
You can't call the stuff you see in the media today politics. It's just horse shit and hand grenades.
I would make an argument about politics, but instead allow me to make a meme about politics.


Alright, i'll stop, but let's face it, America's doomed anyways, might as well back my bags and move to Canada.
Lol funny because I could legit get a Canadian citizenship and do that. My father was born in Canada when his parents were on a vacation there, so he has one, and I can too. Although, by the time I'm legally allowed to move out there will be another election...
Lets start a riot. All wear vendetta masks and hoodies and burn shit. AnarchyFTW
There are 4 types of memesters in this world.

  • Those who seek out and befriend memes.
  • Those who collect and control memes.
  • Those who just surf the internet and laugh at random memes.
  • Those who just pull memes off of google when they need them.
Relatable Funny234.jpg
When every day you feel worse and worse and eventually lose nearly all self confidence and esteem so you just lie down waiting for the final blow that will finally crush your last hope.