

On the left we see a true Asian man, and on the right we see an Asian knockoff prostitute.
hes not holding the gun correctly. after that photo was taken, the Asian knockoff prostitute tore him and the camera man to shreds.
One doesn't need to hold a gun correctly to defeat an asian knockoff prostitute. Asian knockoff prostitutes fear guns naturally, as they are superior in every way to their faked martial arts.
One doesn't need to hold a gun correctly to defeat an asian knockoff prostitute. Asian knockoff prostitutes fear guns naturally, as they are superior in every way to their faked martial arts.
don't underestimate them. if guns worked that easily, they'd would've been dealt with a loooong time ago.
weebs can't fight. don't pretend they can actually naruto punch someone. put me in a fight with a weeb, two weebs, three weebs, and we'll see who wins. it'd be the person throwing real punches.
Eh, when I actually watched Maria the Virgin Witch, it was one of my favorite series. It wasn't your I'm gonna punch you with my super figet spinner, it was a lot more realistic.
they wish, except once you go over the wall you don't get super powers and grow big. You just get gang raped by mexicans and killed by the cartel.

Alright, night... I'm kinda tired.
And you destroy the source not the people, anime is like a virus, or a parasite. It can't f*ck itself to make two of it. So it gets a host and turns them into an weeb or otaku. So want to stop anime kill off the parasite and quarantine the infected in a safe location. Burn the manga and stop the productions. It's always gonna find a way into somewhere and is going to infect someone. So then the cycle continues.

Alright, night... I'm kinda tired.
And you destroy the source not the people, anime is like a virus, or a parasite. It can't f*ck itself to make two of it. So it gets a host and turns them into an weeb or otaku. So want to stop anime kill off the parasite and quarantine the infected in a safe location. Burn the manga and stop the productions. It's always gonna find a way into somewhere and is going to infect someone. So then the cycle continues.
You are a genius
this is actually accurate