quote and started typing rip, but it put the quote after the r. So I tap between the r and the [ to delete the r, and stupid Android puts my cursor between the [ and the Q instead.
...Oddly, I'm also seeing notifications from this thread all the way back from Thursday for no reason. Not seeing any other notifications from within that time, just all the ones from here.
*pffft* Uh oh Stinky! Poop hahahahaha Poopies Funny poopies alalalahahaha Funny poop Poop funny Weeeeee Haha yay more poopy Good poopy Poopy funny hahahahaha poo poo poopoopoopoopoo funny Yay fun poop hehehe poo Poopy yay poop make me happy happy happy hahahahahahaaa uh oh I think I made a poopy Poop in pants no diaper That's funny hahahaha Oopsie Poopy underwear now hehehehe We want poopies! We want poopies! hahahahahahahhahahhaaa Poo cough POO!
Though, it really helps to have a plan for after college. Like, an apprenticeship or trade school or a college can get you motivated to take specific classes and just pass others. I took 3D printing shop after deciding I was gonna be an engineer and I had a ton more fun than all the kids that sat and did clash of clans, then after I had french 2 and that was just something I needed to do so I hardly did anything
american, im 19. majoring in creative writing, might double major with a foreign language. probably spanish or german since i already know some but i'm likely going to pick up russian, basque, or finnish. all very beautiful languages
american, im 19. majoring in creative writing, might double major with a foreign language. probably spanish or german since i already know some but i'm likely going to pick up russian, basque, or finnish. all very beautiful languages
Nice. I've actually only heard it called uni when British are around... You might do well with translating fiction with a double-major like that. I listen to a political podcast and this guy got a lot of publicity for translating a Spanish epic well.